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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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Just saw Last Tango in Paris at Film Forum. Great movie, but I was a little lost in the part after Brando died and they cut to the 'ONE YEAR LATER' title card and he's alive and the movie becomes a straight romcom.

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Fox is done with the Superhero genre.

One more Wolverine from Fox, Marvel will reboot X-Men & F4 under Disney once they get the rights back.

Fox won't sell the rights to X-men unless they become communist and begin to hate money.

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Fox won't sell the rights to X-men unless they become communist and begin to hate money.


C'mon, how many times they are gonna reboot X-Men. They re-cycle the series once already. People gonna smell evil double-dipping and  bail. Look at F4. Look at Mockingjay Part 1. People hate it when their pockets get double-dipped.

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Fox is done with the Superhero genre.

One more Wolverine from Fox, Marvel will reboot X-Men & F4 under Disney once they get the rights back.

 That could be awhile.


After one relatively poor attempt at covering his origin then a decent but loose adaption of his Japan adventure, I'd like to see the definitive Wolverine film with Jackman. They've already used the Weapon X story in X2 then wasted the Origin adaption in XOW and loosely adapted the Wolverine Limited Series in TW. The only place to go would be a Madripoor film with him as Patch. Even though it's not my favorite Wolverine tale, I wouldn't mind that, but too bad Marvel owns Jessica Drew(or the Hulk for that matter). Maybe they can bring back Harada who apparently died in TW as the real Silver Samurai, not the robotic monstrosity that nearly ruined the film.

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C'mon, how many times they are gonna reboot X-Men. They re-cycle the series once already. People gonna smell evil double-dipping and  bail. Look at F4. Look at Mockingjay Part 1. People hate it when their pockets get double-dipped.

There are more X-men comics than James Bond book PAGES.

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