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16 hours ago, Broadwayfreak66 said:

...a story that was created by a woman who was narrativizing her own experiences with death and depression. It just means more than LOTR, a story loved for its world building and that's it. 


Furthermore, Rowling is much more accomplished at plotting, character development, emotion, and thematics than Tolkien is. FURTHERMORE, the franchise is more consistently acclaimed, Half-Blood Prince has far more beautiful cinematography than any LOTR film...I could go on an on and on, but I won't.


This is my opinion. 

Maybe you should read LOTR before you say ridiculous things like that. 

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23 hours ago, SpiritComix said:


Oh lord! So many really bad takes in just one paragraph! :gold:



LOL kind of what I was thinking! I’m a Star Wars fanboy but LOTR to me is basically masterful filmmaking. I’m not a huge Hobbit fan but to be honest I loved the first one, I felt the second one was entertaining but had some serious deus ex machina moments and just laughable plotting. I had fun, and if that’s all you judge, it was a great time at the movies. The final Hobbit was... a bummer to me. It wasn’t like it was “bad,” per se, but some of the acting truly was horrible and a few scenes flat out sucked. It was a serious disappointment and I haven’t watched the Hobbit movies since that thing killed it for me. But LOTR has mediocre cinematography?!? What??? LOL! What? I know I didn’t just read that... holy moly!


I have never heard anyone call Harry Potter “deep” or that JK Rowling is better than Tolkien. Huh, guess it takes all kinds. I will say her writing is fucking horrible. I couldn’t make it through the first book. I decided to stick to the movies. Maybe if you’re not a writer it’s readable, or have low standards for grammar and punctuation, but don’t publishers have editors?! It was horribly written. The story is great for sure but I wish she had someone else turn her mess into pleasant prose. My sister said her writing improved as the books progress but I didn’t stick around to find out.

Edited by JonathanLB
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8 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:


Silvestri's theme is the Great Unifier. Including it made the teaser exactly what the fans were looking for

Yes you are 100 percent right.


I am sure every mcu fan was all smiles when the ending theme played.

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1 minute ago, That One Guy said:


I misread whoops.  thought you said you just read them.

Gotcha, no I was referring to a few posts above... Someone needs to take a serious literature class (even if you don't care for somethings those opinions are just wrong.)

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On 12/22/2017 at 9:13 AM, LaughingEvans said:

Maybe you should read LOTR before you say ridiculous things like that. 

I read it twice, once in 5th grade, once in my Senior year of high school. Thanks. Not my thing. 


Also, accusing me of being biased is rich considering this forum trolls and trashes any other franchise that isn't Marvel, DC, or Star Wars. 

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11 hours ago, narniadis said:

Gotcha, no I was referring to a few posts above... Someone needs to take a serious literature class (even if you don't care for somethings those opinions are just wrong.)

Lol...classic box office theory bitcher

My opinion is far more informed than any of yours ever have been. It is a morally simplistic, straightforward, non-character driven, vanilla fantasy story. 


The villain is a giant talking eye, pretty much no one dies, thematics are nonexistent...it's not good to me for those reasons. 

Edited by Broadwayfreak66
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On 12/22/2017 at 9:30 AM, JonathanLB said:

LOL kind of what I was thinking! I’m a Star Wars fanboy but LOTR to me is basically masterful filmmaking. I’m not a huge Hobbit fan but to be honest I loved the first one, I felt the second one was entertaining but had some serious deus ex machina moments and just laughable plotting. I had fun, and if that’s all you judge, it was a great time at the movies. The final Hobbit was... a bummer to me. It wasn’t like it was “bad,” per se, but some of the acting truly was horrible and a few scenes flat out sucked. It was a serious disappointment and I haven’t watched the Hobbit movies since that thing killed it for me. But LOTR has mediocre cinematography?!? What??? LOL! What? I know I didn’t just read that... holy moly!


