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I ve said it already but I ll repeat :


The creative team behind Wonder Woman have no idea how to tackle the character.



Make one movie to introduce the character in the past, ok, good, origin movie etc I'll allow it.

The first movie worked because of the WWI setting, perfect way to sell the hope theme when children are dying ...

Make the Second movie in the past just shows you don't know how to sell Wonder Woman s values in modern times so you dodge the bullet by design.


They have the exact same problem with Superman but for now, they just avoid to confront it because nobody knows how to crack that puzzle.


Note : I loooove Wonder Woman, perfect hommage to the MCU and Superman, best from both worlds.


That being said, we ll see the angle they choose, but 1984 is a long time ago, somewhat.

Edited by The Futurist
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17 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

I ve said it already but I ll repeat :


The creative team behind Wonder Woman have no idea how to tackle the character.



Make one movie to introduce the character in the past, ok, good, origin movie etc I'll allow it.

The first movie worked because of the WWI setting, perfect way to sell the hope theme when children are dying ...

Make the Second movie in the past just shows you don't know how to sell Wonder Woman s values in modern times so you dodge the bullet by design.


They have the exact same problem with Superman but for now, they just avoid to confront it because nobody knows how to crack that puzzle.


Note : I loooove Wonder Woman, perfect hommage to the MCU and Superman, best from both worlds.


That being said, we ll see the angle they choose, but 1984 is a long time ago, somewhat.

Yeah...just shut the EFF up with your repeptitive crap. Obviously, your trolling will get you threadbanned on the WW84 thread, so you felt that your opinion that nobody cares about was necessary here.

You have no inside knowledge of the decision-making process in WW1984, so your saying that setting it in 1984 is because they don't know how to handle her is just your same ole same ole BS chance to, once again, poison the well and sneak in your myopic "MCU films are masterpieces" crap.

I mean "WW is an homage to MCU"? Are you on crack?

Go back to your masterpiece theatre of one-size-fits-all MCU gems.


Also, watch as WW84 outgrosses Captain Marvel and come back here to troll again...

Edited by StevenG
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5 hours ago, The Futurist said:

Note : I loooove Wonder Woman, perfect hommage to the MCU and Superman, best from both worlds.


I imagine you are talking about the movie ?


Wonder woman: The character first appeared in All Star Comics #8 in December 1941 


The Marvel branding began in 1961, the year that the company launched The Fantastic Four and other superhero titles created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and many others.




I have not seen all the MCU movies so I could be missing the reference here, didn't felt like an homage to the MCU (and that would be quite the strange thing to do for people that were already growth up adult when those movies started just yesterday, I doubt they care much about those movies certainly not doing homage... that more something you do to about your childhood movies I would imagine). The movie felt similar to the 5th element in a lot of ways.


5 hours ago, The Futurist said:

Make the Second movie in the past just shows you don't know how to sell Wonder Woman s values in modern times so you dodge the bullet by design.


There is probably something here, but I think the main reason is it make possible to not care at all about the DCEU aspect, BvS establish they were all unknown and that is your only restriction, but you are free of having to consider the rest of the rules/storyline.


How do you have Wonder Woman costumes in 2018, what do you loose if you 100% remove the fish out water element (


bringing back Pine would be a good idea for that

), how do you keep some nice "politic" like Americans now call stuff like that without pissing off modern audience, make it about issue from the pass that are now really strong uncontroversial consensus.


Maybe there is some, didn't really want the hero character to have done nothing between WW1 and Doomsday and wanted to quickly rewrite it change the canon right away.

Edited by Barnack
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14 minutes ago, Barnack said:



I have not seen all the MCU movies so I could be missing the reference here, didn't felt like an hommage to the MCU (and that would be quite the strange think to do for people that were already growth up adult when those movies started just yesterday)


According to Futurist, all movies ever made come from the MCU womb. 

MCU is god, and nothing else compares to them (yes, he is *that* stupid).

Get with the program. :D 

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Justice Departmen just OK'd the potential Disney Fox Deal.Combined with the Fox's legal department report that the Comcast deal would involve  "Considerable" Legal issues, this gives the Mouse a big advantage over Comcast.

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1 minute ago, The Futurist said:

I am merely saying the DNA between Wonder Woman & a MCU movie match at 95% & Kevin probably clapped at Wondy when the credits rolled.

The DCU fanobys will never admit that the biggest hit that the DCU has had to date was because they borrowed from the MCU playbook.

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9 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

I am merely saying the DNA of Wonder Woman & a MCU movie match at 95% & Kevin probably clapped at Wondy when the credits rolled.

Kevin Feige or Kevin T? lol too many people with the same name.

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Patty Jenkins probably didn't give a crap about the MCU though.

She wanted to do a female version of Richard Donner's Superman (The OG if there ever was one) and she did it really well.

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Grace Randolph shared some inside info about Geoff Johns' shady behavior and warned Patty Jenkins to be careful with him. I hope she listens to her, or that he's not that involved with this movie's production to begin with (God, I hope WB really gives some movies to him so he stays away from other people's movies and doesn't ruin them like he did with Justice League)



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2 hours ago, The Futurist said:

I am merely saying the DNA of Wonder Woman & a MCU movie match at 95% & Kevin probably clapped at Wondy when the credits rolled.

Not really, WW had sincerity at its core, more a DCEU thing than an MCU thing. More in common with Superman/DCEU movies than MCU ones. If anything, IW finally borrowed from the DCEU to its great credit.

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35 minutes ago, Pure Spirit said:

Not really, WW had sincerity at its core, more a DCEU thing than an MCU thing. More in common with Superman/DCEU movies than MCU ones. If anything, IW finally borrowed from the DCEU to its great credit.

I don't think the MCU needed to borrow from the DCEU.

And why the hell should they given MCU has been more successful then the DCEU....

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49 minutes ago, Pure Spirit said:

Not really, WW had sincerity at its core, more a DCEU thing than an MCU thing. More in common with Superman/DCEU movies than MCU ones. If anything, IW finally borrowed from the DCEU to its great credit.

The fuck lol 

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1 hour ago, Pure Spirit said:

Not really, WW had sincerity at its core, more a DCEU thing than an MCU thing. More in common with Superman/DCEU movies than MCU ones. If anything, IW finally borrowed from the DCEU to its great credit.


This arguement is as solid as your other posts on BOT.

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1 hour ago, Pure Spirit said:

Not really, WW had sincerity at its core, more a DCEU thing than an MCU thing. More in common with Superman/DCEU movies than MCU ones. If anything, IW finally borrowed from the DCEU to its great credit.

I think it's more a Russos/Markus & McFeely thing. Those guys know how to take these stories seriously.


It's not that I don't appreciate humour. It's when other filmmakers decide to basically alter the genre to a borderline comedy with superheroes in it, rather than making a MCU movie with humour in it. An example of this is THOR: RAGNAROK. I just couldn't dig that, although it was far from a bad film.


I'm short, I love humour in these movies. Just don't make a comedy.

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