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3 minutes ago, department store basement said:


So apparently a billion is the benchmark for success then?


Everyone! Kingsman actually flopped!!!


Benchmark for success? No.


Benchmark for the most successful studios? Yes.


You can be a successful light weight fighter but you can't compete with the heavy weights toe to toe.

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4 minutes ago, Heat Vision said:


Fanboys on that site are terrible.


"900 million to break even" lol

I actually prefer much more a visceral reaction that means they genuinely want the DCCU to be actually good than merely existing than blind following resignation, but to each their own. I can't believe it, but I'm VERY proud of most DC fans at CBM, SHH and CBR right now, they won't stand for something they feel it's subpar.


It shows that this fan base has a pulse and it's beating, that speaks louder than the ow numbers to me. Obviously money talks so we'll have to wait and see where this thing is heading next. 

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4 minutes ago, department store basement said:

WB did create an overwhelmingly popular original film series near the turn of the decade. Hangover. Then they fucked it up with the third movie. It's like they knew it was so bad so they advertised it as the "final chapter".


It was one movie, the 2nd/3rd were total shit.

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4 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

What in incredible success for WB and DC. WB showed once more that they are marketing kings and have superior strategy over Disney as BvS claimed the highest SH opening of all time globally.


Also BvS will likely to hit 1 billion WW with only one film leading up to it opposed to Marvel's strategy to build up to Avengers with mediocre film doing  mediocre numbers. Future is looking bright for DC as the potential for standalone Batman and WW film is promising whereas IM and TA is loosing steam.


What is even more encouraging for DC that the success came with average films. MoS was no better than your average Marvel vehicle and BvS is no improvement either. Imagine when DC will get it right...I'm looking at you Suicide Squad. 


Now waiting for for the meltdown when Civil War fails to open higher than BvS...



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3 minutes ago, department store basement said:

WB did create an overwhelmingly popular original film series near the turn of the decade. Hangover. Then they fucked it up with the third movie. It's like they knew it was so bad so they advertised it as the "final chapter".

Lol The Hangover was never meant to be a series. Heck it wasn't supposed to be a wide release originally: they were gonna dump it with minimal advertising until crazy test audience reactions made them change their mind and gave it a prime summer spot.


The sequels saw diminishing returns because the premise for the first movie made it a one-off by design (something that became apparent based on their lack of quality), but the second rode that goodwill enough for a third to be made.

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1 minute ago, department store basement said:


Well you're just in the minority for Hangover 2. It's the highest grossing comedy of the decade so far.


Oh come on.  Box office gross isn't nevessarily reflective of quality.

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Just now, department store basement said:


Well you're just in the minority for Hangover 2. It's the highest grossing comedy of the decade so far.

Hangover 2 was totally built on the good will of the first. That's the point, it was so bad many wondered why a third entry was necessary.

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1 minute ago, department store basement said:


Neither were too many popular series to name.

That doesn't make them actual "franchises" though. It just makes them "unnecessary sequels," some of which find more luck than others (Ted was almost as huge as The Hangover and saw its sequel completely sputter in terms of maintaining audience interest).

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8 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

I actually prefer much more a visceral reaction that means they genuinely want the DCCU to be actually good than merely existing than blind following resignation, but to each their own. I can't believe it, but I'm VERY proud of most DC fans at CBM, SHH and CBR right now, they won't stand for something they feel it's subpar.


It shows that this fan base has a pulse and it's beating, that speaks louder than the ow numbers to me. Obviously money talks so we'll have to wait and see where this thing is heading next. 


The joker couldn't even be this maniacal.

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12 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:



The reaction on BOT is pretty mixed actually. There are those who love it and those who hate it. 



Let's be honest of the current reaction for Batman Vs superman was for a marvel film ....


We would say it has mixed word of mouth to bad...

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2 hours ago, Telemachos said:

Basically it needs to outgross MOS by a third in all the major territories to hit $1b. Seems very likely at this point. 


MOS did $377m O/S.  If BVS nears $400m DOM it needs to do about 60% better than MOS O/S to reach $600m and $1b WW   Near TDKR ($636m) numbers.

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Fact is DC going forward and keep improving, growing with exciting potential. MCU is shrinking. How much longer can you milk IM? Take RDJ out and you are left with average grossing movies. No dominance in the future.

Edited by The Dark Alfred
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