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BOT Top 100 Movies of All Time: The Empire Strikes Back... Again... For the Third Time...

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7 minutes ago, James said:

I wasn't referring to that, but to this type of choral/flute non-epic-battle combo.


Plenty of film scores have used that type of music. LOTR didn't invent or popularize that either.

Edited by Daniel Dylan Davis
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29 minutes ago, James said:

Listening to this right now:



If one of the LOTR movies is not in Top 3 at least I will be pissed. Everything about them is so insanely perfect. Soundtrack wise they have so many memorable themes. How come no other movie is using this style? 

Those movies are soooooo old.  The movie comes across as cheesy and slow now. Movies did become good until 2010. 

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14 minutes ago, angeldelmito said:

ummm its universally known that movies just got good March 23, 2012. 



You are correct, but not about the reason why....





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So finally saw Deadpool (and by extension I watched Misery for the first time) one I would probably include in my next 100 (probably in the lower 80s/upper 90s) the other wouldn't crack the top 500....

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Uh oh, it's another one of those old movies.


Number 72

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

35 Points (13 Votes, Avg Score 36.3208)



"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room."


Top 10 Placements: 1 Placement

Changes in Ranking Over Time: 2014 (37, -35), 2013 (42, -30), 2012 (75, +3)

Tomatometer: 99%

Box Office: 9.16m (84.55m Adjusted)

Most Notable Awards Recognition: Nominated for 4 Oscars

IMDb Synopsis: Paranoid Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper of Burpelson Air Force Base, believing that fluoridation of the American water supply is a Soviet plot to poison the U.S. populace, is able to deploy through a back door mechanism a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union without the knowledge of his superiors, including the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Buck Turgidson, and President Merkin Muffley. Only Ripper knows the code to recall the B-52 bombers and he has shut down communication in and out of Burpelson as a measure to protect this attack. Ripper's executive officer, RAF Group Captain Lionel Mandrake (on exchange from Britain), who is being held at Burpelson by Ripper, believes he knows the recall codes if he can only get a message to the outside world. Meanwhile at the Pentagon War Room, key persons including Muffley, Turgidson and nuclear scientist and adviser, a former Nazi named Dr. Strangelove, are discussing measures to stop the attack or mitigate its blow-up into an all out nuclear war with the Soviets. Against Turgidson's wishes, Muffley brings Soviet Ambassador Alexi de Sadesky into the War Room, and get his boss, Soviet Premier Dimitri Kisov, on the hot line to inform him of what's going on. The Americans in the War Room are dismayed to learn that the Soviets have an as yet unannounced Doomsday Device to detonate if any of their key targets are hit. As Ripper, Mandrake and those in the War Room try and work the situation to their end goal, Major T.J. "King" Kong, one of the B-52 bomber pilots, is working on his own agenda of deploying his bomb where ever he can on enemy soil if he can't make it to his intended target.

Critic Opinion: "A movie making light of what was, at the time, a new and terrifying potential reality, might have felt pretty jarring. Fifty years later, ‘jarring’ is not a word we’d use to describe it. Neither is ‘shocking’. We’ve lived through enough doomsday scenarios to practically be deadened by them. We’re used to constant, impending doom. Maybe it would be wrong to say we’re fine with it. Still, we probably wouldn’t be surprised if nukes rained down on us tomorrow, with Slim Pickens‘ Major Kong astride one humongous H-bomb. Because of its uncanny insight and frighteningly prescient satirical edge, Dr. Strangelove is a document of its time and also timeless. It held onto its relevancy by being bitter, cynical, and thinking absolutely the worst of people. Sometimes the funniest, most uncomfortably truthful films do just that." - Simon Miraudo

User Opinion: "My second favorite Kubrick film after 2001, and one of my favorite movies period. Excellent satire on nuclear war and bombs and the military, and absolutely hilarious, with clever dialogue. Sellers is brilliant in three different roles (easily his best performance) and George C. Scott is also great. The rest of the cast including Hayden, Wynn and Pickens also turn in stellar performances.
Love the war room scene." - Daniel Dylan Davis

Personal Comment: Stanley Kubrick makes another appearance on our countdown with his classic Cold War comedy, Dr. Stangelove.  The movie marks the 3rd film from the 60s to make our list, and it is the second Kubrick film to grace the countdown.  There are few comedies that are viewed as universally great as Dr. Strangelove, a satire that is often seen as one of the greatest comedies of all time.  The film is biting, relevant, and hilarious, and it is a firm showcase of Kubrick's work as a great and divisive director. 




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Number 71

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

35 Points (14 Votes, Avg Score 43.4614)



"I am Groot."


Top 10 Placements: 1 Placement

Changes in Rankings Over Time: 2014 (Not Ranked), 2013 (Not Ranked), 2012 (Not Ranked)

Tomatometer: 91%

Box Office: 333.18m (353.30m Adjusted)

Most Notable Awards Recognition: 2 Oscar Nominations

IMDb Synopsis: After stealing a mysterious orb in the far reaches of outer space, Peter Quill from Earth, is now the main target of a manhunt led by the villain known as Ronan the Accuser. To help fight Ronan and his team and save the galaxy from his power, Quill creates a team of space heroes known as the "Guardians of the Galaxy" to save the world.

