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Weekend Thread | RTH pg 197...Mother's Day not kind to CW but very kind to JB and MD CW 42, JB 9,7, MDD 6.1,Hunts 1.48...puts CW at about 178M

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Saturday shows are all busy but I doubt it goes above 60.


In retrospect 


Im3 62 million Saturday was quite a feat still 4th biggest. 


Was likely the quietest big box office day I can remember lol.

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1 minute ago, CJohn said:

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is the next one. Trades will talk about a 150M OW and when it opens with 125M we will call it a bomb. 


Sunuvabitch, don't ruin my hopes just yet. I have an OVER IM3 OW club opened up there, Gawddammit...

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7 minutes ago, Lestranger said:


I would have agreed with you a day ago, but then I looked closer at the production budget. CACW was created as an Avengers film from the start. It's production was 50% higher than Winter's Solider. It's P&A had to be similar to Ultron. So the real comp for CACW is Ultron not Winter's Solider. Now CACW is gonna make a few hundred million in profit if its legs hold up. Great, everyone is happy. But the large pattern is one of diminishing returns. If CACW ends up lower than Ultron with WW BO, then the ROI is gonna be lower considering their costs are pretty similar.


So you think that they are just considering the domestic box office when they allocate a budget to the film?  WS made 714 million dollars.  This one is going to make a minimum of 1.2 billion.  And that's just for starters.  They also just bought the rights to Spider-man.  ASM films were disasters and now they need something to pique interest in the new film coming out next year.  Mission accomplished.  Next they need to get this film done so that Infinity Wars is viable.  Also done.  The domestic box office is never the sole factor in what kind of budget is allocated to a film.  Yes 250 million is a bonkers amount of money, but when you are looking at north of a billion dollars WW and you need to get Spider-man rebooted and you need the next Avengers two part film to be viable, then sinking 400-500 million dollars into this movie makes perfect sense.  ASM2 made 700 WW.  Do you have any doubt now that now that Disney is in charge of Spidey and Iron Man is going to be part of the first film, that it will probably make more than a billion?  So before you call this a disappointment, think of the big picture, not tiny pixel of it.

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29 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


But I can't help but to think that somehow, that's still a disappointment that this couldn't get much higher than BvsS OW?? That's what shocks me the most cause it should've blown right past this like it was nothing, but it didn't, so of all the explanations for it, maybe releasing too many of these so close to one another killed a lot of this???


1- You and your damn Dc V Marvel thing.

2- The is no novelty to seeing a bunch of Marvel heroes together anymore.

3-Spider-Man is not the hot movie commodity that he was in the early 2000s

4- You and your damn Dc V Marvel thing; the opening is fine for a Cap sequel. At the end of the day, all that matters is that you enjoy the film. At least you got what? 13 films with your favorite comic book universe.

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2 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:


Sunuvabitch, don't ruin my hopes just yet. I have an OVER IM3 OW club opened up there, Gawddammit...

Oh boy yeah, you create that. It means the meltdowns will be even bigger.

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Civil grosses 38+ million on saturday.


Largest saturday ever in Chinese box office.


97 to 100 million opening weekend and 200 million gross is certain.



Overseas will be 800 + now for sure It seems.

Edited by Lordmandeep
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3 minutes ago, Spaghetti said:

The film not outdoing Age of Ultron certainly makes Thor feel valuable.



And don't forget The Hulk.


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1 minute ago, CJohn said:

Oh boy yeah, you create that. It means the meltdowns will be even bigger.


I have already created it. Why you doubt the power of the Pratt Man?!


Don't worry, I'll go down w/the ship should it fail (which is likely it might), I'm a MAN like that.

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Just now, MCKillswitch123 said:


I have already created it. Why you doubt the power of the Pratt Man?!


Don't worry, I'll go down w/the ship should it fail (which is likely it might), I'm a MAN like that.

Please if his OD is something like 50M go full BKB man. 70M Saturday and 50M Sunday!

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With that number, it seems more than ever that, as was initially expected by most with the glowing early buzz, it's OW will likely fall directly between that of Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron. I think my earliest guess was $182M. Not sure it gets there, but definitely feeling it edges past $180M+ OW with legs to take it to $450M+ DOM.

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1 minute ago, CJohn said:

Please if his OD is something like 50M go full BKB man. 70M Saturday and 50M Sunday!


No. I won't go full BKB. You never go full BKB. Never, ever. I'm a pessimist/realist: when the hope is dead, it's over, cause hope is the last one to die and if hope dies, there's no light left to save you :jeb!:.


That being said, I will stick w/this club UNTIL THE VERY END!!!!!..... of opening Friday :ph34r:

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Oh, and btw....now that I understand a bit more about the Infinity Stones, I like Guardians of the Galaxy a whole lot more.  Like way more. :)


I'll certainly watch it again in it's entirety.  

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7 minutes ago, MrPink said:

It's ok guys, this movie will flex its box office muscles today and everything will be all right.



Someone should make a "look at those sexy arms" post as a sequel to that "legs" post from a while ago. Equality!

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