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SUICIDE SQUAD WEEKEND THREAD | New REVISED SUNDAY NUMBER 134m FROM GURU ON PG 212 | 267.1M WW OW | Nine Lives 6.5 OW |No Spoilers Allowed!!! | ACCOUNT SALES THIS WEEKEND - see first post for details !!

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4 minutes ago, Jay Beezy said:


I only took notice of her last year and she has somehow amassed 32 million followers on Instagram. What makes her stand out from other people like her?


She has a dont give a shit personality, famous eyebrows, and a girlfriend. But it's mainly the eyebrows.

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1 minute ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:

It's amazing how quickly people add 70-80m to an official budget when they don't like the movie, yet find a way to knock 30-40m off budgets for movies they enjoy.


Who is doing that? I haven't really been following, just checking out the numbers as they're coming in.

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2 minutes ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:

It's amazing how quickly people add 70-80m to an official budget when they don't like the movie, yet find a way to knock 30-40m off budgets for movies they enjoy.


We just don't know. It's pointless to bicker about stuff that we're literally just guessing about. The studios aren't run by idiots... and unlike us they actually have all the data.


If you want to talk "real" budgets, the only insider info that's worth anything is specific, first-person stuff from someone with actual access to the numbers. Otherwise it's just more complication. From the article I posted a few weeks ago about how movies turn a profit (it's in the Numbers & Data archive thread, if anyone is interested), I think the author/producer who wrote it estimated published budgets tend to be around 12-15% less than what the actual budgets are -- though of course that's just an approximation and it could vary for each movie.

It has been happening here for years now and it is just fucking ridiculous. 

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She was easily the worst part of this movie. Even folks who I talked to that liked the movie, didn't like her. No screen presence. No chemistry with any one on screen.

You guys are preparing me for the suck that is Cara Delvigne in Suicide Squad. Thanks guys!

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16 minutes ago, a2knet said:


If it does ~2.2x dom and os, ~283.5 + ~290.4 = ~573.9 ww

considering the dom ow could go down/vary with actuals, 565-585 ww imo.

600 looks tough, doesn't it?



SS still has Egypt, Denmark, Pakistan, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Austria, Greece and Japan left.

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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

Who is doing that? I haven't really been following, just checking out the numbers as they're coming in.

Tons of people are doing that. 

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3 minutes ago, JennaJ said:


Well she was a well known model before she started "acting" and I think that account for a lot of her Instagram followers.



Odd that I never saw any of her spreads. Then again I've never really gotten those magazines. I guess I never really pay attention to models unless they transition into acting.

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1 minute ago, redfirebird2008 said:

Rough drop for Finding Dory. 

It's down 1-2 shows a day everywhere around me. It's much older than everything else out right now so we'll have to wait and see if it gets another Labor Day re-expansion.

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2 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:



SS still has Egypt, Denmark, Pakistan, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Austria, Greece and Japan left.


Ah ok. I read in a comment that it was almost done except for a couple of markets.

It should do 600M+.

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10 hours ago, Bishop54 said:

Did anyone use the phase #crumbling yet? Because that's what's going on here.

Someone did around page 135 (not sure if it is still the same oage, some posts seem to disappear)


10 hours ago, Johnny Tran said:

It certainly was not reviews that had an impact.  Reviews are known to anyone who cares well before Friday. This again shows that WOM is always way more important than reviews.

Not always, some movies get a block on the release of the reviews, like SS got too



8 hours ago, Porthos said:

Man, am I looking forward to the Rogue One OW thread..

Y'all realize there's every chance in the world that it's going to have a lot of frontloading no matter what the reviews are, right?

I really hope expectations stay low, I am not beliving into a similar interest as it has no known to GA characters and so on.


8 hours ago, The Futurist said:

I am sure studios executives don't even know what a multiplier is.

They don't need to know or they don't give a fuck or both.

I think they do. I also think they analyse far more explicit as we do.


7 hours ago, iJackSparrow said:

Only one that has something to worry is WB.  Marvel Studios is like Pixar at this point, while the other studios aren't even trying to play catch up.

I disagree as far as I wrote it might hurt to a small degree. A small degree isn't something to 'worry', but still a possible change.


6 hours ago, Krissykins said:

$600m is more than enough to cover. That's more three times the production budget. 

People are really not grasping how things work. 

WB seems to have written internally they need $750m to $800m to get even via BO. But even if it doesn't reach that, they are still other forms of income...


6 hours ago, Finnick said:

A film with 175M budget + 150M on marketing like SS needs at least 900M to break even from theater incomes, because only 50% of theater incomes goes to the studio behind the movie stateside and 25% from other markets outside the US. Studios count on theater incomes + DVD/Digital/Rental incomes + Merchandise to have a mere 100M for a major blockbuster. It is not an easy business.

I think each of your stated numbers are wrong beside the ~ 50% dom theatrical revenue.


5 hours ago, a2knet said:

Most cases RT and legs more or less have aligned.

CW, TREK, TARZAN the biggest exceptions.

CI and MOMS also doing better than expected.

I still think movies with a good WOM can get rather different MP depending on fullfilled expectations and how the movie makes you feel at the end. E.g. a very sad movie very well done might get a 100% 9.5 rating, but not a lot of people might want to repeat watch it. In especial CW was IMHO not an 100% uplifting mood giving movie, even if the end is a kind of happy for now movie. = meatn only to a degree, let's say 10% changing, not meant as 'big reason' or so


2 hours ago, TimmyRiggins said:

Last I checked,  the positive to negative ratio was really good on Twitter, that + it scored a good cinemascore (whatever that's worth) with the key audience. 


6:1 at that day count in release is not good IMHO

E.g. Ant-Man had at Thursday (previews) 21:1, at Sunday 22:1, a weekend later at Friday even 30:1, GotG had at release day = 34:1....


1 hour ago, The Panda said:

We've already mentioned CW is not a good comparison to SS, as CW required the audience to see at least 4-5 other MCU films in order to understand it, you don't even have to see BvS to understand SS.

CW didn't have a good multiplier, and that's likely because of the CU-nature of it finally having its drawbacks.  Drawbacks that do not apply to SS.

see 2# above, I think there are different points, incl. yours in a way (I'd formulate a bit in another way i think)


reached p.162...

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4 minutes ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:

It's amazing how quickly people add 70-80m to an official budget when they don't like the movie, yet find a way to knock 30-40m off budgets for movies they enjoy.


We just don't know. It's pointless to bicker about stuff that we're literally just guessing about. The studios aren't run by idiots... and unlike us they actually have all the data.


If you want to talk "real" budgets, the only insider info that's worth anything is specific, first-person stuff from someone with actual access to the numbers. Otherwise it's just more complication. From the article I posted a few weeks ago about how movies turn a profit (it's in the Numbers & Data archive thread, if anyone is interested), I think the author/producer who wrote it estimated published budgets tend to be around 12-15% less than what the actual budgets are -- though of course that's just an approximation and it could vary for each movie.


You keep bringing this article up, and it keeps getting ignored. You should create a required online exam based on it for people to join the forum, lol.

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