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Star Wars TFA 2nd Wknd Actual: 149.2M !!!

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3 hours ago, grey ghost said:


But ice cream has sold more than cake in 2015.


That means ice cream is superior.


And don't try to bring up old cake sales adjusted for inflation. :ph34r:




But more people bake cake themselfs than make ice-cream themselfs


2 hours ago, Daxtreme said:

I wanna say the weather but looks like, as others said, it just couldn't keep following Avatar's drops (avatar dropped 14,2% 2nd Sunday from Saturday).


Looks like we're headed for -22%, around that. We'll see on Monday! It's still early though


2 hours ago, GiantCALBears said:



1 hour ago, LinksterAC said:

The weather is having some kind of impact, to be sure.  Somehow I doubt it's enough to account for a $5M difference.  Maybe half that?  I don't know.


The weekday holds will tell us something.  If they're suddenly Avatar level, we'll know something was really up with the weather.


You know it's bad if it makes news... in another country, better said in another continent!


Das Wetterchaos in den USA fordert immer weitere Todesopfer. Mindestens elf Menschen starben den Behörden zufolge bei Tornados im Großraum Dallas, Dutzende weitere wurden verletzt. Fluten im Mittleren Westen rissen bislang zwölf Menschen in den Tod.

Es sind die jüngsten von mehreren Wetterextremen, die die USA in dieser Weihnachtszeit heimgesucht haben – von heftigem Schneefall in New Mexico, Westtexas und Teilen Oklahomas bis zu Überflutungen in nördlich davon gelegenen US-Staaten. Das tumultartige Wetter hat bislang insgesamt 42 Menschen das Leben gekostet. Neben den elf Toten in Texas waren es fünf in Illinois, sieben in Missouri und 19 im Südosten der USA.

Allein in der Stadt Garland rund 30 Kilometer nordöstlich von Dallas starben acht Menschen. Zudem wurden 15 Personen verletzt und 600 Gebäude beschädigt. "Das hat eine riesige Auswirkung auf unsere Gemeinde. Wir leiden alle", sagte Polizeisprecher Pedro Barineau. Am Samstagabend hatte ein Tornado in Garland laut dem US-Wetterdienst Geschwindigkeiten von mehr als 320 Stundenkilometern erreicht.

In der nahe gelegenen Stadt Rowlett wurden 23 Menschen verletzt, wie der Stadtverwalter Brian Funderburk sagte. Hier hatte ein Tornado mit Windgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 266 Stundenkilometern zugeschlagen. Während es hier keine weiteren Toten gab, kamen im weiter außerhalb von Dallas liegenden Collin County drei Personen ums Leben, wie der Polizist Chris Havey berichtete.

Auf der anderen Seite des texanischen Bundesstaates bat die Behörde für öffentliche Sicherheit in Amarillo inständig darum, von Reisen durch den sogenannten Texas Panhandle abzusehen. Der Panhandle umfasst die 26 Countys im Norden des US-Staates. Als Grund gab die Behörde Schneestürme an, die die Straßen unpassierbar machten.

In Oklahoma rief Gouverneurin Mary Fallin den Ausnahmezustand aus. Grund waren zum einen befürchtete eisige Stürme im Westen und Überflutungen im Osten des US-Staates. Weiter nördlich in Missouri und Illinois machten heftiger Regen und Überflutungen das Autofahren fast unmöglich.

that's a part out of our news

via google translate, as I am too tired for that

Weather chaos in the United States still calls for further fatalities. At least eleven people were killed according to the authorities in tornadoes in the Dallas, dozens more were injured. Floods in the Midwest tore far twelve people to their deaths.

There are the most recent of several weather extremes that have plagued the United States during this Christmas season - located by heavy snowfall in New Mexico, West Texas and parts of Oklahoma to flooding in the north of it US states. The tumultuous weather has cost 42 people their lives. In addition to the eleven dead in Texas there were five in Illinois, Missouri and seven in 19 in the southeastern US.

Alone in the city Garland approximately 30 kilometers northeast of Dallas eight people died. In addition, 15 people were injured and 600 buildings damaged. "This has a huge impact on our community. We all suffer," said police spokesman Pedro Barineau. On Saturday night, a tornado in Garland had reached speeds of over 320 kilometers per hour, according to the US Weather Service.

In the nearby town of Rowlett 23 people were injured as the city manager Brian Funderburk said. Here a tornado had struck with winds of up to 266 kilometers per hour. While there were no other deaths here, arrived at the further outside of Dallas lying Collin County three people lost their lives, as the policeman Chris Havey reported.

On the other side of the Texas State the Public Security Bureau in Amarillo begged therefore to refrain from traveling through the so-called Texas Panhandle. The Panhandle includes the 26 counties in the north of the US state. As a reason, the Authority stated blizzards that made the roads impassable.

In Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin declared a state of emergency. This was due to a feared icy storms in the west and floods in the east of the US state. Further north in Missouri and Illinois made heavy rain and flooding to drive a car nearly impossible.




Edited by terrestrial
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There is always bad weather this time of year, who on the East Coast remembers the crazy snow storms last year? Just because it's in the news in other countries doesn't mean it's important either, it could be due to the fact that the holidays are a huge travel period where there isn't much actual news (ESP considering it was just Christmas weekend).

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6 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

Coming to your defense by calling me a compulsive gambler? Maybe don't post/say things like this in the future. Especially in real life. You clearly don't understand what proposing to bet something means. 



Saying 'I bet something'  by many people is just an expression meaning that they feel strongly about something.  To you it's a challenge that can only be resolved by having something at stake.


2 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

For the record, I do risk assessment for a living Andy. I guess all of us traders are degenerate gamblers lol. To me though, putting $ behind a thesis is the #1 way to show you really believe in something. Especially online where you can say almost anything & disappear without having to face any sort of consequences. It's not real life.


