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ROGUE ONE WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals R1 155.09m, Moana 12.7m, OCP 8.58m, CB 7.1m, FB 5.07m

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Rots for a its fault left a big impact on SW fans....because it is better then the other two prequels and the only SW film for over a decade and did focus on a big storyline.


All lot of scenes and lines still to this day are quoted and memed a lot.



If ou say I have the high ground ! To a group of casal sw fans ....the know exactly what that means

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3 minutes ago, boomboom234 said:

We only have what we have seen and right now it is BS. I'll reassess after episode 8 if I have to


In A New Hope, did you know that Luke and Leia are brother and sister, did you know that Luke and Darth Vader for father and son? 


Star Wars has done this over and over again and again and now you seem to have a problem because something is not explained to you in neon lights or someone didn't rent a plane and write it across the sky just so you can understand every single plot point in the Star Wars Universe LOL

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2 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

I'll admit that Sith is flawed as hell. But, I do adore how, more so than any of the other Star Wars flicks, it's feels like youngin's imagination exploding onto the screen. It only really registers a few pivotal character beats though. But, yeah, it's so gorgeous to behold. Arguably the most lavish intergalactic fairy tale to put screen.


I definitely felt the characters more in Awakens but, man, did it looks dull as hell to me. And, man, did the spacecrafts, weapons, etc. lack any imagination whatsoever. I thought the world building, especially given the budget, flat sucked. Aside from the  opening with Rey, I didn't really feel much scope either.

Exactly this 

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3 minutes ago, Christmas Baumer said:


This is where I disagree with you massively once again. When a film opens to a record, and not just a little bit but by a massive amount, a record opening weekend and then has a 3.6 multiplier. That is definitely not just Nostalgia that is people actually enjoying the hell out of the film.


That's exactly what these so-called backlashes always try to argue: "So-and-so film was not universally loved...its success was all/exclusively/unequivocally due to nostalgia (TFA), teenage girls (Titanic), Christians (TPOTC), nerds (The Avengers) or people who like shiny colors (Avatar). Nobody cared for those movies but the groups mentioned."  

Yeah, right. 

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I do have to admit that in my theater at the end of the movie during the last 5 minutes people were literally gasping and laughing with joy. And when the credits rolled and the Star Wars theme came on there was some vociferous Applause and others were politely applauding as well.

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3 minutes ago, DealWithIt said:


Reception of TFA is still glowing. Just the usual extremely small amount of people on the internet going around telling anyone who stops laughing at them long enough to listen, that it "wasn't actually good". Incorrect just like with every other mega blockbuster loved by critics and fans worldwide.

While it's obviously a disenchanted minority, it was amusing how much service South Park gave it this past season. Dudes essentially mocked it at each turn.

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1 minute ago, Cochofles said:


That's exactly what these so-called backlashes always try to argue: "So-and-so film was not universally loved...its success was all/exclusively/unequivocally due to nostalgia (TFA), teenage girls (Titanic), Christians (TPOTC), nerds (The Avengers) or people who like shiny colors (Avatar). Nobody cared for those movies but the groups mentioned."  

Yeah, right. 


I think i love you @Cochofles. My heart belongs to @K1stpierre but i truly love you :)

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2 minutes ago, Christmas Baumer said:


In A New Hope, did you know that Luke and Leia are brother and sister, did you know that Luke and Darth Vader for father and son? 


Star Wars has done this over and over again and again and now you seem to have a problem because something is not explained to you in neon lights or someone didn't rent a plane and write it across the sky just so you can understand every single plot point in the Star Wars Universe LOL

 Not even remotely related those are plot twists this is a major plot element that makes as of now no fucking sense. It outright takes you out of the movie. Those expanded the story this requires explanation for it to even work 

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7 minutes ago, Christmas Baumer said:

Anyone who complains about Rey being good at everything obviously has no patience and doesn't understand that the rest of the story will be explained in the next episode. Seriously guys we've been through this probably a hundred thousand times.


