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The Hateful Eight (2015)

The Hateful Eight (2015)  

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3 hours ago, Jake Gittes said:

Tarantino has made several great films where violence is fairly restrained - there's basically no gore in Jackie Brown, nothing except Elle's eye getting ripped out in Kill Bill Vol. 2, we don't see Shosanna's family get shot in the opening of Basterds, etc. I think he always knows what he's doing with violence and how explicit he needs it to be, and in TH8 it serves the same purpose as, say, Tim Roth writhing around screaming in a pool of blood or the cop getting slashed and almost burned in Reservoir Dogs - the audience needs to see the characters viscerally experience it, get exhausted and shell-shocked by it and not know how to escape it. YMMV, obviously, but even though I have several problems with the movie, I think the carnage was the logical conclusion to the prolonged tension - these people are trapped in the hell of their own making, and this is what they're gonna get in the end. I maybe could've done without Bob's exploding head but the rest all came off as natural. 

I'll agree that you make it sounds more convincing than the movie :) but agree to disagree ? ;)

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No problem. ;)


BTW the more I'm thinking about the plot the more wonky and first-drafty it seems. Like, how did neither Ruth nor Warren, both experienced bounty hunters, recognize three members of an apparently notorious and dangerous gang, all with serious bounties on their heads? And why didn't "Oswaldo" and "Joe Gage" (and Jody) simply shoot Ruth the minute he stepped into the haberdashery, chained to Daisy, distracted by the door and not yet accompanied by Warren or Mannix?


It really works better as a statement about America than it does as a story; too bad it's not equally strong as both.

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First two acts are pitch perfect, 2 hours that fly by. Third act is a bit too self-indulgent for my liking, it gets slightly tedious. Surprised by how much heart the ending had, which is unusual for a Tarantino movie.


Leigh was the absolute standout and Morricone's score was quite a disappointment, especially after hearing the track Neve before watching the movie, nothing lived up to it.



1 Django

2 Kill Bill 2

3 Jackie Brown / Hateful 8

4 IB

5 KB 1

6 DP

7 PF

8 RD

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B-/C+ (IB: A, DU: A-)

I liked the first 2 hours of the movie. It went downhill pretty fast after that. The last 2 chapters were boring. The movie becomes too self-indulgent. Self-indulgence is fine as long as it doesn't take the audience for granted. Couldn't take Tatum seriously at all.


What was the significance of reading the Lincoln letter in the end, once everyone knew it was fake?

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48 minutes ago, a2knet said:

What was the significance of reading the Lincoln letter in the end, once everyone knew it was fake?


Depending on whether you have a hopeful or a cynical reading, either they still find peace, comfort and hope in the idealistic promise of America it describes even when they know it's just a beautiful lie, or Mannix throwing it away is a bitter acknowledgment that, in the end, nothing's gonna change because of something written on a piece of paper - people aren't ever gonna be any less hateful. Or both. 

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Being QT is my favorite director I was pretty sure I was going to enjoy this. I thought it was really good. All the performances were solid and I thought the movie justified its runtime. I thought Goggins was the standout here. Id probably rank it below both kill bills, django, pulp fiction, and baesterds. He still hasn't made a bad film yet to me.


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10.Michael Madsen: He was just a henchman nothing character I guess because the hateful 7 doesn't have the same ring to it. Also horrible dye job.


9.Bruce Dern: He was there just to react to Sam Jackson unnerving monologue and he did it like a pro.


8.Tim Roth: From the trailers I assumed he was gonna be the "Christoph Waltz character" in this but he was much more restrained. I don't think he made much of an impression but he was okay.


7.Channing Tatum: THE HATEFUL EIGHT WERE ACTUALLY NINE? The secret hateful character is pretty much a plot twist but I give huge props to Tatum. He's too famous to not get you out of the movie's spell when he appeares 2 hours in, but he pulled it off, at least for me.


6.Damian Bichir: Basically a cartoon character but QT gets away with it because he doesn't run the joke into ground. His build up/payoff with Warren in "I'm now calling you a liar" was worth it.


5.James Parks: The only character that isn't at all hateful. He has the smallest screentime and he's constantly covered in hats, glasses and fury coats but he's delight. He just tries to get by while everyone else is blowing up.


4.Kurt Russell: He's awesome but what I loved about his character the most, is how he completely dominates the first half of the movie and then abruptly dies leaving the stage for other characters to shine. Which is the exact opposite from what happened in The Thing, where he starts in the background and reaches main hero status around the midpoint. From all the nods to Carpenter's masterpiece this fun reverse might be the best one.


3.Jenifer Jaison Leigh: I don't think she stands out more than SLJ or Goggins but her character is the most difficult to pull off. She turns into a sinister monster without going full cartoon. I hope she gets her comeback even with the movie not being a big hit.


2.Samuel L. Jackson: I think the only reason Jackson's performance here or his previous one in Django isn't praised to high heavens, it's because it has become a known fact that Sam Jackson will be amazing in a Tarantino movie.


1.Walton Goggins: MVP! MVP! MVP! I'm a huge fan of Goggings since his The Shield days and I'm glad he finally got an almost leading role in such a big project. I hope we see him some day as the main protagonist in a big movie.

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15 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:


O.B. ain't hateful

No, he's not.


Marquis Warren, John Ruth, Chris Mannix, Daisy Domergue, Jody Domergue, Oswaldo Mobray, Joe Gage, Senor Bob, and General Smithers. That's 9.

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Eh, I wasn't that enamored with it. Sure, the writing (dialogue mainly) is sharp, acting top notch (Goggins in particular), beautiful cinematography and fantastic music but all it adds up to is a sludge of a film that I had a hard time sitting through. It didn't exactly bore me or anything but I did find myself checking the time left. This is easily my least favorite of QT's films and one I will never revisit.


***/*****, (C+, 5.8/10, 2.25/4) -- And that's being generous

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2 hours ago, TheMovieman said:

Eh, I wasn't that enamored with it. Sure, the writing (dialogue mainly) is sharp, acting top notch (Goggins in particular), beautiful cinematography and fantastic music but all it adds up to is a sludge of a film that I had a hard time sitting through. It didn't exactly bore me or anything but I did find myself checking the time left. This is easily my least favorite of QT's films and one I will never revisit.


***/*****, (C+, 5.8/10, 2.25/4) -- And that's being generous


QT: I'll be double dog damned!

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I expected more, tbh. I'd say it's mid/lower-tier QT. Luckily QT's mids and lows are better than most filmmakers highs.


The first hour or so was wonderful, but then it just started dragging. The tension needed wasn't really there, the story itself wasn't all that exciting, and the characters were some of the least colorful/interesting QT has ever written.




PS: I miss '90s QT.

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