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Vice | Opening Wide on Christmas | Let's call it... mixed reviews #DiViceive

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Speaking as a liberal, I know alot of film twitter critcs are the annoying ass brand of #resist liberals that seem to think America was a land of perfection and kumbaya until Trump got elected, so I think alot of them might be upset that the movie is too mean and unfair to their new bipartisan heroes in the Bush administration. I seriously think that's why alot of the popular critics don't like this. 


Like, seriously, that one review calling this movie too cynical and not nuanced enough in its criticism? Unbelievable. Did these people sleep through eight years? 

Edited by Cmasterclay
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37 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

Speaking as a liberal, I know alot of film twitter critcs are the annoying ass brand of #resist liberals that seem to think America was a land of perfection and kumbaya until Trump got elected, so I think alot of them might be upset that the movie is too mean and unfair to their new bipartisan heroes in the Bush administration. I seriously think that's why alot of the popular critics don't like this. 


Like, seriously, that one review calling this movie too cynical and not nuanced enough in its criticism? Unbelievable. Did these people sleep through eight years? 

Corruption and endless war began with Trump and will end with Trump!!!11 I think a lot of the #Resistance liberals on twitter also may be too young to remember the Bush/Cheney years, I mean there are 17 year olds today that were still in their mother's womb when 9/11 happened, so even a lot of people 20-25 years old today probably don't remember or just weren't interested in politics when the Iraq War started.  This group also came of age during Obama's rise, who I bet were undoubtedly hypnotized by his undeniably great oratory skills and conveniently overlooked/ignored the fact that Obama continued and even repeated a lot of Bush era bullshit for 8 years, *cough Libya*.(To be somewhat fair to Obama, the IC, MIC, and global corporate/governmental interests mostly run the show). Thats a big problem with politics today imo, when you point out that both sides do a lot of the same repugnant shit, it gets dismissed as "whataboutism" because "OMFG TRUMP WE GOTTA STOP HIM".  In many ways, Trump simply just puts an ugly face that draws a lot of attention to stuff we've been doing long before him.


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Trump hysteria is the best entertainment I had in years.

The idea that when Democrats are in power, America stops thinking itself as the world leading Empire (with everything ugly that goes with it) is cute.

You grow up from these delusions eventually ...


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6 hours ago, Cmasterclay said:

Speaking as a liberal, I know alot of film twitter critcs are the annoying ass brand of #resist liberals that seem to think America was a land of perfection and kumbaya until Trump got elected, so I think alot of them might be upset that the movie is too mean and unfair to their new bipartisan heroes in the Bush administration. I seriously think that's why alot of the popular critics don't like this. 


Like, seriously, that one review calling this movie too cynical and not nuanced enough in its criticism? Unbelievable. Did these people sleep through eight years? 

I think Bush looks a lot better in hindsight because he’s the brand of Republican that can put on a respectable face.


In fact, Bush Jr as a person is fairly decent.  He’s a terrible politician though, and got walked on by Cheney.


Reagan on the other hand, I still don’t get the hindsight appreciation for him by liberals.  He’s terrible all the way around and is probably he driving reason the Republican Party is this bad today.


If anything though, the Trump presidency has been forcing a lot of people to come to grips with some of the ugliness that they had been turning blind eyes to (institutional racism that hasn’t gone away, ICE and how we treat immigrants, the politicized evangelical church, corruption, how we were ignoring climate change, etc.)

Edited by PANDA
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Honestly, I can't quite think how priviledged one can be to think that Trump's presidency so far has done a tenth of the harm that Bush Jr did to the world... I mean maybe if you don't care how many other countries your country fucks up and only care about yourslef? But even then Trump wouldn't exist without Bush you still are ignorant as fuck.

He is by far the worst American president of my lifetime, one of the worst western politician overall and the day he dies will be a happy day for me.

So yeah go ahead join the #Resistance but Bush Jr is such a nice cowboy grandpa right?

Edited by FantasticBeasts
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20 minutes ago, FantasticBeasts said:

Honestly, I can't quite think how priviledged one can be to think that Trump's presidency so far has done a tenth of the harm that Bush Jr did to the world... I mean maybe if you don't care how many other countries your country fucks up and only care about yourslef? But even then Trump wouldn't exist without Bush you still are ignorant as fuck.

