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Weekend Estimates: JW: 102 IO 91...RTH: Sun JW 38.3 | IO 25.3 with possible upsides PG 287, possible 107M for JW weekend

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There was a thread where a few of us were saying it might not do 500M and people were FREAKING OUT. That was only a few weeks before release


People get it into their heads that the sequels to mega-hits MUST be mega-hits. Same thing will happen with Jurassic World 2


The worst will be Ep 8. After TFA completes its historic every record breaking run (just accept it as your lord and savior now people), people will be very upset when Ep8 inevitably has a big dropoff just like ESB and AotC before it.

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I thought it was mostly terrible, in almost every way.


This is precisely why it would be fantastic if it beats Avatar.  We'll never hear another serious money defense argument again from internet fanboys.

Edited by Ozymandias
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The worst will be Ep 8. After TFA completes its historic every record breaking run (just accept it as your lord and savior now people), people will be very upset when Ep8 inevitably has a big dropoff just like ESB and AotC before it.


Episode 8, Guardians 2, Jurassic World 2, whatever the big followup to Batman v Superman is (Justice League, I guess?)


We're going to see a lot of it over the next few years

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That's the thing, 460 is a mega hit. :lol: You'd think it flopped. JP4 devoured all the buzz from TA2's run.


TA2 became TASM2 on a larger scale. Cap 2 and DOFP did something similar to TASM2 last year as Furious 7 and JW did to TA2.

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I'm chuckling at the fact that the Marvelites on the board are having epic meltdowns after they spent the last year just bringing up how much AOU was going to own the summer in literally every single thread.


I haven't seen any meltdowns from Marvel fans about JW breaking the record.


In fact... most the talk I've seen about it is from people trying provoke a reaction.

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Let's hope Universal learns from Marvel's mistake and doesn't bombard us with dino sequels and spinoffs to the point of nausea. 


Yup, not everything needs a "universe" or interconnected stories. Sometimes a direct sequel continuing the story will do, and sometimes you should just let the story lie without ever making any sequels (in a perfect world of course).


The only logical "universes" out there are the Marvel ones, the DC ones, X-Men(/Fantastic Four if they want to) and Star Wars. Mainly because a universe is not being force-fitted there, as the source material and fan desire exists there. Literally no one wants a Transformers connected universe, or a Spider-Man universe or the Universal Monsters Universe, the Robin Hood Universe or whatever Lionsgate is probably cooking up for a Hunger Games/Divergent/Twilight universe once they run out of YA books to adapt.

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I preferred JP3 over LW for the same reason I preferred XMen3 over the first two: if you're going to be making a silly, over-the-top movie, I'd rather you just strip all pretense and dive in and have fun rather than cloak it in pretentious ideas.


JP and JW are in a world above those two, though.  It's not even a "franchise" in the normal sense.

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GODZILLA was much better than JW.


if you didn't like JW, then it's assumed that you think all good movies are better than JW.  you don't need to list every good movie ever made for us to grasp your opinion when it was stated clearly already

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