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43 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Star Wars fans who are constantly whining about the Marvel "formula" should take a hard & long look at themselves in the mirror.

Warning : It s not pretty.

Considering how the SW Franchise has pretty much used the basic plot from "A New Hope" twice ("The Phantom Menace " and "The Force Awakens" I agree the SW fans should not talk about other franchsies using Formula.

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44 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Star Wars fans who are constantly whining about the Marvel "formula" should take a hard & long look at themselves in the mirror.

Warning : It s not pretty.

Since the 'Marvel formula' is actually 'make good movies that people want to go see' I have no problems looking into the Star Wars mirrow.

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Of course I am weird ..at least in the world of fandom..because I judge individual films,not franchises as a whole.

I could make the argument that every Franchise tends to use a formula;it's when their is not a lot of variation within the formula that problems happen,and the films begin to look the same.


Edited by dudalb
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6 minutes ago, AndyLL said:

Since the 'Marvel formula' is actually 'make good movies that people want to go see' I have no problems looking into the Star Wars mirrow.

Marvel has managed a pretty high level of good films in their franchises; They have had a couple of weak entries. but the only Marvel film I would classify as out and out bad film would be Iron Man  3..and even that had a few redeeming qualaties.


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1 hour ago, MyMovieCanBeatUpYourMovie said:

Given how successful the 3 MCU films released this year were, I would imagine that would be the standard number of films a year for them going forward.


If they were to suddenly get access to the X-Men and FF, I could see them ramping it up to 4 or 5 a year pretty quickly.

I have to quibble;Spiderman Homecoming though set in the MCU was a Sony Production;it was not made or released by Marvel Studios;though a lot of MCU people "Moonlighted" on the film.


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Well, looks like will get the Fox fanfare back in the Star Wars movies if this deal goes through.


And a friendly reminder to the people who think Deadpool will be pussyfied by Disney:


Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Gangs Of New York, Sin City. All of those released by Disney under the Miramax banner. Daredevil, The Punisher, and other Marvel Netflix shows rated TV MA produced by ABC Studios owned by Disney. And they still have Touchstone for Adult fare movies too.

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4 minutes ago, Boxx93 said:

And a friendly reminder to the people who think Deadpool will be pussyfied by Disney:


Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Gangs Of New York, Sin City. All of those released by Disney under the Miramax banner. Daredevil, The Punisher, and other Marvel Netflix shows rated TV MA produced by ABC Studios owned by Disney. And they still have Touchstone for Adult fare movies too.

That could be misleading, not sure it is really representative to say Disney release under Miramax banner, like it was disney releasing stuff through the Touchstone banner and now the Marvel banner. Was more that Disney was contractually obligated to release R-rated or less Miramax production, Miramax was still independently run by the Weinstein if a remember correctly, often going to court with them.


Now I would agree that they're is a chance that at least at first than Fox would keep some independence (specially say Fox Searchlight), what the point to acquire it if it is to remove what make it work right (well outside the library of movies for your streaming platform).


An other example going you way would be Disney animation becoming Pixar and under Pixar creative brain trust much more than the other way around.


Chance are that part large part of Fox would stay what they are right now, but stuff like Family Guy and more probably Marvel Superheroes stuff could change over time for example, going under Feige umbrella.

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3 minutes ago, Barnack said:

That could be misleading, not sure it is really representative to say Disney release under Miramax banner, like it was disney releasing stuff through the Touchstone banner and now the Marvel banner. Was more that Disney was contractually obligated to release R-rated or less Miramax production, Miramax was still independently run by the Weinstein if a remember correctly, often going to court with them.


Now I would agree that they're is a chance that at least at first than Fox would keep some independence (specially say Fox Searchlight), what the point to acquire it if it is to remove what make it work right (well outside the library of movies for your streaming platform).


An other example going you way would be Disney animation becoming Pixar and under Pixar creative brain trust much more than the other way around.


Chance are that part large part of Fox would stay what they are right now, but stuff like Family Guy and more probably Marvel Superheroes stuff could change over time for example, going under Feige umbrella.

Miramax did not go to court with Disney. Disney let the Weinsteins run Miramax the same way that they let Feige run Marvel. It's also the same way that they let Kennedy run Lucasfilm. 

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Watching the 3 hour CNBC coverage yesterday, their Closing Bell/Fast Money analysts posted an interesting question:


"Which side (Disney, Fox, or competitor) leaked the supposed Disney/Fox discussions?"


Their analysts concluded that it was likely Fox behind the main leak because it was Fox who had everything to gain and actually benefited the most by leaking the report.

