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1 hour ago, IronJimbo said:



It's too early for Marvel to crumble Ant man and the wasp needs to step it the hell up.


2020 is when people realise how mediocre blockbusters have been for the last 10 years and where MArvel implodes



we're getting closer and closer



I think the Marvel implosion will happen after 2025...It will happen though eventually..They will go back to 1 or two film a year.

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"To my mind, this embracing of what were unambiguously children's characters at their mid-20th century inception seems to indicate a retreat from the admittedly overwhelming complexities of modern existence," he wrote to Ó Méalóid. "It looks to me very much like a significant section of the public, having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in, have instead reasoned that they might at least be able to comprehend the sprawling, meaningless, but at-least-still-finite 'universes' presented by DC or Marvel Comics. I would also observe that it is, potentially, culturally catastrophic to have the ephemera of a previous century squatting possessively on the cultural stage and refusing to allow this surely unprecedented era to develop a culture of its own, relevant and sufficient to its times."

Another great quote by Alan Moore. 

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MCU is not crumbling anytime soon, but it will happen eventually.

And boy, when it does, and when audiences finally move on from them, the meltdowns (from MCU zombies) and gloating/mocking parties (from anti MCU fanatics) will be...E P I C.

[insert Michael Jackson-eating-popcorn meme here]


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80 years of superhero comics

10 years of build up films

household names join together to make big team up film

Barely scrapes $2b


40 years of fandom

brings the main cast of the most loved film characters of all time back after 30 years

biggest marketing campaign of all time

Barely scrapes $2b



Jim an another level and Avatar 2 will show Capefans and sws loonies just how far behind they are.




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1 hour ago, JamesCameronScholar said:

Another great quote by Alan Moore. 

We live in an Idiocracy where porn star banging ex casino owning draft dodging clown runs the free world by sending neo nazi approved dog whistles to the white working class and people obsess over sports/reality tv/YouTube celebs.


If you want philosophers to be celebrities and make intellectual debate more popular than hockey/NASCAR/football, then you have my support but currently great superhero stories are the only thing that makes me laugh, cry, cheer on a consistent basis. 


Trash tv, sports, and all that typical adult shit bores me silly.



Edited by grey ghost
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2 hours ago, StevenG said:

MCU is not crumbling anytime soon, but it will happen eventually.

And boy, when it does, and when audiences finally move on from them, the meltdowns (from MCU zombies) and gloating/mocking parties (from anti MCU fanatics) will be...E P I C.

[insert Michael Jackson-eating-popcorn meme here]


Marvel will get arrogant and start with 4 movies a year...then watch, as one of their top franchise movie does a Hans Solo...Going to be messy.  

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2 minutes ago, Hades said:

Marvel will get arrogant and start with 4 movies a year...then watch, as one of their top franchise movie does a Hans Solo...Going to be messy.  

Especially after all the success they have had and all the arrogance from a select subsection of their fans, who continually gloat about the MCU and celebrate the DCEU and FOX whenever their CBMs flop. Once it's the MCU's turn to flop, underpwrform, and simply not be as potent as it is now, watch out, because the claws will be out.

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Man July 27 will be such a day. It is the day where Fox Shareholders meet to vote on merging with Disney. My dad is a Fox Shareholder and will vote yes for reasons not having to do with Marvel.

Edited by manny1234
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My Opinion on four main Superhero Franchises: Disney Marvel, WB DC, Sony Marvel, and Fox Marvel.  


Disney Marvel: They seem to be the main one and they are the most successful and they try to maintain a consistent formula and it seems to work for them. I feel like they have a record of huge success and also mixed ones with a some consider Great, Good, Okay, Or Meh. I also known that they have a formula that may irritate people but I feel like with each of their movies they try to be different while confirming to the formula. At least some of their movies are in my top CBMS and happy for their success and hope they continue.


WB DC: I have to say that so far they have not been good with their recent movies with the exception of Wonder Woman. I like their past movies like the dark night movies by Nolan, Man Of Steel, Superman 78, and Batman 89. But the Recent ones like BVS, SS, and JL soured on me that I have lost faith with the exception of Wonder Woman and I hope they can get their act up in future movies so as not to lose my trust. 


Sony Marvel: They seem to have a mixed record with the positives being to me SM1, SM2, AM1 with the worst ones being AM2 and SM3. I hope they continue to find success with Venom hopefully being good but the trailer have underwhelmed with me that I hope the next trailers are better. I am excited for the Animated Into The Spider-Verse movie since it looks unique and look forward to it more of the movies in the future.


Fox Marvel: It is a universe where they had more mixed success with the outliners being Deadpool, Logan, X2, and DOFP. The FF series I hated all of the movies. I known that they will be integrated into the MCU once the purchase of Fox by Disney goes through. To me they are more projects in development but might be canceled because of the deal. To me with the news of Dark Phoenix delayed and that of New Mutants being  delayed despite having a trailer already I have lost faith in this universe with the exceptions mentioned above and I am glad Disney is stepping in.


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A time will come when the mcu will be unsuccessful and Liverpool will win the league. 


In the meantime, disgruntled DCEU stans could be less vocal, since they do not offer anything of value in the discussion. 


I promise I will not be as obnoxious as they are when the time comes. I don't have any personal stakes here anyway. 


Cameron is top and the mcu will have a hard time topping what he's done and I'm okay with it. I'm a dan if his as a director and as a person anyway. The only mcu person that I admire as a person would be A.Mackie. 

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12 minutes ago, dudalb said:

This thread has officially become a cesspool.

What did you think it was before? I  was under the impression that this thread existed for the sole reason that certain fandoms could not handle the banter. 

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3 minutes ago, LaughingEvans said:

What did you think it was before? I  was under the impression that this thread existed for the sole reason that certain fandoms could not handle the banter. 

Mods will need to create the hardcore fanboy wars thread, to keep this thread wars civil.

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