All you have to do to end this discussion is bring up farm boy Luke and his destruction of the Death Star with his eyes closed and the voice of Obi Wan guiding him, two hours after we meet him.  TFA has actual flaws people can talk about, albeit very, very few, this one is the easiest to dismantle. 

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TFA has a 92 % and an insane 8.2/10 rating on RT, it was highly praised, saying it's a bad movie is just pure nonsense, you can just say you didn't like it. It's the same shit over & over again with massive performers, it's part backlash and part minority who doesn't like the film reiterating it any chance they get, the majority said their piece and need not say more.


Of course it feels familiar, that's the point, what JJ & Larry Kasdan did was not only to make it feel as a direct continuation to the OT, which it is, but to make the audience feel like they were back in that world, that it felt comfortable, and warm, and safe in a way, go back to the roots sort of, introducing fantastic new characters that are widely loved (part of the reason for the huge gross) while bringing back beloved characters and introducing a new conflict, new threats with a sense of legacy.


It's just smart storytelling, and once you've done that right, you get to really play, which is what Rian Johnson & Colin Trevorrow will get to do, and it could literally go anywhere. 


I don't think many people realize what JJ accomplished, the PT soured quite a few people on Star Wars, he had to follow that, and find a way in, and that's how you do it. You don't just snap your fingers and make a great Star Wars movie, not only, but basically bring back the franchise in a big way (not counting animation films, because I don't) while introducing a brand new trilogy. Not only did JJ & Larry Kasdan and everyone else nailed it, but JJ also brought a real kinetic energy, dynamism to it.


For me, TFA does what the OT did, but better, in every way. 

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3 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


That's exactly what these so-called backlashes always try to argue: "So-and-so film was not universally loved...its success was all/exclusively/unequivocally due to nostalgia (TFA), teenage girls (Titanic), Christians (TPOTC), nerds (The Avengers) or people who like shiny colors (Avatar). Nobody cared for those movies but the groups mentioned."  

Yeah, right. 

Nothing is total but nostalgia did play a role its wrong to say it didn't. TFA directly  caterered to it directly that's undeniable. People liked the film and I can not like it. This is not a backlash it was there when the film came out. 

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1 minute ago, FantasticBeasts said:

If I want to watch the original trilogy soon I will probably have to avoid this thread for awhile.. Too many spoilers...:bulgingeyes:

Suprised it hasn't been spoiled for you yet :lol: You should definitely watch them though. There's a reason it's one of the defining trilogies in film history.

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1 minute ago, TimmyRiggins said:

TFA has a 92 % and an insane 8.2/10 rating on RT, it was highly praised, saying it's a bad movie is just pure nonsense, you can just say you didn't like it. It's the same shit over & over again with massive performers, it's part backlash and part minority who doesn't like the film reiterating it any chance they get, the majority said their piece and need not say more.


Of course it feels familiar, that's the point, what JJ & Larry Kasdan did was not only to make it feel as a direct continuation to the OT, which it is, but to make the audience feel like they were back in that world, that it felt comfortable, and warm, and safe in a way, go back to the roots sort of, introducing fantastic new characters that are widely loved (part of the reason for the huge gross) while bringing back beloved characters and introducing a new conflict, new threats with a sense of legacy.


It's just smart storytelling, and once you've done that right, you get to really play, which is what Rian Johnson & Colin Trevorrow will get to do, and it could literally go anywhere. 


I don't think many people realize what JJ accomplished, the PT soured quite a few people on Star Wars, he had to follow that, and find a way in, and that's how you do it. You don't just snap your fingers and make a great Star Wars movie, not only, but basically bring back the franchise in a big way (not counting animation films, because I don't) while introducing a brand new trilogy. Not only did JJ & Larry Kasdan and everyone else nailed it, but JJ also brought a real kinetic energy, dynamism to it.


For me, TFA does what the OT did, but better, in every way. 

Maybe to the first part but that depends entirely on the next two movies it shouldn't have to. But your conclusion is wrong the originals did everything better than TFA, TFa just copied everything from those films it has nothing original to it.

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