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Mar 3-5 Weekend - Official Estimates - Logan 85.3m, Get Out 26.1m, Shack 16.1m, LEGO Bat 16.5, BIF 4.9m

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1 minute ago, WrathOfHan said:

Insane numbers all around. Get Out is really beating Split :sadben: 

It was the better movie imo at least slightly.

Edited by YourMother
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4 hours ago, Eevin said:

HERE WE GO (scores out of 100)


Batman Begins (TDK totally stole its thunder. The model for all other origin stories) 96

Superman II (The Richard Donner cut, of course. Expands on the original like a true sequel should) 95

Guardians of the Galaxy (One of the few MCU movies to truly stand on its own) 95

The Dark Knight (A masterpiece, even if the third act is a tad underwhelming) 95

Spider-Man 2 (Hits all the right notes. One of the best superhero villains) 94

American Splendor (One of the most underseen and underappreciated films of this generation. Genius in its tone and style) 93

Superman: The Movie (The one that started it all. Points for Reeve, Kidder and Hackman, even if the film itself doesn't hold up quite as well today) 92

X-Men: First Class (The best of the bunch. More of a self-contained character study than a traditional superhero film) 92

Road to Perdition (Another classic. I don't think it really compares to most other films on this list but I digress) 91

X-Men: Days of Future Past (It's nothing more than a blockbuster, but the blockbuster-y elements of this film mesh so well) 91

A History of Violence (Again, fantastic even if it's not really a comic-book-y movie) 90

Logan (Just saw this tonight. Very good, but not the best comic book movie by any stretch. THAT ENDING THOUGH.) 90

Captain America: The First Avenger (Believe it or not, my favorite of the Cap trilogy. One of the more underrated MCU films.) 90

Batman Returns (The other, non-Nolan definitive Batman movie. It's not perfect, but it gets a ton of points for ambition alone) 89

Hellboy 2 (Whenever I think of Guillermo del Toro I think of this movie. Perfect example of how a filmmaker's imagination can spread to a preexisting property) 88

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Terrific spy thriller. The right way to expand a universe and make your movie good, *ahem* Iron Man 2 *ahem*) 88

The Avengers (Big, dumb, goofy, but one of the most fun and refreshing blockbusters I've ever seen) 87

X-Men 2 (Terrific action and characterization. It's just missing that special something that First Class and DoFP had) 86

Men in Black (A ton of fun. Tommy Lee Jones redeems himself from a certain other comic-book movie) 86

Captain America: Civil War (My least favorite in the Captain America trilogy. It's not bad - the direction and vfx are stellar - but it's pretty overrated) 85

Spider-Man (Truly groundbreaking and innovative at the time. It doesn't hold up great today, but it paved the way for the modern superhero era) 84

Batman (1989) (When it doesn't work, it's not very good. But when it connects, it hits hard. Dark and gritty without being dull) 83

X-Men (It's not the best movie you'll ever see, but it's plenty of fun and very rewatchable) 82

The Dark Knight Rises (Yes, it pales compared to the first two. Yes, a lot of it doesn't make sense. Is it one hell of a satisfying conclusion? Yes) 82

Iron Man (Frankly kinda overrated. It's fine blockbuster entertainment, nothing more, nothing less) 81

Iron Man 3 (Look past the Mandarin twist and you'll see it's actually a pretty typical Shane Black flick) 80

V for Vendetta (Not nearly as profound as it thinks it is. That being said, it gets its point across) 80

The Rocketeer (Fun, lighthearted, and very innovative. Too bad it was so overlooked) 79

Ant-Man (Originally I thought it borrowed from Iron Man too much. Then I saw Doctor Strange. Fun and small-scale - literally ha ha never heard that one before) 79

Hellboy (fine, though the franchise's true potential would be reached later) 79

Men in Black 3 (Not really necessary, but it's surprisingly not bad. Can't match how fun the original was tho) 77

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (I don't get the amount of love some people have for this movie, but it's fun and visually bold) 75

Men in Black II (Kinda tries too hard to do the same schtick the first one did. Still, imitation = sincerest form of flattery) 75

Hulk (2003) (It's a mess, but a fascinating one. At least Ang Lee tried to do something with this one, compared to Hulk 08) 71

The Crow (Yeah ... I'm not sold on this one. Maybe it's just because I've never been a huge horror guy) 70

Avengers: Age of Ultron (It suffers from Iron Man 2 syndrome, but there are some memorable moments) 70

Kick-Ass (Gratuitous and over-the-top. I get why, but it feels like overkill in A LOT of places) 69

Dredd (see above) 68

The Mask (This entirely depends on how much you love Jim Carrey. Needless to say, I'm not his biggest fan) 68

Thor (Yes, there's Loki, but there's also everything else, a lot of which doesn't work) 68

