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Thursday Numbers: 4.5 M BAYWATCH

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2 minutes ago, franfar said:

Last time I checked, we were talking about Monsters Universe, not Jurassic World. Again, a bad comparison. 


I'm not trying to make a comparison, I'm trying to illustrate the benefit of locking key people for sequels in advance.


Same with monster, if Dracula would have been a huge success and wanted to use the same lead actor to play Van Helsing (never see the movie so I could be using wrong name) they would have been happy to have him lock for those future monster movie.


They didn't loose much by doing so (probably paying him a little more so he would have accept to option for sequel on that contract), it seem that the benefit are bigger than that cost.


I can see the clear benefit, I would like to hear the argument against it.

Edited by Barnack
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2 minutes ago, Barnack said:


I'm not trying to make a comparison, I'm trying to illustrate the benefit of locking key people for sequels in advance.


Same with monster, if Dracula would have been a huge success and wanted to use the same lead actor to play Van Helsing (never see the movie so I could be using wrong name) they would have been happy to have him lock for those future monster movie.


They didn't loose much by doing so (probably paying him a little more so he would have accept to option for sequel on that contract), it seem that the benefit are bigger than that cost.


I can see the clear benefit, I would like to hear the argument against it.


If it gets out publicly, that's the harm.  People want self-contained movies for most things, not yet another "1st of 7" movie which doesn't wrap satisfactorily.  If they know you want 7 movies, they'll pass on movies where they may or may not have paid to see a single one of.  


Otherwise known as...customers don't want to watch 2 hour commercials that provide build up to a final pay off 10 years from now in the 6th sequel.  They want pay off now.  If they suspect you, the studio are trying that strategy by creating these worlds, especially with SO MANY around right now (Star Wars, Supers X 3, Harry Potter, etc), they are gonna rebel before they even buy the 1st ticket...and you'll become a joke (which Power Rangers became) that becomes almost like being one with the culture by NOT seeing it...

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26 minutes ago, Barnack said:


Maybe you are mistaken with Hunger Games (that was more a US success), Twilight was huge everywhere a bit like 50 shares of gray.


Excuse me? Yeah, THG was a bigger phenomenon in USA than OS, but it did almost the same numbers as Twilight OS, the only exception being BD2 that exploded OS thanks in a big way for having the best ER of this decade, unlike MJ1/2 that faced the dollar at full force. THG and Twilight were equal OS, with THG coming way above DOM.


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1 minute ago, TwoMisfits said:


If it gets out publicly, that's the harm.  People want self-contained movies for most things, not yet another "1st of 7" movie which doesn't wrap satisfactorily.  If they know you want 7 movies, they'll pass on movies where they may or may not have paid to see a single one of.  


Maybe it will shift back to that (with a long list of failure), but the audience did send them mixed signal about that, almost all fully self-contained live action never came close to the big franchise not self contained entry (that were ultra successful).

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2 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


Excuse me? Yeah, THG was a bigger phenomenon in USA than OS, but it did almost the same numbers as Twilight OS, the only exception being BD2 that exploded OS thanks in a big way for having the best ER of this decade, unlike MJ1/2 that faced the dollar at full force. THG and Twilight were equal OS, with THG coming way above DOM.



We are talking about the books, specially before the movies made them popular in all market.

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24 minutes ago, Krissykins said:


Same with Hunger Games... no one talks about it anymore and the Josh guy is about as famous as Taylor Lautner now :lol:


People move on so quickly. 


What do you expected? Hear people talking about a franchise that ended 2 years ago? There's a new tag almost every week on TTs talking about THG, just because you don't hear about it on your social circle, it doesn't mean that it was forgotten. 

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2 hours ago, Jonwo said:

I'll be curious to see how Ready Player One does because while it's not a YA novel,

It is pretty close to one to have read the beginning (young protagonist, struggle with is parents, centered around is point of view,etc...)