Leaking the report got Fox's stock to rise almost 10% yesterday, which gave Fox some added negotiating leverage to ask Disney for more money if they ever decide to re-engage talks again.

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33 minutes ago, dudalb said:

I have to quibble;Spiderman Homecoming though set in the MCU was a Sony Production;it was not made or released by Marvel Studios;though a lot of MCU people "Moonlighted" on the film.


It was indeed officially co-produced by Marvel Studios


(and like that school project we've all been on - they were the kids actually doing most of the work)

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48 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

...the way I see it, X-Men and F4 will probably be drafted to the MCU if Fox is indeed bought out by Disney. With a serious chance of rebooting/recasting like with Spider-Man. And, at least for now, there's zero chance that any MCU movie is rated R.


(Unless they really do want to keep the X-Men untouched for the moment, and they do happen to maintain the Fox Studios brand to masquerade that it's actually Disney producing the R-rated X-Men/MCU flicks. Kinda how they used Touchstone or Miramax for adult or R-rated fare. Does also make me curious if Kevin Feige is actually looking at Venom to see whether or not is it viable to have a darker/more adult corner of the MCU handled by another studio - Sony - as I don't buy for a second that he doesn't have Venom in his plans for future Spider-Man flicks, and I don't see any reason why he would let Venom run amuck in a parallel universe to the MCU when he could just easily coherce Amy Pascal and Sony to mash the supposed Venomverse to the MCU and bring in Tom fucking Hardy to the pre-existing big saga, next to Tom Holland. They could easily go ahead and make it look so that Venom was an MCU movie all along, anyway.)

They can use the X men under the Disney label for movies like....the Fox X men movies (except better made).   And then use the Fox banner if they need/want to make something like DP or Logan.   It's not like Fox has those two movies as a part of their X men universe either.   They are completely separate entities.   The GA goes to see both and doesn't care.   No reason why Disney couldn't do the same thing like they've done in the past with R rated movies.   It's not like Fox is on the same level as Marvel at the box office so having the Fox division making smaller budget Marvel movies aimed at a smaller audience is the logical way to go.   Being under the Fox banner would not prevent MCU elements from being present if needed.  (Like Hulk and Wolverine)   They still would fly the Marvel banner at the beginning of the movie.


But really the best part would be the ability to not have X men movies.    Fox and Sony are stuck in that situation where they have to make Marvel movies no matter what.   Just look at all the Spidey and X men movies that have been forced out over the past decade and a half.   Marvel having the option to put the characters away on occasion as needed would be huge.   The X men movies from Fox just keep coming off the assembly line whether or not there is an audience for them.   Far different from how it normally works at a studio.   What normal studio would even consider making another FF movie at this point?    It would be the most illogical thing possible...and Fox is doing that.      They are actually considering another film in a franchise that has epic failed several times and has lost most of the audience.   What studio would even consider it other than Fox?


The recasting and rebooting of Spidey is the best example of how Marvel would improve the X men.   Imagine the Marvel casting talent going to work on the X men characters.   We would probably even get the real Rogue for the first time too with her great backstory instead of that pathetic "Rogue" in the Fox movies.   Storm being up front and center finally would be another great improvement along with a real Cyclops.

9 minutes ago, Boxx93 said:

Well, looks like will get the Fox fanfare back in the Star Wars movies if this deal goes through.


And a friendly reminder to the people who think Deadpool will be pussyfied by Disney:


Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Gangs Of New York, Sin City. All of those released by Disney under the Miramax banner. Daredevil, The Punisher, and other Marvel Netflix shows rated TV MA produced by ABC Studios owned by Disney. And they still have Touchstone for Adult fare movies too.

OH yeah...I forgot all about the Netflix shows.   The R rated thing is much ado about nothing.

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6 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

It was indeed officially co-produced by Marvel Studios


(and like that school project we've all been on - they were the kids actually doing most of the work)


Yes, Spiderman Homecoming was made through and trough at Marvel Studios.


It started with Jon Watts with Marvel screenwriters & designers team in an office at Marvel Studios lot.


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4 minutes ago, ChipMunky said:

When people say "The Marvel formula is to make good movies people want to see", I gag a little bit.

Yup, because when 3000+ people work  3 years on a tentpole 24/7, sundays included, their first thouht in the morning, is :


" Hey, let s do a crappy movie ! "


Sounds like a sound business plan.

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6 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Yup, because when 3000+ people work  3 years on a tentpole 24/7, sundays included, their first thouht in the morning, is :


" Hey, let s do a crappy movie ! "


Sounds like a sound business plan.


Every movie studio "wants to make a good movie". What an odd thing to think otherwise.

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