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HIDDEN FIGURES | 12.25.16 | Fox | Stage musical in the works

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2 hours ago, Talkie said:


Using TV Tropes as a reference when stereotyping women of color is the definition of shallow, IMO. 


At this point, I am through with movies and shows that try to humanize inhuman behavior. When and if I write a story based on my experiences growing up in the segregated South, you can bet your ass I am not going to try to get into the heads of the men under the Klan sheets who tried to burn my family out of our home. I know what their reasoning was, believe me: "How dare those n-----s build a new house when we told them not to?" But does that matter and do I give a shit? Fuck no. Sympathy for the devils is something I will never have. 


I'm completely open to a less provocative label if you can think of one. But regardless of what you call it Octavia Spencer is typecast as a certain stock character (though the sense I'm getting from reviews is it is toned down in this movie). 


You are free to continue looking  at this as a one sided issue but that wasn't the view MLK took. As difficult as it may be, progress can only come through mutual understanding. Demonizing never leads anywhere good 

Edited by tribefan695
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2 hours ago, tribefan695 said:


I'm completely open to a less provocative label if you can think of one. But regardless of what you call it Octavia Spencer is typecast as a certain stock character (though the sense I'm getting from reviews is it is toned down in this movie). 


You are free to continue looking  at this as a one sided issue but that wasn't the view MLK took. As difficult as it may be, progress can only come through mutual understanding. Demonizing never leads anywhere good 



Martin was a hero but so was Malcolm. I understand my enemies perfectly, which is why I give no quarter. There are times when peace is best enforced with guns. My family had plenty back then because we needed them. 

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54 minutes ago, water said:

i cannot believe this is up for debate for some people, in the hidden figures thread of all places. every kkk member deserves a painful death


The KKK are nothing more than domestic terrorists. Their motivations are irrelevant. It's impossible to have a dialogue with people whose stated mission is to commit genocide against all minorities. 

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Safe to say I hardly find this bloodlust to be a comforting means to resolving a historic and extremely complex sociological issue, but this is far beyond the scope of what this thread should be about


Anyway, I concede that it seems this movie is more than I gave it credit for based on the advertising

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1 hour ago, tribefan695 said:

Safe to say I hardly find this bloodlust to be a comforting means to resolving a historic and extremely complex sociological issue, but this is far beyond the scope of what this thread should be about


Anyway, I concede that it seems this movie is more than I gave it credit for based on the advertising


If ever terrorists try to firebomb your house in the middle of the night I hope you will respond with compassionate understanding of the psychological and sociological factors that drove them to such extremes of violence. That should help you to cope with the decades of nightmares and flashbacks you will have to live with. 

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1 hour ago, Talkie said:


If ever terrorists try to firebomb your house in the middle of the night I hope you will respond with compassionate understanding of the psychological and sociological factors that drove them to such extremes of violence. That should help you to cope with the decades of nightmares and flashbacks you will have to live with. 


Talkie, you know damn well that white supremacy and white privilege are so insidiously prevalent in our society that people will continually try to chalk up racism to "complex sociological issues." Remember, when a person of color does something evil, people blame the person and the entire group to which they belong (and they are dehumanized/criminalized/demonized). When a white male does something evil, people blame society and the system, and their behavior gets excused, justified, and sociologically/psychologically dissected to the point of relieving them of responsibility. In other words, black criminals are just criminals, thugs, and damaged goods, while white criminals are victims, tragic cautionary tales, and psychologically scarred.


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On 02/12/2016 at 2:21 AM, tribefan695 said:


Yes, it would. Because it looks like it's hitting the same shallow, didactic beats any dime a dozen made for TV movie does. The women are the most capable people for the job, the system keeps them down, Octavia Spencer's sassy black woman rallies everyone together to overcome the odds and provides broad one liners along the way, and the audience cheers and unh huhs. No attempt at nuance or trying to seriously understand the other side.



A white guy complains about a movie set during segregation era that a white antagonist is only defined by his racism toward the protagonist by labeling the real life brilliant NASA mathematician protagonist, a "sassy black woman"...Yeah, nothing new under the sun.


This movie is telling a story that has never been told before but someone's first reaction is definetely to get riled up like "Stop it already, enough!". Yeah, there always must be some deep and nuanced explanation why someone could be hateful, something irrational must always have rational explanations to be believable or else it isn't worthy. But I guess Kevin Costner's character as "Look, not totally racist paternalistic white guy" is not enough for your high standards. (I'm not sure you really want an essay lecturing about the rooted systemic racism and exploring its socio-political ramifications throughout 200 years of US history in a feel-good movie about NASA female mathematicians working on first US space programs...Because if it actually was, I bet you would rant and vent about "SJW this, Libtard White guilt that")


Do you state that you openly dismiss WWII and Holocaust movies when they don't portray and delve into the "complex" and "nuanced" psychology of Nazis characters as much as the jewish characters when the latter are the focus of the story? Do you roll your eyes like "enough already with Holocaust movies and one dimensional Nazis bad guys portrayals"? Saving Private Ryan must be shallow then because I hardly recall any Nazi antagonist to be developed into nuanced characters like the protagonists. No such thing as POV in fiction, right? Maybe this movie is framed through the POV and lens of the actual black female protagonists, wild thought, I concur.


And frankly, delving into Amon Goeth's psychology in Spielberg's Schindler's list, the only thing I got after three hours is that he was just a hateful shitbag no matter how you slice it. Not an amazingly complex human being whose antisemitism and despicable actions were rational.

Edited by dashrendar44
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8 hours ago, Talkie said:


The KKK are nothing more than domestic terrorists. Their motivations are irrelevant. It's impossible to have a dialogue with people whose stated mission is to commit genocide against all minorities. 


i 100% agree

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Just now, ban1o said:

It also got nominated for best ensemble at the screen actors guild awards 


Yay!! I am incredibly curious as to how this will perform when Oscar nods come around. I have seen lots of love for Octavia Spencer and Janelle Monae (and I hope Taraji gets some recognition too), and I wonder if any of them will hear their names being mentioned when the Academy Award nominations are announced.

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