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1 minute ago, El Gato said:

DC: First female superhero film

Marvel: 1st Black superhero film 


Your move DC! Either with a Latino superhero or an Asian superhero.

First underwater based superhero movie (Aquaman) beats Marvel to the punch yet again since Namor isn't even on the radar. 

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11 hours ago, eXtacy said:

I think its time for a title change. Marvel definitely winning this year.


15 hours ago, vc2002 said:

Black Panther, a supporting role in early TA films, will have a OW 2x as bigger as JL. In fact its 4-day will likely beat JL's DOM total $228m.


I guess this is Marvel vs DC now.



Irony is in the comic books, the Black Panther Started as a Fanastic Four foe,though by the end of the first issue he appeared in he became a good buy with a "It was all a Misunderstanding". Reed Richards went to Wakanda because he needed Vibranium for one of his projects, and T'CHalla though Richards was out to just grab it. In the Next issue, Klaw came in as the real villain, and the BP and the FF teamed up to fight him,

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And from other websites, I think BOT dodged a bullet by archving the Justice League thread . The discussions on other sites prompted by it leasking out that Zack Snyder's departure from JL might not have been 100%  voluntary has created a shitstrorm of stupidity.

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1 hour ago, dudalb said:

And from other websites, I think BOT dodged a bullet by archving the Justice League thread . The discussions on other sites prompted by it leasking out that Zack Snyder's departure from JL might not have been 100%  voluntary has created a shitstrorm of stupidity.

justice for synder! Wheldon's a hack!

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1 hour ago, Mojoguy said:

Every superhero movie in 2017 except Logan did better than JL in 2017.

Pointing out how much more BP is doing says more about the failure of JL than anything useful about BP.

Maybe WW would’ve opened/done even better if it had given its background token black women actual memorable fleshed out parts that become fan favorites?

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Are there any notable Latino or Asian superheroes in Marvel or DC's roster that they could conceivably use to launch a film after WW and BP's success? Most seem to be supporting characters in a team, which makes it hard to headline a solo film.

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7 hours ago, DMan7 said:

First underwater based superhero movie (Aquaman) beats Marvel to the punch yet again since Namor isn't even on the radar. 

Seeing a lot of salty DCEU fans whine on social media about why nobody is buzzing/giving Aquaman credit for having an Asian director and a Polynesian lead.


....that’s actually a good point when you think about it. Of course the fact they’re only bringing this up now as only a response to BP mania and not really at all before might hint at the answer. 

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Maybe WW would’ve opened/done even better if it had given its background token black women actual memorable fleshed out parts that become fan favorites?

All 17 MCU movies before BP never had relevant roles for black women ether, with the exception of the one black actress painted green in the GOTG movies.

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11 minutes ago, KP1025 said:

Are there any notable Latino or Asian superheroes in Marvel or DC's roster that they could conceivably use to launch a film after WW and BP's success? Most seem to be supporting characters in a team, which makes it hard to headline a solo film.

Latino wise, DC has the Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle and the Jessica Cruz Green Lantern, Asian wise, only Ryan Choi who is the Atom comes to mind. Simon Baz who is also a Green Lantern is Middle Eastern. Jessica and Simon could probably appear in a Green Lantern movie but neither character is established enough to lead it. 


I'm curious to see how Black Manta is received in Aquaman, I've always wanted to see him in live action



Edited by Jonwo
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5 minutes ago, KP1025 said:

Are there any notable Latino or Asian superheroes in Marvel or DC's roster that they could conceivably use to launch a film after WW and BP's success? Most seem to be supporting characters in a team, which makes it hard to headline a solo film.

It’s all about booking on the film/tv stage since quite frankly we’ve reached a point where for better or worse what a character is/was in comics is irrelevant for the masses at a time when comics are as an industry (at least to the Big Two) about speciality shops or digital purchases aimed at niche fanbases with disposable income. It’s not like when I was a kid when both Marvel/DC books were sale on the supermarket aisle. 


Ant-Man was never popular in the comics but we have a friggin franchise now.


my point is elaborate from the source material, or improve if you will. Hype up your character that’s easy to sell conceptually to an audience. Oh he/she can do this cool unique gimmick...and they’re this ethnicity/background that’s unique, and it’s all about that perspective. 

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5 minutes ago, Mojoguy said:

All 17 MCU movies before BP never had relevant roles for black women ether, with the exception of the one black actress painted green in the GOTG movies.

So you’re saying it was good WW like those movies you cited marginalized those sort of people? And the fact that BP is pimp slapping most MCU openings plus WW adds ammo to my point. 


WW is a decent film, but when people tripped over themselves about it being a feminist pop art I thought oh it sure is. A white feminist pop art. Gadot isn’t white, but her unique ethnic background didn’t inform her character at all, the same way that the Hispanic Lynda Carter worked at a Hollywood when such a background was considered a liability and thus has to cover that up. Both passed off for “white.” 


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