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3 minutes ago, DamienRoc said:


Women, LGBTQ+, Muslims, Jews, Black People, etc. etc.: "We would like to live in peace and have equality and not be killed."

White supremacists: "We want to subjugate, remove rights, and kill people."


DAR: "Can't you just agree to disagree and get along?"

I'm just tired of both, I have that right.


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3 minutes ago, Grand Moff Tele said:


It's worth pointing out that while (justifiably, IMO) most of the attention is directed at the new alt-reich movement, there are horrible, abusive, and nasty people in every corner of the social/political spectrum. I was really outraged at how a few protestors treated Kimberly Peirce when she showed up at my alma mater for a screening of BOYS DON'T CRY, for example.


Yes, there are shitty people all around. Being leftist or liberal or whatever doesn't make you a good person.


But it is INFURIATING to see people again and again try to find some sort of balance and claim "both sides have problems" which they then conclude that they're equally bad. 

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45 minutes ago, DamienRoc said:


Neither SJWs nor the Friendzone exist. PC doesn't exist. They're all labels that were applied by people who felt entitled to something that they didn't get and so they wanted to demean the opposition.


The SJW thing? It stemmed out of what became Gamergate, which was effectively a testbed for the Alt-Right. Those people were always racist. Always misogynistic. Always wanting to get things they felt they were entitled to, and always wanted to see others subjugated under them. Calling them out for their deplorable behavior didn't make someone an SJW.


If you're saying that SJWs are annoying, then you've bought into a propaganda campaign that people created so that they could continue to be horrible to other people. Congratulations.


Don't tell people they can't get angry about things that actually, negatively affect their lives. If you want to actually make things better, stop fucking tone policing and actually look at real things that are causing real problems. Here's a massive hint: it's not the so-called "SJWs".



Getting angry about police violence sure.


Getting angry that yoga is cultural approiation...


I think the reality is both sides are flawed and have ruined any sane debate on issues.


Both sides breed ignorance in different ways and severity.

Edited by Lordmandeep
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I haven't see AC yet but the concept for the video games seems like it would have been a great fit for a movie adaptation, though. It's nothing more than some easy to digest sci-fi at the beginning followed by some historical action/adventure. Granted, my knowledge of the game is limited to my experience playing the 4th game in the series (the pirate one) although they are largely the same apart from the setting. 


Still, at its core, Spielberg or maybe someone like Justin Lin could have taken the concept and turned it in a respectable summer popcorn flick.

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i lean towards being a motherfucking SJW asshole in general but i do feel like "pick your battles" is good enough advice. like, jennifer lawrence. i think we can let that one go. college kids not even willing to debate ideology is fucking crazy to me (i'm talking about with smart people, not alt right weirdos). some kind of intellectual challenge is key to that level of education i think.

Edited by CoolioD1
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Here's the thing.  There's assholes in every walk of life.   Sad fact but true.


Just because there's assholes in every movement doesn't make all movements equally bad.  You'd think this would be self-evident but social media has a tendency to bring out the worst in people. Including jumping to knee-jerk responses to something being ricocheted around the net at lightspeed.


As for the earlier comment about being able to 'speak your mind' about minorities, and thinking that one really can't do that any more without being labeled a racist, I'm going to give a slightly nuanced answer to that.


Ignoring the asshole quotient I mentioned above (HINT:  If an asshole flames you: IGNORE THEM*), it is true that for various reasons one sometimes does have to be a bit more thoughtful in criticisms about some folks at times.  But that's because lazy stereotypes about folks, while hurtful to everyone, do MORE damage to those who as a GROUP have been historically marginalized.


Don't have to like it.  Can think it runs against whatever ingrained sense of 'fairness' (about treating everyone 'equally' [with lazy stereotypes]).  Can even feel put out that since none of this is YOUR fault, it can feel a bit bad to be singled out for your ancestors' bad behavior.  All true.  All examples about how life isn't 'fair' sometimes.


It's also true that no matter how bad you might feel about it, as a whole, it's not as bad as a lot of people get it.


So go ahead and criticize minorities and others.  It's perfectly acceptable as long as you don't slip into lazy tired cliches and stereotypes.  


I admit this does make it a bit harder to engage in the bumper sticker mentality that the current internet thrives on... But, meh, I think we can do with a little less of it myself. 


* If someone aggressively flames you for saying something, one might also take the chance to look back and see if something you posted was a bit off.  If it was, just apologize for the accidental offense.  Earnest apologies for causing accidental and unintentional offense can go long way, I've found.


If the person STILL flames you after you apologized?


Well... They're an asshole.  Ignore them. :P

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1 hour ago, Grand Moff Tele said:

I have this amazing technique for not hating on actors or actresses, and I'll share it with you for the low, low price of only $14.99.




Don't read or watch entertainment fluff pieces or gossip. They're either ridiculously building someone up or tearing them down. It's just awful.


In terms of paychecks, I think this is where a lot of people get a touch hypocritical because you're either thinking about overall budgets or franchises. First of all, no one gets a option for a cut of the gross unless you're a huge A-lister. So taking a backend deal isn't much of an option for most. Secondly, I seriously question whether most of you would turn down a guaranteed paycheck for a far more nebulous payday somewhere down the road. If it's an incredible passion project, perhaps. Or if you want to roll the dice with a potentially huge blockbuster. But it's just that: a roll of the dice. I can't fault anyone for choosing to be paid up front. 


I don't hate any actors or actresses either. I usually try to separate their personal lives from what they do on film.

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1 minute ago, bcf26 said:

Is it now safe to say that Jennifer Lawrence and Chis Pratt are not draws?

The film was clearly torpedoed by underwhelming marketing and poor reviews so I don't think they'll get too much of the blame. That said, they might want to be more selective going forward, especially Pratt (his presence did nothing to get The Magnificent Seven past typical Denzel numbers).

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2 hours ago, Grand Moff Tele said:

I have this amazing technique for not hating on actors or actresses, and I'll share it with you for the low, low price of only $14.99.


Should have demanded the money up front before giving the advice, Tele. :sadno:  I don't think you're gonna get much from the back end of this post at all.  I'm hearing from sources that CJohn's and Baumer's contracts ate up all the residiual profits from this post, leaving you with about ten cents.  Before taxes.

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Just now, CoolioD1 said:

pratt is a pretty limited performer honestly. some director could straighten him out like soderbergh did w/ cloons or use his small range effectively but i'd say he should try for more comedies.

I said the same thing earlier that he's much more at home in comedies (or roles that take advantage of his comic chops like Star Lord). Haven't seen Passengers yet but he was especially miscast in Magnificent Seven.

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