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Weekend Estimates : BVS 52.39M | Zootopia 20M | Wedding 11.13M | God's Not Dead 8.1M | Sun Rth - Bvs 12 or 14.2, Zoo 5.3, MBFGW2 2.8, GND2 2

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2 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


Gossip Girl ruined the carreer of everyone, tbh. :ph34r: 


Leighton tried to have a carreer in both cinema and music, and failed in both, Taylor Momsen also tried to have a carreer in music and flopped (despite her music being really good)... Blake was actually the one who had better luck

Yea the rest of them tried to do TV and failed at that. I think Leighton is headed back to TV actually. Blake is the only one who's actually had a "successful" career after/outside the show and even that is debatable. But hey at least she's still making movies so she still has that going for her. 

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1 hour ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


This would be the perfect schedule, as I said in the Marvel x DC topic, I just don't get this whole DC Universe, why the hell are we not getting the solo movies of the members of JL before the movie like Marvel did with Avengers? It makes no sense, a bunch of solo movies (well made) would build the enough buzz to make JL explode in a right way, not what happened with BVS, it seems that DC just want the huge money that they think that JL will make 

Putting the solo movies after JL makes them feel like a spin off. Marvel's approach makes the solos feel more important and builds to the big team up causing buzz.

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1 minute ago, Walt Disney said:


I understand what you are saying and I even agree with you that Man of Steel wasn't necessary. But, once Superman and Batman are in the same movie together, then that's it. You can't recreate that event. So if you make a Justice League movie first, then you can never make another movie afterwards where Superman and Batman are in the same movie for the first time. However, if you make the Superman and Batman movie first, then you can add in the rest of the Justice League characters in another movie.



Meh. In my mind, you can do a World's Finest movie later, and still have a great pile of cash. You don't need "For the first time" to sell Batman and Superman in a movie together. And after a World's Finest, you can do that BvS movie, where you can see the two really drag it out and see who'd really win in a fight. 


I'm honestly don't think it's that big of an event, the first time together on screen.

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1 minute ago, RandomJC said:


Meh. In my mind, you can do a World's Finest movie later, and still have a great pile of cash. You don't need "For the first time" to sell Batman and Superman in a movie together. And after a World's Finest, you can do that BvS movie, where you can see the two really drag it out and see who'd really win in a fight.


I'm honestly don't think it's that big of an event, the first time together on screen.


I guess that's the core of our disagreement. I think that it is a huge event when Batman and Superman are on the screen together for the first time. If you don't, then the Justice League becomes the only big blockbuster that WB has.


I still think it worked out for the best though. If the Justice League movie was bad the way BvS was bad, then WB would have no where to go. This movie being bad doesn't destroy WB because they still have the chance to make a great Justice League movie. They just need to learn from their mistakes.

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5 minutes ago, eddyxx said:

Putting the solo movies after JL makes them feel like a spin off. Marvel's approach makes the solos feel more important and builds to the big team up causing buzz.


Exactly! I hate Marvel, but I really admire their strategy, it is one of the most smartest marketings that I ever saw, too bad that DC is failing to replicate this 

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I think the ultimate cut could help restore some good will for BvS, I really do, hell, it probably would have been received better in theaters than the theatrical cut. If the ultimate cut really takes it to the next level like I think it will (more Clark, more action, more character development, more everything really), people might reevaluate and maybe the press could pick up on it.


That would be a nice step, the next would be for Zack to post like a photo of the Justice League assembled to make sure that those who believed there was even a chance he would not be directing it, were wrong. Announce the Batfleck film earlier like El Mayimbe said they would, you just know Affleck would CRUSH it. Keep on promoting a fun tone in the Suicide Squad trailers, tv spots, whatever. Suicide Squad will probably be a critical hit in addition to making boatloads of money, wouldn't be surprised if it comes close to BvS, and that would get even more people excited for what is to come, and hell, the Joker against Batfleck? BOOM.



Having the solo films be more like spin offs like you say would just be a different approach, allowing people who didn't see every single film to still get into it.


I love Marvel but if you don't see every film, you don't have all the pieces, you miss the teases, you miss crucial parts of the bigger story.


If DC did the same, they'd be accused of copying Marvel, so come on....

Edited by TimmyRiggins
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Using 22m Sat, the Sunday has to be 15m for BVS to get 52.4

15.35 + 22 + 15 = 52.4

That's -31.8% on Sunday.


F7 went

18.8 + 25.5 + 15.2 = 59.5

So same Sunday as BVS.


imo Wb is over-estimating.

Edited by a2knet
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3 minutes ago, Ohana said:

So if final Dom will be 350M, It has a shot to reach 850M tops - right?
I can't see how it reaches 900M

That's based on th estimated $52M it took this weekend. I think it'll be at $50M if not less which would put it less than $350M domestic if not less than $340M because of the competition coming out. I could see it at GOTG money in the end.  This had ZERO competition this weekend and nose dived. Imagine what's going to happen when movies like the Jungle Book come out. I think it'll reach $850M WW after seeing how it's doing in other countries.


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2 minutes ago, TimmyRiggins said:

I think the ultimate cut could help restore some good will for BvS, I really do, hell, it probably would have been received better in theaters than the theatrical cut.



Is it significantly better? How have you seen it already?

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1 hour ago, grey ghost said:


They didn't want to bite Marvel's style but a slow build up is the only sensible route for any cinematic universe.


Marvel had to go the slow route.  They didn't exactly have their A-list heroes available, with Spider Man at Sony and X-Men + FF with Fox.   They had to build up Iron Man, Captain America, Thor etc..


WB had no restrictions.  I think they tried with GL but that ended with a disaster.  Nolan's Dark Kinight was ending the following year in 2012 and WB execs probably had a good idea that Nolan wasn't going to on.  So they decided to build the DCU again using MoS as the launch vehicle.  Then they saw what happened with Avengers and MCU phase 2.  And decided to take a gamble and use Batman and continued to slap on more stuff and got the DC trinity.  


I think they pretty much broke even on their gamble.  But did it do damage to the DCU?  Time will tell.  If SS and Wonder Woman knocks it of the park it's like hitting the reset again.  If not, they could be in trouble.

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9 minutes ago, abra said:



That would mean that the addition to the Man of Steel of characters like Batman, Wonder Woman and all the rest of the JL will have increased its previous domestic BO of a mere additional $50M - $60M.


That's how a "bad" movie will completely deflect the financial positive impact of major assets aimed at increasing significantly MOS BO.

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6 minutes ago, TimmyRiggins said:

If DC did the same, they'd be accused of copying Marvel, so come on....



Pretty sure they'd be accused of copying Marvel no matter which order they released the movies in, so might as well do it right.

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