It even won some book with special appeal to 12-18 year's old award:


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GOTG2 has  a  5% drop from yesterday better than CW:$2.08M (-8.%), ULTRON:$2.35M WAS UP by 1%.  GOTG2 still better of both at the same time!

Daily Break down, some good holds  and awful drops!!!


    Movie Distributor Gross Change Thtrs. Per Thtr. Total Gross Days
1 new Baywatch Paramount Pictures $4,606,514   3,647 $1,263   $4,606,514 1
2 (1) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Walt Disney $2,403,779 -5% 4,347 $553   $313,315,927 21
3 (2) Alien: Covenant 20th Century Fox $1,780,489 -18% 3,761 $473   $46,822,181 7
4 (3) Everything, Everything Warner Bros. $855,290 +13% 2,801 $305   $15,356,113 7
5 (4) Snatched 20th Century Fox $601,458 -15% 3,511 $171   $36,279,625 14
6 (5) King Arthur: Legend of the … Warner Bros. $540,336 -21% 3,702 $146   $30,655,202 14
7 (6) Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The L… 20th Century Fox $506,563 +12% 3,157 $160   $9,181,961 7
8 (8) Beauty and the Beast Walt Disney $232,462 -3% 1,792 $130   $499,000,435 70
9 (9) The Boss Baby 20th Century Fox $230,456 +6% 2,071 $111   $167,257,190 56
10 (7) The Fate of the Furious Universal $190,055 -22% 2,287 $83   $221,050,870 42
11 (10) How to Be a Latin Lover Lionsgate $100,087 -22% 948 $106   $29,910,580 28
12 (12) Lowriders BH Tilt $68,585 -11% 365 $188   $4,588,135 14
13 (11) Gifted Fox Searchlight $62,459 -20% 824 $76   $23,243,438 49
14 (13) Going in Style Warner Bros. $45,089 -17% 690 $65   $43,618,916 49
15 (15) Smurfs: The Lost Village Sony Pictures $41,852 -3% 652 $64   $43,332,439 49
- (14) Born in China Walt Disney $39,648 -13% 575 $69   $13,330,028 35
- (-) The Zookeeper’s Wife Focus Features $29,975 +10% 275 $109   $16,962,571 56
- (-) The Circle STX Entertainment $28,833 -32% 647 $45   $20,229,805 28
- (-) The Lovers A24 $27,614 -9% 105 $263   $647,459 21
- (-) Get Out Universal $25,830 -16% 262 $99   $175,062,275 91
- (-) Their Finest STX Entertainment $19,422 +10% 155 $125   $3,253,795 49
- (-) The Lego Batman Movie Warner Bros. $16,685 +25% 202 $83   $175,388,527 105
- (-) Kong: Skull Island Warner Bros. $15,563 +8% 238 $65   $167,112,109 77
- (-) Power Rangers Lionsgate $15,367 -10% 221 $70   $85,130,488 63
- (-) Logan 20th Century Fox $14,656 -2% 213 $69   $225,965,272 84
- (-) Ghost in the Shell Paramount Pictures $8,191 +19% 124 $66   $40,563,557 56
- (-) Hidden Figures 20th Century Fox $7,377 +139% 81 $91   $169,294,830 152
- (-) Unforgettable Warner Bros. $6,993 -19% 176 $40   $11,311,684 35
- (-) Sleight High Top Releasing $5,795 -24% 113 $51   $3,886,705 28
- (-) The Dinner The Orchard $5,779 +7% 92 $63   $1,300,261 21
- (-) Jeremiah Tower: The Last Ma… The Orchard $2,729 +5% 33 $83   $173,385 35
- (-) CHiPS Warner Bros. $2,239 +7% 41 $55   $18,600,152 63
- (-) Risk Neon $2,123 +7% 13 $163   $181,030 21
- (-) Phoenix Forgotten Entertainment Studi… $966 -40% 13 $74   $3,586,682 35
- (-) The Belko Experiment BH Tilt $570 +20% 18 $32   $10,166,820 70
Edited by Finnick
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3 hours ago, Jonwo said:

I think the Universal Monsters could work as a series but not a cinematic universe. 