Batman Forever (Had the potential to be good, but Tommy Lee Jones utterly tanks the movie in every scene he's in) 66

Doctor Strange (It's Iron Man but prettier. Whatever) 65

Deadpool (I got food poisoning from chimichangas once) 64

The Wolverine (There are two movies here - one ok Wolverine movie and one terrible one) 64

X-Men: Apocalypse (Strong cast, weak everything else. Gets marked down for ruining what could have been a great trilogy) 63

Thor: The Dark World (I can't remember a single thing about this movie) 62

The Amazing Spider-Man (Woo-hoo! It's Spider-Man but pretentious!) 62

Watchmen (There are three good choices in Watchmen and many, many terrible ones) 60

Blade (It's a low-budget Wesley Snipes vampire movie, and it shows) 59

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze (The best in the series, sadly) 57

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Unlike the other two, I didn't want to vomit immediately after seeing it) 54
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) (There's only so much ironic 90s lingo one can take before they snap) 52

Man of Steel (If I'm being honest, I didn't hate this movie in theaters. Absolutely collapses when you rewatch it though) 49

X-Men: The Last Stand (They had to make three additional movies to retcon this thing out of existence) 48

Iron Man 2 (Kinda sums up what's wrong with MCU movies in general) 46

Batman v Superman (Kinda sums up what's wrong with studio interference in general) 45

Daredevil (Kinda sums up why Ben Affleck will never, ever be a good superhero) 45

Fantastic Four 44 (h a h a )

Spawn (A fitting title.) 43

Spider-Man 3 (It may have the best scene in movie history, but everything else kinda sucks) 41

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Jamie Foxx as Electro.) 39

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (It's better than the original, which is like saying that Collide is doing better than Zyzzyx Road38

Howard the Duck (No, it's not the worst movie ever. It is an awful movie, though.) 38

The Incredible Hulk (By far the worst MCU. Brings nothing to the table except mindless destruction. Like a Bay movie but with no visual competence) 35

Green Lantern (And here's where things turn from awful to God-awful) 30

Superman III (This movie is like a weird acid trip. You understand what's happening but you don't know why it's happening) 30

Batman and Robin (I kinda like the Bat-nipples29

Ghost Rider (My family driving home after seeing this movie) 27

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (This franchise really turned itself around, huh?) 26

Superman IV (Falls into the so-bad-it's-good mold. Entertaining but soul-crushing.) 25

Suicide Squad (A bland, lifeless corporate cash-grab with no heart, soul or coherent editing) 25

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (I don't even know who Nic Cage is anymore) 18

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (Lazy, inept, ugly, stupid, boring, and this 6-year-old spilled Coke down the back of my neck halfway into the movie) 13

Supergirl (This movie should not exist. No one should watch this. No one should know about this.) 10

Catwoman (Halle Berry, the only black woman to win Best Actress, stars in this movie. Really shows you how great Hollywood is about offering black actors good roles.) 8

Fant4stic (Utter incompetence on an unprecedented scale for a movie of this size. Unwatchable in any circumstance, at any time, at any place.) 5















it's brutal and torturing:( to see the dark knight is on the same level as guardian of galaxy........

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4 hours ago, Eevin said:

HERE WE GO (scores out of 100)


Batman Begins (TDK totally stole its thunder. The model for all other origin stories) 96

Superman II (The Richard Donner cut, of course. Expands on the original like a true sequel should) 95

Guardians of the Galaxy (One of the few MCU movies to truly stand on its own) 95

The Dark Knight (A masterpiece, even if the third act is a tad underwhelming) 95

Spider-Man 2 (Hits all the right notes. One of the best superhero villains) 94

American Splendor (One of the most underseen and underappreciated films of this generation. Genius in its tone and style) 93

Superman: The Movie (The one that started it all. Points for Reeve, Kidder and Hackman, even if the film itself doesn't hold up quite as well today) 92

X-Men: First Class (The best of the bunch. More of a self-contained character study than a traditional superhero film) 92

Road to Perdition (Another classic. I don't think it really compares to most other films on this list but I digress) 91

X-Men: Days of Future Past (It's nothing more than a blockbuster, but the blockbuster-y elements of this film mesh so well) 91

A History of Violence (Again, fantastic even if it's not really a comic-book-y movie) 90

Logan (Just saw this tonight. Very good, but not the best comic book movie by any stretch. THAT ENDING THOUGH.) 90

Captain America: The First Avenger (Believe it or not, my favorite of the Cap trilogy. One of the more underrated MCU films.) 90

Batman Returns (The other, non-Nolan definitive Batman movie. It's not perfect, but it gets a ton of points for ambition alone) 89

Hellboy 2 (Whenever I think of Guillermo del Toro I think of this movie. Perfect example of how a filmmaker's imagination can spread to a preexisting property) 88

