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Friday Numbers (The Vow: 15.4M; Safe House: 13.8M; Star Wars 3D: 8.7M; Journey 2: 6.6M)

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I don't doubt that they're right, but I don't think it's because theaters are lowering overall ticket prices, although they might be offering more special deals than they used to. It could also be a number of other factors, the biggest and most likely of which is fewer 3D ticket sales. Fewer IMAX ticket sales could contribute too, though I have no reason to suspect it. More kids tickets being sold would be a possibility, but with so few recent kids movies that seems less likely. And then there's the question of whether for some reason recent movies have done better in the regions of the country with lower ticket prices compared to, say, NYC and LA.

3D share has become steady.
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Star Wars may not do it. It is just a shame that we won't have 4 20M+ openers. Journey 2 tanked badly.

I don't know. I really don't know what to think of these early numbers. I'm just along for the ride. I wonder how many updates from Nikki before we get to the true numbers.
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Remember 99% of showings of Phantom Menace are in 3D so it's not like it is selling a large amount of tickets

Compared to what? I don't remember any comments about TLK when it came out and did well. Look, 30 mill is quite astonishing for TPM imo. This is ostensibly the most hated of the prequels and yet people are running out to see this. It's going to open in the 30's and finish with at least 70 mill. This for a film that is on TV every other night and that all of us have on DVD already. 30 mill is much more than anyone thought it would open to INITIALLY.
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It's all just a dream.No way could there be 3-30m+ openers in one dry February weekend.

Well, it was less likely this time because it isn't a holiday weekend, but it has happened in February before with the openings of Valentine's Day, Percy Jackson and Wolfman. And Avatar was still doing huge business at that time too, with an over $20M weekend.
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Calm down dude, these are just early numbers from Nikki, no reason to get all...


Not even in my wildest dreams could I picture something like this. Only Denzel could pull it off. He is mah nigga.

That said, pretty insane for top 3. Star Wars especially. In such company, Journey 2 looks pretty weak, though its number is rather expected.

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I don't know. I really don't know what to think of these early numbers. I'm just along for the ride. I wonder how many updates from Nikki before we get to the true numbers.

3 or 4, maybe more, IMO.
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Star Wars will be frontloaded so not sure. The Vow and Safe House should make it.Insane for Safe House. The SB Tv Spots, Denzel as the bad guy and Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds proves that GL and TCU failling had nothing to do with him.

I remember the reviews for GL saying that Reynolds was the best thing in the movie. Plus it looks like from the previews that he wasn't playing Ryan Reynolds
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Compared to what? I don't remember any comments about TLK when it came out and did well. Look, 30 mill is quite astonishing for TPM imo. This is ostensibly the most hated of the prequels and yet people are running out to see this. It's going to open in the 30's and finish with at least 70 mill. This for a film that is on TV every other night and that all of us have on DVD already. 30 mill is much more than anyone thought it would open to INITIALLY.

I predicted 30M yesterday :lol:
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I remember the reviews for GL saying that Reynolds was the best thing in the movie. Plus it looks like from the previews that he wasn't playing Ryan Reynolds

I read some reviews that said that he was actually good in SH.
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I have no evidence to the contrary. But it does seem to me that there have been fewer 3D movies in the past few months and those that there have been haven't been huge.

Underworld Awakening.
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Look, 30 mill is quite astonishing for TPM imo. This is ostensibly the most hated of the prequels and yet people are running out to see this. It's going to open in the 30's and finish with at least 70 mill. This for a film that is on TV every other night and that all of us have on DVD already. 30 mill is much more than anyone thought it would open to INITIALLY.

I'm a SW fans and I don't consider TPM to be the worst. That would be AOTC. TPM is iconic like ANH, and I think those two will do the best out of all the SW 3D rereleases.
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Also the Phantom Menace $33 million just goes to show you the general public doesn't hate that movie or George Lucas like the Internet and fandom claims they do.

The New Hope re-release sold about 30 million tickets, how many tickets do you think TPM re-release will sell by the end of it's run?
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I remember the reviews for GL saying that Reynolds was the best thing in the movie. Plus it looks like from the previews that he wasn't playing Ryan Reynolds

He actually looked good in this to me (from the trailers).
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I thought it would hit $25M. I saw a lot of predictions that had it going that high. This isn't earth-shattering.

But I'm talking about before Fandango made it public that SW accounted for 15% of all ticket sales. Before that, with no data available, people were saying 20 mill. 30 mill is much more than most of us thought.
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But I'm talking about before Fandango made it public that SW accounted for 15% of all ticket sales. Before that, with no data available, people were saying 20 mill. 30 mill is much more than most of us thought.

Isn't that how it goes for most movies? We take early guesses, then see the data, and then we make more accurate predictions.
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