He is by far the worst American president of my lifetime, one of the worst western politician overall and the day he dies will be a happy day for me.

So yeah go ahead join the #Resistance but Bush Jr is such a nice cowboy grandpa right?

Trump’s incredibly damaging domestically.  Even beyond policy, he’s changed the political atmosphere and brought a lot of ugliness back out of people here.


Bush certainly had more foreign policy damage with the Iraq war.  But put Trump in Bush’s time and it’d have still happened (maybe even worse).  Put Bush in Trump’s time and there’s certainly harmful policy, but probably a better outcome.

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4 minutes ago, PANDA said:

Trump’s incredibly damaging domestically.  Even beyond policy, he’s changed the political atmosphere and brought a lot of ugliness back out of people here.


Bush certainly had more foreign policy damage with the Iraq war.  But put Trump in Bush’s time and it’d have still happened (maybe even worse).  Put Bush in Trump’s time and there’s certainly harmful policy, but probably a better outcome.

The ugliness always existed. Putting all the fault on Trump is a grave mistake. Counting days till he is gone, thinking that everything will be fine again is such a utopia. It's much deeper don't make the mistake to personalize it. Actually, if anything Trump did that sole good thing. To remind people how much intolerance there still is in this world and how much under the rag it was kept for so long especially during the Obama years. Fighting bigotry in all it's forms is the real battle. People making this all about Trump are losing the bigger picture.

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George Bush and his father are responsible for the deaths of millions of people. Just because it didn’t happen in the USA, doesn’t mean those lives didn’t matter. Especially when those people’s lives were taken over a big sham ie the nuclear weapons that never existed. And how about the babies born in Iraq today with medical defects because of the weapons used by the administration? How about the violence that still kills thousands of people because of the unrest that the war he caused brought? 


Lets also not forget that George HW Bush was responsible for over a hundred thousand gay men losing their lives because of AIDs. 


But yea they’re def “better” than Trump. They’re not any better than him. They’re murderers and should be treated that way. And make no mistake about it: neither one of them would have been any different if they were presidents today. 

Edited by Nova
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Its definitely a McKay film. Similar in regards with The Big Short that the movie is somehow hilarious but also at the same time it pisses you off about the way things are. Its a horror. 


Bale and Rockwell were absolutely wonderful. Both will def get Oscar nods at the very least. 

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As an American, I think Trump is infinitely worse than Bush, but I can see the argument from foreigners otherwise. Not 100 percent, but I can see their argument. Hey, this is about Cheney. Bush is merely here by proxy. Trump fully supports tear gassing babies. Choose your stance wisely here.


Hey, if you want to get intricate with the details. Don't blame America. Blame Texas. They want to be sovereign. What would we lose? Simple calculators?

Edited by ThePhasmid
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7 minutes ago, ThePhasmid said:

As an American, I think Trump is infinitely worse than Bush, but I can see the argument from foreigners otherwise. Not 100 percent, but I can see their argument. Hey, this is about Cheney. Bush is merely here by proxy. Trump fully supports tear gassing babies. Choose your stance wisely here.


Hey, if you want to get intricate with the details. Don't blame America. Blame Texas.

Yeah, I don’t even really want to indulge too much in the Trump or Bush argument. It makes it seem like I’m try to excuse Bush, which I’m not.


But both Bushes were better for the country than Trump (and granted, me saying better does not mean good at all, especially Jr who was a disaster).  Trump literally just tear gassed children over international borders, I don’t want to hear it.

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5 minutes ago, PANDA said:

Yeah, I don’t even really want to indulge too much in the Trump or Bush argument. It makes it seem like I’m try to excuse Bush, which I’m not.


But both Bushes were better for the country than Trump (and granted, me saying better does not mean good at all, especially Jr who was a disaster).  Trump literally just tear gassed children over international borders, I don’t want to hear it.

Agreed. It's also OK to separate Cheney from Bush as this docudrama will apparently pontificate across its runtime. Bush is clearly a bit of a dullard against the intelligent sociopath qualities of Cheney. I look forward to this film and Bale's performance.

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