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Terrific spy thriller. The right way to expand a universe and make your movie good, *ahem* Iron Man 2 *ahem*) 88

The Avengers (Big, dumb, goofy, but one of the most fun and refreshing blockbusters I've ever seen) 87

X-Men 2 (Terrific action and characterization. It's just missing that special something that First Class and DoFP had) 86

Men in Black (A ton of fun. Tommy Lee Jones redeems himself from a certain other comic-book movie) 86

Captain America: Civil War (My least favorite in the Captain America trilogy. It's not bad - the direction and vfx are stellar - but it's pretty overrated) 85

Spider-Man (Truly groundbreaking and innovative at the time. It doesn't hold up great today, but it paved the way for the modern superhero era) 84

Batman (1989) (When it doesn't work, it's not very good. But when it connects, it hits hard. Dark and gritty without being dull) 83

X-Men (It's not the best movie you'll ever see, but it's plenty of fun and very rewatchable) 82

The Dark Knight Rises (Yes, it pales compared to the first two. Yes, a lot of it doesn't make sense. Is it one hell of a satisfying conclusion? Yes) 82

Iron Man (Frankly kinda overrated. It's fine blockbuster entertainment, nothing more, nothing less) 81

Iron Man 3 (Look past the Mandarin twist and you'll see it's actually a pretty typical Shane Black flick) 80

V for Vendetta (Not nearly as profound as it thinks it is. That being said, it gets its point across) 80

The Rocketeer (Fun, lighthearted, and very innovative. Too bad it was so overlooked) 79

Ant-Man (Originally I thought it borrowed from Iron Man too much. Then I saw Doctor Strange. Fun and small-scale - literally ha ha never heard that one before) 79

Hellboy (fine, though the franchise's true potential would be reached later) 79

Men in Black 3 (Not really necessary, but it's surprisingly not bad. Can't match how fun the original was tho) 77

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (I don't get the amount of love some people have for this movie, but it's fun and visually bold) 75

Men in Black II (Kinda tries too hard to do the same schtick the first one did. Still, imitation = sincerest form of flattery) 75

Hulk (2003) (It's a mess, but a fascinating one. At least Ang Lee tried to do something with this one, compared to Hulk 08) 71

The Crow (Yeah ... I'm not sold on this one. Maybe it's just because I've never been a huge horror guy) 70

Avengers: Age of Ultron (It suffers from Iron Man 2 syndrome, but there are some memorable moments) 70

Kick-Ass (Gratuitous and over-the-top. I get why, but it feels like overkill in A LOT of places) 69

Dredd (see above) 68

The Mask (This entirely depends on how much you love Jim Carrey. Needless to say, I'm not his biggest fan) 68

Thor (Yes, there's Loki, but there's also everything else, a lot of which doesn't work) 68

Batman Forever (Had the potential to be good, but Tommy Lee Jones utterly tanks the movie in every scene he's in) 66

Doctor Strange (It's Iron Man but prettier. Whatever) 65

Deadpool (I got food poisoning from chimichangas once) 64

The Wolverine (There are two movies here - one ok Wolverine movie and one terrible one) 64

X-Men: Apocalypse (Strong cast, weak everything else. Gets marked down for ruining what could have been a great trilogy) 63

Thor: The Dark World (I can't remember a single thing about this movie) 62

The Amazing Spider-Man (Woo-hoo! It's Spider-Man but pretentious!) 62

Watchmen (There are three good choices in Watchmen and many, many terrible ones) 60

Blade (It's a low-budget Wesley Snipes vampire movie, and it shows) 59

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze (The best in the series, sadly) 57

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Unlike the other two, I didn't want to vomit immediately after seeing it) 54
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) (There's only so much ironic 90s lingo one can take before they snap) 52

Man of Steel (If I'm being honest, I didn't hate this movie in theaters. Absolutely collapses when you rewatch it though) 49

X-Men: The Last Stand (They had to make three additional movies to retcon this thing out of existence) 48

Iron Man 2 (Kinda sums up what's wrong with MCU movies in general) 46

Batman v Superman (Kinda sums up what's wrong with studio interference in general) 45

Daredevil (Kinda sums up why Ben Affleck will never, ever be a good superhero) 45

Fantastic Four 44 (h a h a )

Spawn (A fitting title.) 43

Spider-Man 3 (It may have the best scene in movie history, but everything else kinda sucks) 41

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Jamie Foxx as Electro.) 39

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (It's better than the original, which is like saying that Collide is doing better than Zyzzyx Road38

Howard the Duck (No, it's not the worst movie ever. It is an awful movie, though.) 38

The Incredible Hulk (By far the worst MCU. Brings nothing to the table except mindless destruction. Like a Bay movie but with no visual competence) 35