I work in the financial world and I see that trait a lot.  In sales also.  


I don't feel the need to validate by beliefs by putting money down.  I know when I'm right or wrong.  In general, the forum knows what posters tend to be right and which ones pull numbers from their asses.  Winning a monetary bet or 2 won't buy respect in this forum.


There is a difference from using 'bets' as competition and gambling.  My co-workers bet on everything.  However the stakes are always $1.  The goal is not monitory... it's to be able to pin up that dollar on a wall to show overall winners and losers.


Gamblers need something tangible at stake.  It's an an adrenaline rush to have something on the line.  The ones I know couldn't care less if they lost 5 $10 bets as long as they win the $100 bet.  The winnings validate them.


I apologize for calling you a compulsive gambler.  You are right that I don't know you enough to make that type of judgement and as staff I shouldn't call out members.




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1 minute ago, GiantCALBears said:

There is always bad weather this time of year, who on the East Coast remembers the crazy snow storms last year? Just because it's in the news in other countries doesn't mean it's important either, it could be due to the fact that the holidays are a huge travel period where there isn't much actual news (ESP considering it was just Christmas weekend).


The storms pretty big though, especially for the midwest, where this kind of blizzard and extreme winter weather is fairly abnormal.

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I apologize I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone by suggesting that Titanic's box office run wasn't the most exciting thing from the very start. I just fail to see how it was as exciting as TFA for much of the time. The first two weeks were downright boring, normal type of blockbuster performance. The movie opened horribly, so holding steady wasn't exactly impressive until it did so for longer. Then it became very impressive. Didn't mean to crap on anyone's favorite BO run or... whatever. I just don't give a shit about Titanic and am happy to see it passed again next week. It's a mediocre melodrama that's the ultimate chick flick as far as I'm concerned. My sister saw it 3 times in theaters, didn't know any guys who enjoyed it at all. It was not my film, just didn't connect.


As for the weather, it has affected more than just that region. I skipped seeing TFA today and I live in Portland, OR, because there was light snow coming down an hour before I was going to leave. It continued falling and I decided not to risk it. It turned to rain and there's no snow on the ground, but out of an abundance of caution I decided to save my 8th TFA viewing for another day. I drive a Transformers Edition 2012 Camaro 2SS and while it's an incredible car, it doesn't handle well in the snow. It's a sports car built for better conditions and our drivers around here are notoriously terrible in the snow. I'm more worried about someone else plowing into me. :P

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2 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

There is always bad weather this time of year, who on the East Coast remembers the crazy snow storms last year? Just because it's in the news in other countries doesn't mean it's important either, it could be due to the fact that the holidays are a huge travel period where there isn't much actual news (ESP considering it was just Christmas weekend).


Yes... and on a macro level it shouldn't affect a movies overall BO but it certainly affect individual days.


Anecdotal but here in CO my wife had 3 customers stranded in Texas and will be delayed 1-2 days.


@Rth can you tell if any specific areas are showing abnormal results the last few days?

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1 minute ago, BK007 said:

lol I can't believe there were pages of discussion on an innocuous "I'd bet" statement.


It's a figure of speech. 


The initial, aggressive actual proposal came across as bullying. 

You are more than welcome to hit the ignore button then, if the mods think I'm bullying, believe me they will tell me.

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Just now, GiantCALBears said:

In fairness isn't there a decent amount of open space in the Midwest as opposed to the Northeast for instance?


Depends on where.  DFW metroplex?  Not so much, however we didn't get the bulk of the problems.  It's not so much the open spaces, but the cities throughout them like OKC, Amarillo, Santa Fe, etc.


However, I do think the weather could have even affected the metroplex as we're starting to get freezing rain (it's supposed to turn into snow this night/early morning), and we had a bad tornado and some flooding yesterday.

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Just now, BK007 said:

lol I can't believe there were pages of discussion on an innocuous "I'd bet" statement.


It's a figure of speech. 


The initial, aggressive actual proposal came across as bullying. 


Yeah... opened, debated and disposed of...  let's move on.   


( although I like the tread of bets where the stakes are donations to the forum )


To get back on topic.  


While at the theater today it was not just SW that was crowded.  I peeked in all the openers and everything seemed to be doing pretty well.



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1 minute ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


Gotta tell ya: I don't think anyone was offended by what you said and if they were, then they have bigger issues to contend with..


Yeah but I'm a new user and I want to fit in and not piss a bunch of people off and come across like a n00b :P I even said I think Titanic is definitely the unquestioned most impressive box office run of the modern era, so I didn't think I was being lame. I was just referring to how cool it is to see such HUGE numbers right off the bat. Different beasts for sure. *shrug*


I wish Rth would come back and say 47-49 :P LOL

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2 minutes ago, The Panda Menace said:

Anyone else having problems with the post box where you can't always edit your posts, or it'll glitch and you can't type anything in it?


Yeah, the latest Invision update seems to have broken a couple of elements in our forum skin. WB is gonna deal with it tomorrow. You can try to get around it by switching to another theme -- though that may or may not help. 

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19 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

There is always bad weather this time of year, who on the East Coast remembers the crazy snow storms last year? Just because it's in the news in other countries doesn't mean it's important either, it could be due to the fact that the holidays are a huge travel period where there isn't much actual news (ESP considering it was just Christmas weekend).

Well, this is the first time I've been snowed in.  The first time in years that I40 (main interstate in NM, bigger than I25) has been shut from ABQ east.  And the first time in her administration that our gov has called out the National Guard due to weather.

Goliath is racking up "historic" snowfall numbers, and the fatalities speak for themselves.  This is not a typical winter storm.

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