Critic Opinion: "A lot of the commendation needs to fall on James Gunn. This is his first big-budget effort, and he didn’t have to sacrifice his wit or sharpness to make a labor of love. He was able to present a film that pieced together elements of testosterone, geekiness, nostalgia, sweetness, drama, and loads of comedy almost flawlessly. This movie had success written all over it thanks to his determined vision and strong cast of characters. There’s a reason such an obscure comic was greenlit for a sequel before it was determined if it would be successful. And I, for one, cannot wait until the inevitable crossover with the Avengers.  Guardians of the Galaxy is not your typical superhero film, and it doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not. You’re gonna feel two things coming out of this movie: a childlike excitement for a sci-fi action movie, and discomfort in your pain-stricken face from uproarious laughter. More fun comic book films please!" - John Rodriguez

User Opinion: "Absolutely fantastic and amazing film
It was hilarious and I loved all the references
The soundtrack was epic
The acting was fantastic but you would expect none the less with a cast including Zoe Saldana, Karen Gillan, Chris Pratt, John C Reilly, Glenn Close, Benico Del Toro, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel and so so many more
The characters were really well introduced and it was easy to root for the guardians
Groot was fantastic and I love Gamora
The plot was really good
The special effects looked amazing and great
That screenplay was one of the best of the last few years as it was so funny, great and well-written
This is the best ever Marvel film after The Avengers and everyone needs to go and see it immediately " - Films

Personal Comment: Guardians of the Galaxy marks the 4th Marvel film to make the list out of five, and the 3rd MCU film to make the list.  This is also the 4th "superhero" movie to make the countdown, leaving four more to go.  Guardians of the Galaxy can also be seen as the film that saved the Summer of 2014 from being a complete Box Office disaster, it's also a movie that received immediate love for its throwback to 80s Sci-Fi Adventure blended with the pristine effects that come with being an MCU film.  It is often viewed as one of the best, if not the best, film in the in the MCU and it's also the only one in it yet to not feature an Avenger (although it'll inevitably crossover with them).



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Number 70

It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

36 Points (13 Votes, Avg Score 48.7692)



"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?"


Top 5 Placements: 1 Placement

Top 10 Placements: 3 Placements

Changes in Ranking Over Time: 2014 (53, -17), 2013 (56, -14), 2012 (82, +12)

Tomatometer: 94%

Box Office: N/A

Most Notable Awards Recognition: Nominated for 5 Oscars

IMDb Synopsis: George Bailey has spent his entire life giving of himself to the people of Bedford Falls. He has always longed to travel but never had the opportunity in order to prevent rich skinflint Mr. Potter from taking over the entire town. All that prevents him from doing so is George's modest building and loan company, which was founded by his generous father. But on Christmas Eve, George's Uncle Billy loses the business's $8,000 while intending to deposit it in the bank. Potter finds the misplaced money and hides it from Billy. When the bank examiner discovers the shortage later that night, George realizes that he will be held responsible and sent to jail and the company will collapse, finally allowing Potter to take over the town. Thinking of his wife, their young children, and others he loves will be better off with him dead, he contemplates suicide. But the prayers of his loved ones result in a gentle angel named Clarence coming to earth to help George, with the promise of earning his wings. He shows George what things would have been like if he had never been born. In a nightmarish vision in which the Potter-controlled town is sunk in sex and sin, those George loves are either dead, ruined, or miserable. He realizes that he has touched many people in a positive way and that his life has truly been a wonderful one.

Critic Opinion: "This masterpiece from Frank Capra still has a lot to say about community spirit and is a film with much more to it than feel-good sentimentality. As the suicidal man who is shown the value of his life by his guardian angel, George Bailey is Mr Deeds, John Doe and Mr Smith rolled into one and only James Stewart could have given him the self-doubt that gnaws away at his essential decency. As with all good morality tales, the villain has to be exceptional, too, and Lionel Barrymore is at the peak of his powers as the villainous Potter. The term Capra-esque is too often misapplied: forget the imitations and revel in the genuine article." - David Parkinson

User Opinion: "It's a wonderful wonderful movie. The simplicity of the movie and the message which Capra tries to convey still stands the testament of time...especially the last half hour which is just out of the world. Among the greatest gems of all time..among one of the pillars of Hollywood of old times and one of my favorites." - The Dark Rock

Personal Comment: It's a Wonderful Life marks the first film from the 1940s and brings some of the true golden day greats such as Capra and James Stewart onto our countdown.  This is a Christmastime classic that is nearly impossible not to love, despite all of the schmaltz it may entail with it, and it's one watched by families everywhere each year during the Holiday season.  There's not much to say about this movie other than the fact that it definitely earns its title as the definitive classic of the Holidays.




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