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Tuesday: Suicide Squad $14.27M

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12 minutes ago, Baumer loves Dory said:


FF increased that much on Tuesday because it sucked and everyone wanted to pay less to see it on Tuesday.  


You're running out of excuses here aren't you?


And how nice of you to site FF and not GOTG.


Not necessarily agreeing with Gopher completely, but I find that to be odd logic.  I've never noticed a correlation between a movie sucking and it having better Tuesday increases than one that didn't.

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5 minutes ago, Baumer loves Dory said:


I get that.  But there's obviously other reasons why FF went up so much.  One of them is that people were willing to pay less money to see it knowing it was going to suck, hence the 41% drop the next day and another is that it opened to about a third of what SS did.

Exactly. FF went up so much because people weren't going to pay full price to see that turd. I think folks get so caught up on percentages and stuff without looking at the bigger picture. A film that opens bigger will have bigger drops because theres only so much money a film can make. Also a film that opens very little should have smaller drops but also have bigger increases. A film thats god awful will see increases on days when tickets are discounted, imo. 

Edited by Nova
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1 minute ago, The Panda said:


Not necessarily agreeing with Gopher completely, but I find that to be odd logic.  I've never noticed a correlation between a movie sucking and it having better Tuesday increases than one that didn't.


That's because no movie ever sucked as bad as FF.

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17 minutes ago, Baumer loves Dory said:


You're running out of excuses here aren't you?


I just have faith in our country I guess. Maybe I'm just an optimist :P


(I also genuinely believe there's not enough proof yet, BvS had perfectly good Monday/Tuesday holds) 

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Yea, but you are not usually fueled by your feelings towards a film.  I think you call it as you see it.  I think if the WOM was as horrible as you think the film is then the drops would be significantly higher than what they have been.

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18 minutes ago, Baumer loves Dory said:

Yea, but you are not usually fueled by your feelings towards a film.  I think you call it as you see it.  I think if the WOM was as horrible as you think the film is then the drops would be significantly higher than what they have been.


We're all fueled by feelings. I seem to recall a particular swear word you repeated regarding a very successful fish related comedy this summer. ;)


But sure, let's talk no-filter BO predicting. It hasn't had a bad hold since Saturday. BvS did the same thing. I currently have the weekend at 43m (-68%), with a -31% decrease today, -10% Thurs and 50% bump Friday. There's room for improvement with those projections, but its IM was so frontloaded it could follow Guardians' dailies for the rest of the week and still drop -65%. If it pulls that off I can see it crossing 300, my projection has it barely getting to MOS numbers domestic. 


I guess its third week is going to be more interesting. Everything drops a lot second weekend now, but BvS against no competition fell -55% its third weekend and then -61% against Jungle Book. MOS 'only' dropped -50%. Guardians did -40%, but that was a movie people actually liked. Suicide Squad loses IMAX but it's not like Ben Hur is gonna blow its tires out, it would have to collapse on its own. 

Edited by Gopher
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Third Weekend Drops for Recent CBMs:

Deadpool  44.9

GOTG    40.4

BvS       54.5

CA:CW 54.7

XMA  56.6

MoS  49.8

AoU 50

CA:WS  38

XM:DOFP 53.4

Ant-Man 48.6

FF        54.3          

TASM2 52.7

Thor: The Dark World 61.2

IM3                 50.7

Edited by superweirdo87
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1 hour ago, The Panda said:

In all actuality, Civil War was a Marvel movie with many of its popular characters in it, and they chose to give it a Captain America title for logistical purposes.


It is not one singular thing.  It's a Captain America sequel.  It's an Age of Ultron sequel.  It's a Spider-Man reboot.  It sets some background as a Black Panther prequel.  It is an Iron Man v Captain America movie.


It is all of those things, and it's silly to argue that it's only one of them.


It was a Captain America sequel. They only threw Iron Man in there to compete with WB who threw Batman in the Superman movie. If you recall, Batman vs. Superman and Cap 3 were scheduled to open on the same date. It was less about IM vs. CAP imo, and more about Cap and Bucky's love story with Cap saving Bucky (yet again). The theme of all 3 Cap movies. Adding in all those extra characters was a response to WB in my opinion.

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35 minutes ago, Baumer loves Dory said:

Yea, but you are not usually fueled by your feelings towards a film.  I think you call it as you see it.  I think if the WOM was as horrible as you think the film is then the drops would be significantly higher than what they have been.


This exactly is why I'm waiting for stateside and foreign totals to peter out before declaring victory or death.


I mean hell SS dropped 41% Friday to Saturday? AOU dropped 33%. Yet one of those 2 still finished over 400 million stateside and a billion Plus global.


Worry not about 2nd weekend or week drops or whatever and worry more about the final totals. That WB insider told THR that it needs 750-800 million in theaters to break even. But WB will call it a win if it comes "close" so....700 million? (*shrug*)

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45 minutes ago, Gopher said:


I just have faith in our country I guess. Maybe I'm just an optimist :P


(I also genuinely believe there's not enough proof yet, BvS had perfectly good Monday/Tuesday holds) 


BvS was supported by Easter week and Spring Break. So a little different scenario.

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