Green Lantern (And here's where things turn from awful to God-awful) 30

Superman III (This movie is like a weird acid trip. You understand what's happening but you don't know why it's happening) 30

Batman and Robin (I kinda like the Bat-nipples29

Ghost Rider (My family driving home after seeing this movie) 27

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (This franchise really turned itself around, huh?) 26

Superman IV (Falls into the so-bad-it's-good mold. Entertaining but soul-crushing.) 25

Suicide Squad (A bland, lifeless corporate cash-grab with no heart, soul or coherent editing) 25

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (I don't even know who Nic Cage is anymore) 18

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (Lazy, inept, ugly, stupid, boring, and this 6-year-old spilled Coke down the back of my neck halfway into the movie) 13

Supergirl (This movie should not exist. No one should watch this. No one should know about this.) 10

Catwoman (Halle Berry, the only black woman to win Best Actress, stars in this movie. Really shows you how great Hollywood is about offering black actors good roles.) 8

Fant4stic (Utter incompetence on an unprecedented scale for a movie of this size. Unwatchable in any circumstance, at any time, at any place.) 5















How much time did you spend on this

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33 minutes ago, davincicode1 said:

Why are you labeling "Get Out", "Hidden Figures" and "Madea's Halloween" as "black movies" in first place? What makes "Split" or "La La Land" or any generic random movie with white lead any more universally appealing that those movies that I've mentioned?  that statement ALONE is racist

Split has Shyamalan's name attached. That is why it got an OS release. I wish I could see Get Out in theaters but I knew it was not gonna happen. Universal would never allow it. Same thing happened with other horror movies like Unfriended. Even The Purge franchise is not released in that many countries (it isn't released here either).

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38 minutes ago, davincicode1 said:

Why are you labeling "Get Out", "Hidden Figures" and "Madea's Halloween" as "black movies" in first place? What makes "Split" or "La La Land" or any generic random movie with white lead any more universally appealing that those movies that I've mentioned?  that statement ALONE is racist

Historically speaking at the International Box Office, unless you have Will Smith and/or Denzel Washington, films featuring primarily African Americans in the cast tend to not be big compared to domestic. However when Black Panther comes in February, it will big be DOM and WW.

Edited by YourMother
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Logan's doing well - on its way to $230-270 million DOM. 


Get Out is holding phenomenally. I'm fully expecting it to reach $175 million DOM if it can do $20-21 million against Kong next weekend. 


The Shack might do $50 million+ DOM - solid considering its budget 

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11 minutes ago, CJohn said:

Split has Shyamalan's name attached. That is why it got an OS release. I wish I could see Get Out in theaters but I knew it was not gonna happen. Universal would never allow it. Same thing happened with other horror movies like Unfriended. Even The Purge franchise is not released in that many countries (it isn't released here either).

No it got an OS release due to having a white (male) lead (it's the most important factor when countries determine what movies they want to invest money in) and rave reviews. "Unfriended" had worst legs in horror history + awful reviews, but that didn't prevent it from getting released in 48 countries. "The Purge" was released in close to 40 countries within first 3 weeks of release. "Get Out" has a UK date and 2 more countries (early May) scheduled, that's it. "Madea's Hallowen" was #1 in US for two weeks and grossed tons of money yet it only was released in Arabic/African countries.

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1 hour ago, DAR said:

That is incredible for GO.  Horror films simply do not have drops like that.


Nope, most movies don't have drops like that. It's about time to stop viewing GO through horror goggles. It's doing insane business for movies, not just horror movies. It's now past the point of just being the horror genre breakout. It's a breakout. It has almost Avatar-like hold and it may have real Avatar-like hold when PG-13 and PG movies enter the scene (no crossover factor but counter programming). 

Edited by Valonqar
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59 minutes ago, davincicode1 said:

Hidden Figures fell 8% in second weekend


That doesn't count. That was Martin Luther King weekend. I'm talking about a wide release film that didn't expand that doesn't have a second weekend holiday to soften the drop. What's the last film that manage to do that?

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8 minutes ago, davincicode1 said:

No it got an OS release due to having a white (male) lead (it's the most important factor when countries determine what movies they want to invest money in) and rave reviews. "Unfriended" had worst legs in horror history + awful reviews, but that didn't prevent it from getting released in 48 countries. "The Purge" was released in close to 40 countries within first 3 weeks of release. "Get Out" has a UK date and 2 more countries (early May) scheduled, that's it. "Madea's Hallowen" was #1 in US for two weeks and grossed tons of money yet it only was released in Arabic/African countries.

Not true. Shyamalan is the major factor that also got The Visit released OS (or at least here where I live, since all other horror movies Universal releases are not released here, just these two that share one common denominator: Shyamalan). 


Aren't you confusing Unfriended with Paramount's The Devil Inside? :wintf:Unfriended had normal legs for a horror movie and it is fresh on RT.

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