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The Dark Knight is fantastic film, d'uh !

But its legacy has been tarnished for ten years now by its fans & critics' think pieces that are never short on absolutely ludicrous claims & hyperboles.

Why so serious in fucking deed.

Edited by The Futurist
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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

The Green Lantern film was their attempt at both an Iron Man type of success and at launching an MCU type of universe. Unfortunately, the film was a total flop in all regards and any continuation of it was scrapped. Wouldn't surprise me if the failure of that movie is what pushed them into a "darker" approach.

That what I understand also, WB attempt to launch the DCEU was not that much influenced by Dark Knight, I am not sure why people said that.

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A few things:

1.) Both TDK and Iron Man were extremely influential to pop culture and film. The Dark Knight was more influential to blockbusters and filmmaking as many films have tried to replicate the tone than Iron Man but also The Avengers started the wave of cinematic universes that most of which failed (Dark Universe, Transformers Universe, ASM universe) or did well but never captured the same results just yet (DCEU, Monsterverse, LEGO Universe, XCU). The MCU has succeeded with popcorn fare to pretty great blockbusters although only of few of them imo reach nirvana of phenomenal CBMs or blockbusters for that matter.


2.) Dark tone didn’t hurt the DCEU, bad writing and divisiveness did. Now before I’m deemed a “Marvel Zombie”, I love WW and SS, and like MOS which admittedly grew on me and the BVS Extended version is alright not to mention outside of BVS and Sucker Punch, Zach Snyder does good work (Watchmen is one of my favorite CBMs fight me but don’t @ me). However, both BvS (theatrical) and JL sucked. The writing and character development made me dislike BvS the most and JL was so desperate to be the Avengers it became something so soulless and mundane it almost felt executive made. WB was so worried not to have another BvS they screwed SS and JL to make them lighter even though (tbh JL Snyder or Whedon would’ve been screwed BO wise as it was a direct sequel to BvS) they forgot story and writing was key. 

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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I also think that TDK's impact gave a lot of people the misguided idea that CBMs need to be "realistic." Ugh. 


In my comic book movies I want fantasy, wonder, and awesomely made up worlds.

I want to see a woman stop bullets with her bracelets and fight a werecheetah.

I want to see a man fly and another man stick to walls.

I want to see a giant purple world eater satiate his hunger.

If I wanted to see a "realistic" film, I would watch a documentary about the US tax system.

Keep realism away from CBMs.

Edited by StevenG
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The TDK trilogy is still the greatest comic book trilogy of all time, other comic book franchises or franchises in general should use it as influence for their movies if they haven't done so already. Nolan knows no equal.


That being said TDK's world and aethetic isn't the reason for the DCeU's failures because they were following a "dark and gritty" approach for their characters, their failures lies soley on the filmmakers behind the scenes and studio heads. A movie can be made for a predominantly known dark character, light and it would still be good and vice versa, it all comes down to the approach which has eluded WB in terms of adapting their DC properties on the big screen. They have been making missteps with DC characters on film way before the TDK trilogy began with Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Steel, Catwoman etc.. 

Edited by DMan7
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1 minute ago, DMan7 said:

The TDK trilogy is still the greatest comic book trilogy of all time, other comic book franchises or franchises in general should use it as influence for their movies if they haven't done so already. Nolan knows no equal.


That being said TDK's world and aethetic isn't the reason for the DCeU's failures because they were following a "dark and gritty" approach for their characters, their failures lies soley on the filmmakers behind the scenes and studio heads. A movie can be made for a predominantly known dark character, light and it would still be good and vice versa, it all comes down to the approach which has eluded WB in terms of adapting their DC properties on the big screen. They have been making missteps with DC characters on film way before the TDK trilogy began with Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Steel, Catwoman etc.. 

Shouldn't be difficult to beat with the quality of The Dark Knight Rises...

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What they attempted with the DCEU was to make these stories more grounded in our reality. And that means the world won't have an unanimous opinion about these superheroes, and they can't possibly save everyone. They have to choose who lives and who dies, and there will be casualties when they try to save the world.


That's reality, and if it is dark to you, so be it. These movies have an optimistic message about it. DCEU heroes all have faced the darkness of our reality yet in the end they all keep (or in Batman's case, restore) their faith in mankind to do good. Even those damn villains in Suicide Squad did good at the end, not because they were forced to, but by choice.


I think the correct word to describe what WB wanted to make the DC universe would be realistic and not grimdark.

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5 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

Shouldn't be difficult to beat with the quality of The Dark Knight Rises...

TDKR was good but not as great as TDK, unfortunately for fanboys online being not as great as the last installment in the franchise = crap

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2 minutes ago, DMan7 said:

TDKR was good but not as great as TDK, unfortunately for fanboys online being not as great as the last installment in the franchise = crap

come on now, it was pretty crap.


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2 hours ago, Serpico Jones said:

Jon Schnepp is dying. His fiancée just posted on Instagram that he suffered a catastrophic stroke last Thursday and is currently on life support. I hope he pulls through but it’s not looking good.


Truly horrible news.


After seeing Kevin Smith, who is not much younger than Schnepp, cheat death not too long ago, I hope some of the same good fortune can find it's way to Jon.  The guy is way too young for this.

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7 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

come on now, it was pretty crap.


I have yet to rewatch it so it could change if I ever do, but it was my favorite of the Nolan series.


A giant blockbuster using the french revolution (specially the terror phase) set in modern time with the villain based on a gypsy boxing champ + old cartoon villain voice... it was nuts.

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1 minute ago, Barnack said:

I have yet to rewatch it so it could change if I ever do, but it was my favorite of the Nolan series.


A giant blockbuster using the french revolution (specially the terror phase) set in modern time with the villain based on a gypsy boxing champ + old cartoon villain voice... it was nuts.

I distinctly remember coming out of the cinema and thinking "was that it?".

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The Dark Knight Rises has the best single fight scene of the trilogy (the Bane/Batman fight underground). It's opening scene is ALMOST as good as TDK. If anything, Talia was the worst part, and she wasn't THAT bad. Overall, it's great.

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5 minutes ago, ChipMunky said:

The Dark Knight Rises has the best single fight scene of the trilogy (the Bane/Batman fight underground). It's opening scene is ALMOST as good as TDK. If anything, Talia was the worst part, and she wasn't THAT bad. Overall, it's great.

Yeah TDKR had some of the best choreography I've ever seen. 😭

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Just now, LaughingEvans said:

TDKR opening scene is the single most laughable sequence that a movie has tried to pass off as serious. Every single aspect of it.

CIA is probably the best character in the film, second to Dr. Pavelier

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19 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

CIA is probably the best character in the film, second to Dr. Pavelier

I also admire mr.CIA's bodyguards that instead of trying to take out Bane, they start punching the two guys that are still restrained and on the floor.

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