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37 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


You cannot replicate what MARVEL is doing in the same way for the DC Characters because DC characters are more known for it's serious tone and trying to inject humor on these characters when they're not known for that is going to backfire, not to mention the fact that DC fans do not want DC characters to copy MARVEL'S Blueprint and want it to remain it's own entity.. The best thing for DC/WB to do is not try and compete with MARVEL, PERIOD.. Just do your own thing..



This paragraph shows an incredible lack of comprehension.

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1 hour ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


How so??? Where was the humor in TDK Trilogy or MOS or even BvsS??? There was none and please, don't say there was cause you know damn well there wasn't, even if you interpreted something as funny in the movie, for the most part, it was painfully serious and that's how these characters simply are.. Aside from Bruce Wayne, the roster is comprised of nothing more than humorless Gods..


Yep DC has no campy heroes or villains. 

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2 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


How so??? Where was the humor in TDK Trilogy or MOS or even BvsS??? There was none and please, don't say there was cause you know damn well there wasn't, even if you interpreted something as funny in the movie, for the most part, it was painfully serious and that's how these characters simply are.. Aside from Bruce Wayne, the roster is comprised of nothing more than humorless Gods..

The Dark Knight was really funny and humorous or are you forgetting the joker character that was so great writed and acted in that movie.

Edited by edmkh
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6 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


You cannot replicate what MARVEL is doing in the same way for the DC Characters because DC characters are more known for it's serious tone and trying to inject humor on these characters when they're not known for that is going to backfire, not to mention the fact that DC fans do not want DC characters to copy MARVEL'S Blueprint and want it to remain it's own entity.. The best thing for DC/WB to do is not try and compete with MARVEL, PERIOD.. Just do your own thing..


That's not really true, as a bigger DC fan as far as comics go, they have humor, or at least or not as dry and dull as the movies, have you seen the animated WW or JL tV show? there is tons of humor in them! heck even batman is humorous at points and it works out great. and Flash is basically DC's version of Spider-Man. the original Superman movies had tons of humor and it worked great, in fact Humor is an integral part of who superman is, becuase he knows he has to make fun of himself a bit to have his clark kent persona, that was not limited to the movies either, he does the same in All Star Superman and many other comics. Maybe if you weren't such a marvel fanboy you could pick up a DC comic and realize it is WB's post Nolan DC universe that wants to nuke the humor out of their characters. Their characters have a lot of diversity the problem is WB (and Definitely Synder), acts like they are ashamed of half of them. how can they expect the general public to embrace their characters if they don't?


I'm not sure what you mean by not try and compete with Marvel. they are rival studios so of course they should. but your right they can't expect to get from A to Z without out going from B and C first. that's a huge mistake they made. they need to fire Synder. that man is poison. he does not have any respect for the characters, I just watched an interview where he said he couldn't have Superman and Batman talk while they were in the suites because he couldn't take anything they said seriously, that was honestly the biggest mistake DC/WB has ever made and until they get ride of him their DCEU will suffer. The fact they are making JL with him makes we worry they are already too late. 



Edited by Kalo
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4 minutes ago, Kalo said:


That's not really true, as a bigger DC fan as far as comics go, they have humor, or at least or not as dry and dull as the movies, and their characters have a lot of diversity the problem is WB (and Definitely Synder), acts like they are ashamed of half of their characters, how can they except the general public to embrace their characters of they don't.


I'm not sure what you mean by not try and compete with Marvel. they are rival studios so of course they should. but your right they can't expect to get from A to Z without out going from B and C first. that's a huge mistake they made. they need to fire Synder. that man is poison. he does not have any respect for the characters, I just watched an interview where he said he couldn't have Superman and Batman talk while they were in the suites because he couldn't take anything they said seriously, that was honestly the biggest mistake DC/WB has ever made and until they get ride of him their DCEU will suffer. The fact they are making JL with him makes we worry they are already too late. 




WTF? They do this all the time in the comics and it worked so well in the animated movies and shows. That is part of the chemistry between the characters especially given it's bats and supes. If Snyder really said that he should have been fired on the spot.

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8 minutes ago, DMan7 said:


WTF? They do this all the time in the comics and it worked so well in the animated movies and shows. That is part of the chemistry between the characters especially given it's bats and supes. If Snyder really said that he should have been fired on the spot.



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2 minutes ago, Kalo said:




This is the same man some people on here are defending tooth and nail despite everything everyone else are telling them about this hack?



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13 hours ago, TalismanRing said:


May 17, 2016 7:30pm PT by Borys Kit

'Batman v Superman' Fallout: Warner Bros. Shakes Up Executive Roles (Exclusive)




Just making official what was already going on in a practical level to be honest. It's just some PR move.


Regarding Suicide Squad reshoots you should read the last couple of pages of the Suicide Squad thread. That movie has so much potential.

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7 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


There was absolutely 0 humor in the TDK Trilogy, PERIOD unless you have this warped sense of humor that other people don't.. It was a pretty violent movie..

Remember the scene on the rooftop between Batman and Queen Hathaway in Rises?

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8 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


Too bad SS will be a letdown like BvsS was and with a title like SUICIDE SQUAD, I wouldn't exactly count on family fare type of turnout..

Well, while you are in this whole business of seeing into the future, do you mind handing me the next lottery numbers?


Jokes aside, nothing so far indicates SS will be a let down, quite the opposite in fact. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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4 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


50M OW for SS and that's being generous, all things considered.. I'm not holding my breath on this... This is certainly not GOTG if that's where you're heading??

50M OW for SS? At or Under 50m and I give this site $20, over 50m and you do it. What do you say of this bet?

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9 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


THAT'S NOT A CAR!!!!!!!! Or whatever the hell the dialogue was exchanged when she met his new fancy bat gadget??? Sorry, but I still maintain that there was genuinely nothing humorous about the Nolan Bat Trilogy unless it was a sole personal thing you found funny as a fan, but for the most part, they were painfully serious and quite frankly, given that it's a DC movie, I wouldn't have expected it any other way...Having these characters all of a sudden start "Nyuck Nyuck Nyucking it up" in these movies and start cracking jokes like MARVEL does, even in CW, would make these characters seem out of place and forced..

When he's talking to her and turns around quickly only to turn around to see she isn't there and says "so that's what that feels like."

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28 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


Too bad SS will be a letdown like BvsS was and with a title like SUICIDE SQUAD, I wouldn't exactly count on family fare type of turnout..


Deadpool proved that you don't need family quadrant to release a successful movie.

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34 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


And they're not going to terminate Snyder, so why would anyone expect JUSTICE LEAGUE to be any better than BvsS??? This is a disaster all over again and repeating the same mistakes, but whatever.. That's on WB/DC at this point...


Actually I think they will after JL releases. but it will probably be too late by then. 

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