I have never heard anyone call Harry Potter “deep” or that JK Rowling is better than Tolkien. Huh, guess it takes all kinds. I will say her writing is fucking horrible. I couldn’t make it through the first book. I decided to stick to the movies. Maybe if you’re not a writer it’s readable, or have low standards for grammar and punctuation, but don’t publishers have editors?! It was horribly written. The story is great for sure but I wish she had someone else turn her mess into pleasant prose. My sister said her writing improved as the books progress but I didn’t stick around to find out.

And you're trying to insult her story after not really reading any of it? Bye, son.


Insulting someone's "grammar" is a childish, uninformed insult. And if you think her writing is a "mess" you've never read Stephen King, Stephanie Meyer, Dan Brown, essentially the majority of young adult and "adult literature."



But they were not living, thought Harry: They were gone. The empty words could not disguise the fact that his parents' moldering remains lay beneath snow and stone, indifferent, unknowing. And tears came before he could stop them, boiling hot then instantly freezing on his face, and what was the point in wiping them off or pretending? He let them fall, his lips pressed hard together, looking down at the thick snow hiding from his eyes the place where the last of Lily and James lay, bones now, surely, or dust, not knowing or caring that their living son stood so near, his heart still beating, alive because of their sacrifice and close to wishing, at this moment, that he was sleeping under the snow with them.
He had no memory of ever being hugged like this, as though by a mother. The full weight of everything he had seen that night seemed to fall in upon him as Mrs. Weasley held him to her. His mother's face, his father's voice, the sight of Cedric, dead on the ground all started spinning in his head until he could hardly bear it, until he was screwing up his face against the howl of misery fighting to get out of him.
"The images of Fred, Lupin and Tonks lying dead in the Great Hall forced their way back into his mind's eye, and for a moment he could hardly breathe: Death was impatient...."
I don't care how "prose-y" it is or isn't, Tolkien isn't able to capture the same emotion in his writing. Ever.


Also, the series' depth is sort of why it's so famous. She's talked extensively about how the death of her mother and her experiences with poverty and depression largely informed her to write a story about a boy growing into a man, avenging him but avenging everyone against a being who feels he can gain power by killing other people. People have gotten her signature tattooed on them, the Deathly Hallows symbol, the dark mark. It chronicles the coming of age of a boy who ends up sacrificing himself for the world that sheltered him, in a direct reflection of what his mother did for him when he was a child. And he's able to come back and rebuild what he never had, a family, through an error of the villain's. A human being with a complex backstory. Not a talking, all-evil eye.


The Harry Potter series is attached to far deeper, darker, more personal things than Lord of the Rings is, and it tackles far more prescient social, philosophical, moral, and political themes facing society today alongside all of the other great things about her stories. 


Also, if you want someone to take your insulting, arrogant opinion seriously, please don't start with "I didn't read past the first book of a giant 7 Part series". That's honestly silly and ignorant. 

Edited by Broadwayfreak66
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12 hours ago, vc2002 said:

Seriously, what business does Harry Potter have in this war?

Only the highest grossing entertainment brand of all time this side of Star Wars that has 4 more films being released, adapted from the highest selling book series of all time. Yea, it's just a little indie thing, wtf is it doing here? 

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3 hours ago, Broadwayfreak66 said:

Lol...classic box office theory bitcher

My opinion is far more informed than any of yours ever have been. It is a morally simplistic, straightforward, non-character driven, vanilla fantasy story. 


The villain is a giant talking eye, pretty much no one dies, thematics are nonexistent...it's not good to me for those reasons. 

Haha you know nothing about me but whatever. One can enjoy reading growing up on things like potter - we all need fast food every now and then. But considering that Literature was one of my fields of study I think I have a much better knowledge base than you my dear friend.


It's oddly endearing though - the only time I venture into this thread and comment I get called a classic Bitcher - I think all who know me (and have for years on this board) would recognize a terrible description for what it is.


Take care

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