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4 minutes ago, Heat Vision said:

960-965 million worldwide will be the final number

I think it will hit 1bln -- OS will likely double that of MOS. Give or take around 650-700 mil os. Unless DOM doesn't do $350 (although I think 350 is a given at this point, not sure how much higher it will go though.

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7 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

I'm honestly surprised by all the vitriol and hate.

Felt the same way about Lone Ranger. Happens, man. Guess I didn't hate it but I'm not nearly as surprised, especially given Snyder's track record with critics. If I'd seen it before the reviews, I'd have expected a MoS or TASM2 critical reception. Which isn't good but isn't nearly as bad either.


It's possible due to the other recent event film, Star Wars, delivering the goods to the umpteenth degree and WB delaying to get this thing right. By no means is either rationale fair. May not have helped that Deadpool felt so fresh to so many too.

Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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It won't copy f7 or tdk in drops those aren't the best comparison honesty there is no great comparison for this movie we will see what happens today. On the whole time issue yes it may have opened an hour earlier but per tele it had much less show times than Aou which again was the sequel to the biggest Ow in history 

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5 minutes ago, VGPOP said:

Would you look at that? Movie is breaking records and shit. Doing really well in some countries. I guess critics can go straight to hell.




I guessing Western critics (RT, Metacritic, etc) really only matter in the US for the most part. This will probably do well in Asia and South America. Prob not too well in Europe, before even considering the terrorist attack in Brussels. Though I haven't looked at those numbers other than China and Oz.

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1 hour ago, Nova said:

For all the talk that it was outselling Ultron in pre-sales people were expecting it to surge way above it. Instead it was only hundred thousand more. And lastly BvS is going to be way more front loaded than any Avengers movie. No one is saying that $27.7M isn't good...it's just that with all the talk about it outselling certain films in pre-sales you would think its walk-in game would have been stronger.



If SW7 would have beaten Avatar ww by a mere ten-thousand bucks this whole forum would have been going batshit insane. So it is what it is: BvS seemingly has beaten Ultron pre-sales by the numbers. End of line.


At least until the final figures are rolling in.

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6 minutes ago, TimmyRiggins said:

Well, it's in that kind of context that people show their true colors, and many of them are ugly.


Before all is said and done hope you start believing in people again.

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9 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


All I know is for a movie with a prediction like you have listed, this needed to perform better with the sell outs to achieve a 35-40M Previews and it's not happening folks and if Rth comes in tomorrow and says this was the number, I won't believe it.. This thing sold out 2 IMAX shows for the entire day and night at my theatre and that just doesn't scream 35-40M Previews..

oh well, Im about 10 mil of from the top, and you are about 10 mil of from the bottom -- we can call it even :-)

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4 minutes ago, CJohn said:

You knew this was coming Tele.


Marvel vs DC is the biggest war going on nowadays. This movie is the peak of DC and the start of their mega Universe. Plus people love to see other people losing their jobs and hope for the worst. 


Lol dude you are way over dramatic. People love to see others losing jobs because they don't like a movie? Please.

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4 minutes ago, CJohn said:

You knew this was coming Tele.


Marvel vs DC is the biggest war going on nowadays. This movie is the peak of DC and the start of their mega Universe. Plus people love to see other people losing their jobs and hope for the worst. 


WB can follow the Disney model in which case this would be anything but a "peak"



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8 minutes ago, Heat Vision said:

960-965 million worldwide will be the final number


That would be a few millions above other WB-blockbusters like Hobbit: DOS & Hobbit: BOTFA.


That amount? Would that WW-total for BvS be, fine, decent, disappointing or just good but not spectacular?

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