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Jurassic World Weekend Thread | Official Est. 204.6M | 208.8M - Actuals

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This whole thing is shocking to me in a way. I honestly can't fathom how this beat Avengers 1. I find Avengers 1 a better film, but more on the marketing front, I wasn't super impressed by Jurassic World


But then again, it's super cool the record is being broken by a movie absolutely no one expected to break the record

This just shows how much love people have for JP1 plus not a lot of dinosaur movies in the last 10 years. This OW is beyond shocking.

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I still think the *level* of shock is perplexing. This isn't a foreign language documentary breaking the record. The first two films broke the OW record and the 3rd likely would have too if it had opened on a Friday.

it came out of nowhere the tracking wasn't this high the marketing wasn't great the reviews weren't great but it happened

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Are theses line to buy tickets or to get into a screening? 



If they are to get into screening it makes sense..



If its  it buy tickets, then I am just lost for words in tech fail. 

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How many times have people written off Marvel?

Iron Man blows up then they put out a few weaker films.

People write them off. It must be end for superheroes.

Avengers blows up then they put out a couple weaker films.

People write them off. "Marvel was a fluke."

Then GotG and Winter Soldier blows up...

You see a trend?

Who worte them off after avengers really who but there flagship sunk a little it is fair to cast doubt on them especially since they made a bad movie

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I still think the *level* of shock is perplexing. This isn't a foreign language documentary breaking the record. The first two films broke the OW record and the 3rd likely would have too if it had opened on a Friday.


The last two performed so well that the franchise went into hibernation for 14 years. Most figured it was dead. There were clearly diminishing returns with the 3rd one and even the 2nd one compared to the first film's performance.

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holy FUCK did they over sell Jurassic World tickets I can NOT believe this many people will fit in 1 theater. Never seen a line so long ever

— Reagster (@Charmeddegon) June 14, 2015

this line for Jurassic World is like a mile long!

— David (@D_Garcia31) June 14, 2015

The line for jurassic world is stupid long

— Matthew Madrona (@WizMadrona) June 14, 2015

Spillover could help it beat TDKs Monday and Tuesday grosses, unfucking believable.

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So $210m is in play....possibly more. A shocking weekend.

This is all down to the power of nostalgia. I expect big things for Star Wars, The Peanuts Movie, BvS, Independence day 2 and Ghostbusters 3.



Has been a fun day.

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Are theses line to buy tickets or to get into a screening? 



If they are to get into screening it makes sense..



If its  it buy tickets, then I am just lost for words in tech fail. 


It's a combination of the two. Lines for both things. Some people are giving up, so I assume they're in the ticket lines.

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I really hope Inside Out isn't destroyed by Jurassic World. JW is entertaining but kinda lacking and although I haven't seen Inside Out yet, I have a feeling I'll like it more.

Yeah same. But maybe family audiences will opt for Inside Out if Jurassic World is sold out. :ph34r:  It's also the first Pixar film in 2 years and first animated film since March.  I hope they can co-exist. I need IO to get $70 million+ for biggest opening weekend not at #1. Oh and I think I'd like a film that has a 100% approval rating with 28 reviews  :D  :P

Edited by Arlo245
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So $210m is in play....possibly more. A shocking weekend.

This is all down to the power of nostalgia. I expect big things for Star Wars, The Peanuts Movie, BvS, Independence day 2 and Ghostbusters 3.

Star, BVS, yes ghostbuters maybe but independence day no, no goldblum no smith and it isn't half as well remembered as Jurassic park so no way

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I just can't with this. I can't. $600M? Hell even $500M? I DIDN'T THINK THIS MOVIE WOULD EVEN MAKE $260. I gave the movie a B, it's not the best movie ever, but I had a lot of fun, and I love big box office, so I'm not complaining about this run. This is just truly remarkable. THIS is the runs I love. 


This is the same movie that everyone was freaking out because their was no new trailer in front of F7. This is the same movie everyone was freaking out because there was an embargo. This is the same movie everyone was freaking out because Gopher hated it and it looked like his opinion could be the general one. This is the same movie everyone was freaking out after the first trailer because of tamed raptors and "shitty CGI." And now look. I just can't wrap my head around this. I know nothing is locked yet, but damn just let me enjoy this. 


So crazy.

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Yeah same. But maybe family audiences will opt for Inside Out if Jurassic World is sold out. It's also the first pixar film in 2 years and first animated film since March  :ph34r:  I hope they can co-exist. I need IO to get $70 milion+ for biggest opening weekend not at #1. Oh and I think I'd like a film that has a 100% approval rating with 28 reviews  :D  :P


Inside out is my 3rd most anticipated movie of the year so I will be seeing it. 

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