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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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The Casting didn't help and neither did Jordan.. Sure, there were other factors that caused the movie to bomb, but you can't sweep the casting under the rug.. Diversity simply didn't work for this movie.. If it's not broken folks, don't fix it...

No. The casting had 0 effect on why this movie bombed. 

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lol Tree. Cjohn meant in their worlds. The X-Men, mutants are hated and the FF are treated like celebrities 

I think he means within the universe. Mutants are discriminated against, the Fantastic Four are not.

I guess some people understood :lol: Thanks.




Stop bringing up True Detective.

It was the perfect set up to bring that quote up and you know it.

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It's certainly not automatic, especially given at one age one is adopted. In fact, pending any specific story points that mention otherwise, I think the basic assumption is that an adopted child growing up in a loving, accepting family feels just as much part of that family as they would otherwise. Your assumption is that inevitably and automatically they wouldn't.

This is a world where people can turn invisible and have weird powers... is it really so hard to accept a basic assumption that they're a united family regardless of birth or adoption?


Since they didn't act much like brother and sister at all in the movie, it was hard to believe that they were related at all. And the race of the characters wouldn't have changed that either. They didn't seem like siblings.

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That's because you were onboard for the casting from the get go dude, right down to casting Jordan, so naturally, you're going to say that..


Yes but you were offboard for the casting from the get go dude, right down to casting Jordan, so naturally, you're going to say it hurt the film.

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Fox is better off doing X-Force and New Mutant crossovers with X-men. That actually makes sense within the X-men universe and could actually launch various spinoffs successfully.


Forcing the FF into the mix is like pouring orange juice into a bowl of cereal.

The whole idea reeks of Fux ineptitude and desperation.    In what universe would anyone even bring up a way to use FF now?   It's 100% about keeping the rights to something that is worth almost nothing thanks to them.


LOL I don't think Marvel will even bother to buy the rights back, they'll just let them revert when the time is up instead of forking over cash for damaged goods (at the moment they are probably furious with how one of their chief properties has been devalued and set in ruins as much as this has). I'll be shocked if Fox tries again after this. No one is coming near this property for at least another decade, if not longer.

It certainly needs at least a decade to rest and recharge.   But the horrible Fux deal won't allow logic to be a part of it.


It took awhile but the crumbling finally happened.


Titanic is safe.

Cameron's decision to re-release Titanic was a very wise move in hindsight.   It would have fallen to #4 by now if he hadn't done that.


 Also I find it funny how many people tried to trash Tim Story's "F4" films when looking back they both did pretty well at the box office. 

The first one for sure.   I also disagreed with the critics on the first one too.   Aside from the horrible casting for Dr Doom and "meh" casting for Sue, I thought it was pretty good.    The Johnny/Ben stuff by itself made me like the movie.

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That's because you were onboard for the casting from the get go dude, right down to casting Jordan, so naturally, you're going to say that..

We can say this about every movie. 


In the end, it doesn't matter. Believe me, those 26M are mostly fanboys. The proof is that most of us have seen the movie and we are all fanboys. It was the GA the movie failed to attract because the marketing was terrible and the reviews killed it. 

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Yes but you were offboard for the casting from the get go dude, right down to casting Jordan, so naturally, you're going to say it hurt the film.



3 hours until the final episode, right?

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And it did hurt the movie and everyone knows it, but I'll meet you 1/2 way and say it wasn't the sole reason, deal??


I've got no stake in this one, I'm just being goofy.

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3 MORE HOURS  :tvscared:



And it did hurt the movie and everyone knows it, but I'll meet you 1/2 way and say it wasn't the sole reason, deal??

Tbh I can't agree but we don't need to keep discussing it. Lets agree to disagree and move on?

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No. The casting had 0 effect on why this movie bombed. 

I don't think that's true.   It reeked of stunt casting.   Reed Richards is Peter Parker now?   And Sue and Johnny aren't brother and sister any longer?     The casting was another indication of how badly the whole project was handled.   Fux sux.

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The movie not sucking would have also helped.

It would have probably helped a lot. The toxic WOM is gonna be glorious to see going in full effect next weekend. 

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