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Had a good time with The Commuter too. There's just something weirdly comfortable about watching Liam Neeson make his way into and out of these preposterous mysteries while surrounded by quality character actors. Nice single-take fight too. I hope this type of solid, meat-and-potatoes actiony B-movie doesn't go extinct soon. 

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4 hours ago, Treeing Me Apart said:

I've never heard of students buying a house for uni, is that normal in America? I know you have those "frat house" things that I've seen in movies but I assume those are second homes from rich parents?

Not a frat house, more of a financial investment. My dad's always worked in finance and he sees it as a long-term investment

4 hours ago, DeeCee said:



His parents will use their existing assets as collateral and @DAJKand his friends will cover mortgage payments. 


At the end of college his parents could keep the place as an investment or sell it. 


41 minutes ago, Jason said:


First option sounds good aside from the tight deadline. I have no idea how uniquely good it is, it would take someone with knowledge of the local rental market.


Second option I don't know the local market at all although a Google search pulled up some stuff. Median detached home in Victoria is $800k-$900k though, and if you're going to University of Victoria it's also around the same in Saanich. I strongly suspect you won't find a three-bedroom home for less than $500k-$600k anywhere near the university. But check the listings. Ultimately I think it depends on your parents being willing and able to absorb some of the costs in addition to what you and friends would be paying.


Third option doesn't sound like that big of a deal to me, I lived with three other people when I went to to uni and others lived with four. Difference was that they were individual contracts for rent rather than a contract for a house, but I know people who went elsewhere (not U of T, homes in downtown Toronto with affordable rent, good joke) that did that. Think it was with people they already knew though. Ultimately depends on your comfort level.

A few listings last night showed a few 3 bedroom places for around 450k, nothing above 1300 square feet but we wouldn't be too concerned with size. They were decent places too but yea the majority was 600k+


The only issue really with options 1 or 3 are the deadline. We'd basically have to know by today or tomorrow if that's what we're going to do, and considering we only recently started discussing this it just seems so tight idk

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8 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

I'm a hypochondriac, my life is pretty much a series of me worrying that minor things are me dying. That said, I am worried this is some type of bacterial infection that is going to kill me. 

Time to get you fitted for a bubble suit.

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