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4 minutes ago, Daniel Dylan Davis said:


Honestly, GL was the first sign that WB didn't know what they heck they were doing. That film was a studio-made disaster through and through. 



Never forget.

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1 minute ago, Ethan Hunt said:

Pooey Green Lantern is a fun little movie


It has it's moments, but as a fan of the comics, it's an editing and jumbled mess of a film.


Just now, Nova said:

Honestly, the GL shouldn't have even been made. 


Nah, GL would have made a great movie, if WB wasn't run by people who couldn't make up their minds what they wanted to do with the property. So much wasted potential. 

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2 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:


WB has been making CBMs for a while, GL was a bump in the road not much more.


Yes, but given the production history and result of GL, I surprised can't say I'm surprised by the outcome of BVS.

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13 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:


Numbers this weekend don't support 50 pages to this point lol I'm pretty sure we know how the mods feel.




So I'll just go, I like the numbers for Zootopia and go back to my lurking.

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It's not going to win over any body else that doesn't already like it. 


Well, it might pick up a few people later on home video and such but no where near enough to make JL an Avengers level event box office wise. 


The only character I truely care about it in this new universe is Batman. I don't care for this version of Superman and I know absolutely nothing about Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg to care. Thankfully we're getting a solo WW movie. Hopefully it'll be good, so at least that would be two characters I care about lol. 

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31 minutes ago, SWXII said:


Any new reimagining of classic characters has a lot of risk. This seems to have run the gauntlet and survived. It will only gain strength now.




And I give up. You'll think this is a success no matter what is presented stating otherwise.

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46 minutes ago, Daniel Dylan Davis said:


It has it's moments, but as a fan of the comics, it's an editing and jumbled mess of a film.



Nah, GL would have made a great movie, if WB wasn't run by people who couldn't make up their minds what they wanted to do with the property. So much wasted potential. 


For all the money they make from Superman & Batman movies, I think the studio seems ambivalent about investing in Superhero movies. 

Paramount had a gold mine with the 1st Iron Man movie why they give up the rights for a franchise? OK, maybe Disney has tons of cash so there...

Warner is either in disarray at the executive level or they just want to collect merchandising fees from the franchise.

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2 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

I honestly don't think Midnight Special has many more major expansions left. It stayed in NY/LA for two weeks, then it expanded 50 theaters, and now it's jumped to more major markets in 493 theaters. The only chance WB really has to get in over 750 theaters is April 22.

That would be the tragedy of the decade for Blankie Blanks.



2 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

Zootopia's weekend thread was strange.


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57 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:


WB has been making CBMs for a while, GL was a bump in the road not much more.


A $300 million bump in the road?  Jonah Hex was a bomb, but didn't cost that much...so a "bump in the road" (and it shouldn't have been made).  Watchmen underperformed, and could be categorized as a "bump in the road."  Green Lantern, which, by many accounts, cost much more than WB let on, was creatively and financially a fiasco, a full-on shanda.  A huge investment down the drain, a write-off of significant proportions for the studio, which failed to start their "cinematic universe"...and nearly killed Ryan Reynolds' career (but hey, he met Blake Lively).

Edited by Macleod
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1 minute ago, zackzack said:


For all the money they make from Superman & Batman movies, I think the studio seems ambivalent about investing in Superhero movies. 

Paramount had a gold mine with the 1st Iron Man movie why they give up the rights for a franchise? OK, maybe Disney has tons of cash so there...

Warner is either in disarray at the executive level or they just want to collect merchandising fees from the franchise.

They never had the rights. Marvel was financing their own films (and owned the rights to the MCU characters) starting with Iron Man, Paramount was just distributing them. When Disney bought Marvel, Paramount still had a distribution deal, until The Avengers (which was the first distributed by Disney). So now Disney filling owns the film rights by owning Marvel.

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