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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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1 minute ago, Goffe said:

Not to beat the dead horse here, but I couldn't stop noticing on my second viewing that Finn asks Rey if she has a "cute" boyfriend, corroborating to my suspicion that Finn is gay. Is there any plausible situation where a straight male would ask a female such question wording it the way he did?



Yea that was odd wording for sure. 

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My argument for Plagueious is that he would bring the entire saga full circle.  It's highly suspectible that he created Anakin with his power to create life.


Also, bringing Sidious back would be poor writing, the guy should be dead.  It gets tiring to see movie villains be continually reused because the creators can't think of anything else, and I think Disney understands that it wouldn't go over that well.


The description of Snoke being thin and 7 feet tall also does not fit Sidious.  It (and his general look) fits fairly well in line with the EU Plagueious, and it's obvious JJ drew a lot of inspiration from the EU and the general direction Lucas wanted to go with the last trilogy when it was planned as a 9 part saga.


I think there needs to be something that brings the saga full circle, to see why this is relevant to the other two, and Plagueious would do just that. 

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3 hours ago, Hatebox said:

A Cold War scenario I can buy.


Still, you'd think the Republic would have learned the lesson from very recent history. Death Star = bad.


From what I understand, the Republic spawned up the resistance to fight off the First Order, because they didn't want to go to war and acknowledge that they actually were a sovereign power.

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2 hours ago, SofNascimento said:

I read a theory (KoTOR fans obviously) that Ren might have had her memory wiped by the force and that her memory of being abandoned on the planet as a child was actually made up. It would certainly explain a lot of her skills and how she can use the force so well so quickly. 

Now, I don't think it's particular good, but it would certainly make for an outstanding plot twist. 


What I could see making sense is that Rey was the apprentice that turned against Luke and slaughtered his new order.  However, Rey is his daughter so he didn't have the heart to kill her and sends her to Jakku with the memory wipe, hoping it'll keep her isolated.  Ren survives and notices how powerful Rey was and becomes obsessed with obtaining that power, and so he turns the dark side.


It'd make for an interesting plot twist, even if it heavily borrows from KOTOR (which Abrams has borrowed from other films before so?)

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37 minutes ago, Goffe said:

Not to beat the dead horse here, but I couldn't stop noticing on my second viewing that Finn asks Rey if she has a "cute" boyfriend, corroborating to my suspicion that Finn is gay. Is there any plausible situation where a straight male would ask a female such question wording it the way he did?


Doubt it.

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Finn is bisexual. 

51 minutes ago, The Panda Menace said:

My argument for Plagueious is that he would bring the entire saga full circle.  It's highly suspectible that he created Anakin with his power to create life.


Also, bringing Sidious back would be poor writing, the guy should be dead.  It gets tiring to see movie villains be continually reused because the creators can't think of anything else, and I think Disney understands that it wouldn't go over that well.


The description of Snoke being thin and 7 feet tall also does not fit Sidious.  It (and his general look) fits fairly well in line with the EU Plagueious, and it's obvious JJ drew a lot of inspiration from the EU and the general direction Lucas wanted to go with the last trilogy when it was planned as a 9 part saga.


I think there needs to be something that brings the saga full circle, to see why this is relevant to the other two, and Plagueious would do just that. 

No, Anakin is Jesus Christ. He was born out of thin air. The Phantom Menace got it right :ph34r::P

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4 minutes ago, Jayhawk the Hutt said:

Look, everyone should welcome a Finn and Poe romantic relationship. Their chemistry is off the charts. If we don't get a lot more of them together in 8, I'll be pretty pissed.

I ship them.

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Seriously though, Finn isn't gay.  He's obviously crushing on Rey throughout the movie.  Poe and Finn seems much more like an intense Bromance.


Maybe he's bi?  


Anyways, I still think we're in an era where major studios are going to play it "safe" with their blockbusters and not include gay characters to avoid backlash.  If it's taken this long to finally start seeing some strong female leads in big blockbusters with Rey, Katniss, and Theron for example, we still have a long way to go before we see gay or transgender leads in blockbusters.


There's to big of a super-conservative branch in America Hollywood plays to with these blockbusters that they wouldn't risk turning them off on one of their major tentpoles.  We're living in a country where a portion of the population refused to let their kids see Harry Potter because it's about "sorcery" and "Devils work".  Just imagine the uproar from that community if (oh gosh /s) there was a gay lead in the Star Wars movie?


At least, I think that's Hollywood's line of thinking.  Maybe it'll be sooner than I think. I'm just not going to give Hollywood a lot of faith on this one.

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1 hour ago, Goffe said:

Not to beat the dead horse here, but I couldn't stop noticing on my second viewing that Finn asks Rey if she has a "cute" boyfriend, corroborating to my suspicion that Finn is gay. Is there any plausible situation where a straight male would ask a female such question wording it the way he did?



He's insecure about himself in the presence of a beautiful woman.  So her having a cute boyfriend would spell "certain" doom on any chances he might have with her. 


That is all. 

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5 hours ago, BoxOfficeZ said:

Another theory I heard going around is that Rey is Obi-wan's granddaughter or something like that. Skywalker i think is more likely, but interesting nevertheless. 


There's also the theory that she's related to both families which is how she is so superpowered. So Obi-Wan would have to have had a secret daughter who then hooks up with Luke and produces super Rey. 

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21 minutes ago, Jay Salahi said:

I have a feeling Rey and Finn won't see each other again properly until Episode 9. They might have a cloud city-esqe Luke and Leia meet up though.

I guess a lot of it depends on where they pick up the story. Will it be right after 7 or a few years after? I'm sure we'll see a lot of Luke training Rey, but will it be completing her training or as they are feeling each other out? There is a lot a narrative potential with both those scenarios, but that may point to whether the characters meet up again for a long amount of time.

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