I would not mind a eventually crossover,but trying to do another MCU is a big mistake for the Monsters franchise. I really dislike the shoehorning of Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde into The Mummy, because that ,IMHO, really ruins the Jekyll/Hyde movie. The Robert Louis Stevenson story is basically a Horror story with a tragic ending, making Jekyll/Hyde a recurring charecters ruins that. Concentrate on  making good individual movies ,THEN you can think about a crossover movie.

I also think the whole Action movie with Horror elements is a mistake for the frachise. A  number of the Universal monsters just do not lend themselves well to the action format,but  would work great as pure horror. You can get away with it with "The Mummy" but no so much with The Wolfman or Dracula or even Frankenstein. They work better as pure horror.

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"Baywatch" had a 40 Million dollar budget (I suspect that about one quarter of that was The Rock's salary) so the studio will make a decent profit off it, but it not going to the cash cow they were probably expecting.

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GOTG Vol. 2 down 35% from Thursday-to-Thursday. It could have a very strong weekend hold depending on how much Pirates impacts it on Friday onward. Will be interesting to see. I think it could be at just about $340 million or more after the 4-day weekend, and most definitely will be passing the original's total domestic gross this weekend.




Edited by MikeQ
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Beauty and the Beast is down less than 15% from last Thursday, but it should be hit pretty hard this weekend due to its theatre loss (40% drop in theatres). It will nonetheless hit the $500 million milestone this weekend. It will be only the 8th film in history to hit $500 million domestically. Really terrific.




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9 minutes ago, PRESIDENT BKB said:


Well certainly not when you have the ROCK attached to it.. It should've made more.. ROCK will probably sweep this one under the rug and go make FAST 9..

I am wondering what the hell happened with the Doc Savage movie, which was to be written and directed by Shane Black, and starring the Rock as Doc Savate.

Thing was this was a passion project for Black, who is a huge fan of Doc Savage, and spent quite a bit of money getting a complete collection of the Original Doc Savage Pulp Magazines from the 1930's.

But,yeah, best thing that Johnson can do is just pretend that Baywatch never happened. It will still make a profit because of it's low cost, but it not the kind of film as actor  talks about a lot in his later years. It was a comedy that just did not come off.

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1 hour ago, dudalb said:

"Baywatch" had a 40 Million dollar budget (I suspect that about one quarter of that was The Rock's salary) so the studio will make a decent profit off it, but it not going to the cash cow they were probably expecting.


It's been reported as mid to high 60s

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1 hour ago, dudalb said:

I am wondering what the hell happened with the Doc Savage movie, which was to be written and directed by Shane Black, and starring the Rock as Doc Savate.

Thing was this was a passion project for Black, who is a huge fan of Doc Savage, and spent quite a bit of money getting a complete collection of the Original Doc Savage Pulp Magazines from the 1930's.

But,yeah, best thing that Johnson can do is just pretend that Baywatch never happened. It will still make a profit because of it's low cost, but it not the kind of film as actor  talks about a lot in his later years. It was a comedy that just did not come off.


Rock has so many movies he's attached to that probably most of them will never happen with him as the lead.


Savage has been kicking around for awhile though.  Hemsworth used to be attached.  Maybe if Ragnarok breaks out he might be again.

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2 hours ago, dudalb said:

"Baywatch" had a 40 Million dollar budget (I suspect that about one quarter of that was The Rock's salary) so the studio will make a decent profit off it, but it not going to the cash cow they were probably expecting.


Yeh just under $70m actually.

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21 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:


Rock has so many movies he's attached to that probably most of them will never happen with him as the lead.


Savage has been kicking around for awhile though.  Hemsworth used to be attached.  Maybe if Ragnarok breaks out he might be again.

Only if the Rock pulls out.

Even if Ragnarok is a huge hit, it will not help Hemsworth much. It has pretty much  been established that Hemsworth can draw as Thor, but can't put fannies in seats in any other role. It's Orlando Bloom all over again.

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