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Weekend Actuals (Page 120): Boss Baby 50.2M | BATB 45.4M | GITS 18.7M | Power Rangers 14.2M | Kong 8.6M

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10 minutes ago, grim22 said:


I wonder about the economics behind something like Table 19. They had a good cast, so the budget might be 5M or so? It barely had a release and made no money, are they covering things from foreign presales? Or counting on people renting it on iTunes in the future seeing that it has familiar faces starring.


Foreign pre-sales, even if they aren't released theatrically money can be made on video and TV with a familiar cast.  iTunes sales and down the road Netflix will make them more money than if they spent $20-30m marketing it.


Radius-TWC broke it down a bit when the released Snowpiercer in just the US with plans to go VOD just 2 -3 weeks later.  It cost them most top venues and a wide release but they saved on $20-30m  P&A and got a bigger percentage form the $10m plus they did in VOD than the $4m+ they made in theaters - and that was before it hit Netflix or Home Video.



Edited by TalismanRing
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16 minutes ago, Fancyarcher said:


Basically! Costs have caused a lot of studios to leave California. 


DWA have been trying to cut the cost of their films for the last few years through studios in India and China to supplement the main studios but they were still around $120-135m which is fine if you're producing $600-700m WW hits but DWA has been closer to $300-400m WW which was not good when they were independent. 


The studio became bloated under Katzenberg and releasing too many films diluted the brand. 

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3 hours ago, Alli said:

In the past, a 20M opening was proof of an actor's star power. How much is it these days?


Stayed pretty much the same, very few can open a movie (without any IP, genre, commercial hook, giant production/marketing) to 20M and those who do are considered big draw.

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58 minutes ago, DAR said:

GiTS flopping shows that anime is just going to always be a niche market in the States


because Anime is cold af. It's all about robots or aliens or other characters who can't emote, feel, whatever. Domestic audience likes warm characters. They don't have to be forced likabale but they just can't be cold. Same goes for cold actors vs those who are not. Cold ones will never be big stars because people can't warm up to them.

Edited by Valonqar
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1 minute ago, Nova said:

Also death threats? Someone is getting banned. 

No worries, it's a joke. Some copypasta that's been spreading around the Internet. Just seemed similar in tone to what he actually said.

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1 minute ago, grim22 said:

Moderation: @davincicode1 and @Eevin have been threadbanned until further notice. The mod team will discuss further.


Refrain from posting in this thread or you will be banned forum wide.


Just now, Eevin said:

No worries, it's a joke. Some copypasta that's been spreading around the Internet. Just seemed similar in tone to what he actually said.


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1 minute ago, TalismanRing said:


Damn.  I thought the Swedish were more laid back than that.

Right?! I thought they were like Canadians. All laid back, nice and saying sorry. Guess we thought wrong. 

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3 hours ago, alisson23 said:


Mr. Pratt didn't help The Magnificent Seven. Why?


Magnificent Seven had clearly a star powers factor going on in the US and in South Korea with Byung-hun Lee making the movie overperform there quite a bit.


Has for why we cannot seem to isolate much help from Pratt, I think there is some factor going on that could explain even thought he helped that we do not see it.


First Mag 7 overperformed a little bit domestic over the prediction of some (made when it was a Denzel-Liam Neeson vehicule), that was the estimate made by someone in worldwide marketing and distributions at sony:


DBO       $85M

IBO        $65M

April 2016 U.S. Release date

Exclude MGM territories


It did $93.4 DBO/68.9IBO (but with MGM territories) and if you adjust for the exchange rate used to do the estimate in early 2014, it did well International too for a Denzel western.


And I think replacing Neeson(that was kind of a big action star for a while) and not being a bigger draw than him in a Western is why, studios tend to pair Denzel in movies like this with some element that has a draw over the weaker demography for Denzel, that will often be white young female for the type of movie he do.


They will often pair him with Wahlberg, Chloe Moretz, etc... to broaden that appeal and now used Pratt, so to compare is impact is comparing how much Pratt is draw over the usual appeal complements used on a Denzel big movie, not comparing him to nothing.



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