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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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Natalie Portman doesn't bring her A game to every role.

She could learn alot from Tom Cruise.

Dude never phones it in.


 Every role? Honestly, it's more like most of her roles. She does hit it out of the park on the rare occasion but most of the time, she seems kind of disinterested. 

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Prediction: A Force Awakens with either be one of the best movies of the 21st century or one of the most disappointing.


I think as long as it's better than the prequels, people will be relieved at the very least. Lord, I don't think the world can handle another bad SW movie.

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You can blame me for Tele's elitist film attitude now.  For some reason, ever since he went to the LA Kings game, his film taste has gotten all out of whack.  Maybe they served him caviar and wine at the Kings game and now it's fried his brain.  He can no longer enjoy good films, he looks for something wrong in everything...ever since that damn hockey game.  

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It's been a while since a weekend thread hit 100 pages.

I guess it only happens when a there's a huge weekend or there's a legendary flop like FF.

After next weekend, the weekend threads should be lucky to hit 50 pages for a few weeks.

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I think as long as it's better than the prequels, people will be relieved at the very least. Lord, I don't think the world can handle another bad SW movie.

It could be two hours of Harrison Ford reading a phone book and be better than the prequels.

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God dammit Kieth: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/news/?id=4093&p=.htm

"The Gift is doing better than expected, making $4.12M in Friday totals (with only $585K of that from Thursday), placing it in the $10M range. That's better than The Box (which, for some reason, is the first movie we think of in association with this) which made $7.5M in 2009 ($8M adjusted to 2015 prices)."

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I remember someone predicted it would do well in Japan based on Jurassic Park's performance there.

The first JP was a blockbuster in Japan, but the sequels made less and less. I had some doubts it could be huge there, but I'm glad Japan has started drinking the JW KoolAid! :ph34r:

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