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Official Weekend Estimates: Straigth Outta Compton - 56.1M; The Man From UNCLE - 13.5M; MI5 - 17.3M; Fantastic Four - 8M

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I mean, the Beatles are the most popular and high-selling act of all-time. They're the Beatles, man. They had such an influence that it set off a domino of influence that trickles down to nearly every act today. Their records still sell. I still see people wearing the T-Shirts all the time. They come up in any discussion of the greatest musical acts ever....


around 15y++ back I had a conversation with 2 teens here (o.K. not really correct, one ws 12y). Both didn't know neither the music nor even the name 'Beatles'. The older one knew at least, that the 'Rolling Stones' are a band.

= the first time I had that feeling: umpf, now it happens, I am too old now for knowing what the next generation might interest/know... I still think their music teacher failed (they had the same teacher in different years)


I don't blame studios for not releasing movies with black cast overseas since they don't do well.

But why are predominantly white films the only ones with universal, global appeal?


I think it depends also on what the story is about. E.g. a movie about Martin Luther King might be get chances, if it is called as such (has his name in the title) and actually shows his life and not only a short time-span.

Or if the story tells something not especially 'counting' for other countries too, it might be difficult to even advertise.

E.g. a mvie about a Chinese family having to relocate for bad reasons... can be an interesting movie, heartbracking, uplifting... but it's chances might be not that good here neither.

I think people connect to things they can feel they have experienced similar feelings about or action or.... 

Or they watch an explosion movie for the usual escape-reasons or so.


But about a band with music that is not music per se, but music-supported tellings of situations we non US people might not know, spoken in a language 'version' even trained in English people might have massive problems to understand... = not a lot of people here seem to know that band (but Dr Dru and Ice Cube even I recognise as names) = I am guessing it might depend on the advertising.

If they point them out as starters for rap (a bit generally formulated) , add in the more well known names of the artists,... and also about the actuality of them like in connection to the world-wide news-making situation with police problems... (in case that is mentioned in the movie)... it might even have a chance here.


Some movies include seemingly consciously the humor, interest, favourists (?)... of other markets IMHO, those seem to have the best chances for big ww's

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I don't blame studios for not releasing movies with black cast overseas since they don't do well.

But why are predominantly white films the only ones with universal, global appeal?

I have no idea. I actually never saw Get Hard because it didn't opened in the theater closer to my home and I had tons of exams at the time. The Wedding Ringer unfortunately also ended up getting released when I was on exams season. 

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That's just bullcrap that Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld came up with so they have an excuse to go to bigger and more friendly venues where they don't have to bring their A-game to make the money they want. Me and my friends do stand-up and sketch comedy on a college campus. Go to bars and clubs around all the time. We talk about sex, drugs, race, and all kinds of other political shit. Pretty risque stuff, honestly. And people don't get offended, because most of the stand up comics talk about shit in a funny, clever, intelligent way, not just "herp derp how do you fit 100 Jews in a car?!?" Someone like Louis CK talks about that kind of shit ALL the time and almost every "liberal whiner" I know fucking loves it, because it's sharp and it means something. Maybe instead of saying people are too sensitive you should just be more funny. 


Yup, a female stand-up college came to my college last year and she was doing all sorts of stereotypes, and nobody got up in arms about, they were actually laughing, because she was genuinely funny.

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Universal had previously predicted a very conservative $25 to $30 million opening....


Beyond the fandom around N.W.A. and the timeliness of the themes, Universal also launched a clever marketing campaign around the film, Straight Outta Somewhere, which allows social media users to insert photos in the iconic Straight Outta Compton album cover and write in a hometown of their choosing.

There have been over 5.4 million downloads to date and it trended No. 1 across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for two days in a row.

'We've got the best marketers in the business and they understand their audiences,' Carpou said. 'The good news here is it attaches to a product that we're exceedingly proud of.'

According to exit polls, audiences for the R-rated film were evenly divided between genders, 51 percent were under the age of 30, 46 percent were African-American and 23 percent Caucasian. ...

'Straight Outta Compton" is Universal's 6th film to open over $50 million in 2015 and broke the August record for an R-rated opening...



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So how bout that Straight Outta Compton, huh guys?

Bigger than MI5. It will end up pretty close to Ant-Man without 3D or IMAX. It is gonna win the next 2 weekends, potentially 3, at the box office... Tele, I present my resignation to the Mod position right now. I am done with this shit  :lol:

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Fant4stic is a disappointing flop.


We dreamed of a 80%+ drop but the movie struggled to do -70%.



It is still the lowest weekend ever for any movie playing on over 4000 theaters...


Edited by CJohn
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