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Weekend Actuals (Page 93): TFA 42.35M | The Revenant 39.83M | Daddy's Home 15.02M | The Forest 12.74M | Sisters 7.19M

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LOL, no, I've been with my gf for nearly 4.5 years now, and thankfully she has very good taste in film, which means she HATES movies like Pitch Perfect even more than I do. She actually hates that crap, same with Titanic. I actually at least thought Titanic had merit for the historical elements alone, i.e. great production design, great costumes, etc. She wasn't even interested in that, just thought it sucked. We were both bored by how long the film drags on and on and on. I love James Cameron as a filmmaker, but that's his worst film by far. Not every girl has obnoxious girly taste in film. My GF was at a sleepover when her friends started playing Magic Mike and she actually left to come home. She decided better to sleep in our bed than suffer through some girl porn. 


I WISH these threads were just about the numbers, but instead it's pages upon pages of how great Weinstein is about promoting stinkers like Carol or Hateful Eight or whatever. I think sticking to the topic is fantastic, but when I see people mentioning some of the worst movies I've ever seen crapped onto a DVD then I can't really just sit there and not say anything. I had to suffer through them, now I'm going to make sure whenever Carol or The Danish Transexual are mentioned, I'm going to let everyone know to AVOID. The vast majority of people would hate both of those movies, which is why they sucked at the box office. If they were films that people would enjoy, they'd have been promoted. 


Enough of that, though, nice to see Rth check in and it'd be great if TFA hits $42M for the weekend, after that rough Friday. When I first saw Deadline mention $37-39M and losing to The Revenant I was definitely bummed out. But the declines for Saturday and Sunday from last week are pretty solid, it's only that Friday number that was so brutal also because last Friday was a holiday. It makes sense it was going to be tough to pull off a 40% weekend decline with that Friday not being a holiday. Still, hopefully it's a good week ahead, anyway.

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26 minutes ago, kayumanggi said:

Off topic!

Nope, mods then said in such a case a short info post in the daylies is o.K..

I already started a thread in the Real World sub-forum, where such kind of themes belong to speak about.

Ha was an actor too, had a few ~ pop-culture making scenes as such...

(he has 'only' 452 soundtrack listings a IMDb - yet, 38 as an actor, 6 as a composer, and a couple of others)

Edited by terrestrial
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TFA is at $813 million (roughly) when actuals come in, so we're now $187 million from $1 billion and $126 million from Top 10 adjusted all-time. We should be looking at about $45 million over the next 7 days, so $858 million by this time next Sunday. MLK Day will provide a good Monday and about $37 million from the 18th - 24th, putting us at $895 million. After that, another $25 million from the 25th - 31st. Entering February, we will be at $920 million! I'm not sure if another $80 million is in the cards after that, probably more like $40-$50 million, leaving us a bit short of a billion but firmly in 9th place unadjusted all-time.

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7 minutes ago, a2knet said:

Calling Titanic a movie for girls is like saying that pink is a color for girls. I disagree with both.


LOL, well I agree with both. And I love pink -- on girls. It's my favorite. But I wouldn't be caught dead wearing anything pink. I don't know any guy who would except guys 70 and over. Like my dad has a pink sweater, but when you drive a Ferrari, you can get away with just about anything. 

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It was pretty fun when Star Wars opened and we had new members joining and everyone was talking about what Star Wars meant to them and being generally pleasant.


And then the Star Wars talk starts to die down a few weeks later and you reach the point where those same new members are calling The Danish Girl "The Danish Transexual", and you just want the run to end so they go away

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1 hour ago, JonathanLB said:

LOL, no, I've been with my gf for nearly 4.5 years now, and thankfully she has very good taste in film, which means she HATES movies like Pitch Perfect even more than I do. She actually hates that crap, same with Titanic. I actually at least thought Titanic had merit for the historical elements alone, i.e. great production design, great costumes, etc. She wasn't even interested in that, just thought it sucked. We were both bored by how long the film drags on and on and on. I love James Cameron as a filmmaker, but that's his worst film by far. Not every girl has obnoxious girly taste in film. My GF was at a sleepover when her friends started playing Magic Mike and she actually left to come home. She decided better to sleep in our bed than suffer through some girl porn. 


I WISH these threads were just about the numbers, but instead it's pages upon pages of how great Weinstein is about promoting stinkers like Carol or Hateful Eight or whatever. I think sticking to the topic is fantastic, but when I see people mentioning some of the worst movies I've ever seen crapped onto a DVD then I can't really just sit there and not say anything. I had to suffer through them, now I'm going to make sure whenever Carol or "The Danish Transexual" are mentioned, I'm going to let everyone know to AVOID. The vast majority of people would hate both of those movies, which is why they sucked at the box office. If they were films that people would enjoy, they'd have been promoted. 


Enough of that, though, nice to see Rth check in and it'd be great if TFA hits $42M for the weekend, after that rough Friday. When I first saw Deadline mention $37-39M and losing to The Revenant I was definitely bummed out. But the declines for Saturday and Sunday from last week are pretty solid, it's only that Friday number that was so brutal also because last Friday was a holiday. It makes sense it was going to be tough to pull off a 40% weekend decline with that Friday not being a holiday. Still, hopefully it's a good week ahead, anyway.


Apply the sentence in brown to movies in blue.

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1 hour ago, Chewy said:

It was pretty fun when Star Wars opened and we had new members joining and everyone was talking about what Star Wars meant to them and being generally pleasant.


And then the Star Wars talk starts to die down a few weeks later and you reach the point where those same new members are calling The Danish Girl "The Danish Transexual", and you just want the run to end so they go away


Actually, I saw people mentioning The Danish Girl a few pages before and it didn't raise my attention. However after Mr "No Pink for Straight Men" changed the name it got my attention and I checked what the movie was about and now I'm interested and I'd like to see it.


A bad for a good I guess.


Edit : Also to anyone wondering how I could not have heard of it, I live in France and it's not out yet.

And I don't really follow movies until they come out.

Edited by RascarCapat
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The Revenant's OS of $20.2m = 10 markets got $7.6m in Russia (especially impressive considering their currency lost mor than 1/2 of it's worth since 2010), $4.3m in Germany (legally binding age restriction of at least 16y old) and $2.9m in AUS (also bad exchange rates, actually dropping too)

The Hateful 8's OS of $14.5m = 13 territories got $4.4m in France and $3.9m in UK (where a major cinema chain refused to show it based on some strange tries of not usual conditions ... of the distributer there)

Quo Vado? the local movie in Italy breaks still all records, already reached $53.5m (opened at the new year) = already on #4 of their all-time chart. Added as it blocks SW 7 numbers and it's position in the charts obviously too.


I had the OS sums earlier posted, added for the market's splits

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