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Not gonna deny, now that I live alone *and* work from home I've started to actively look for excuses to go downtown (I live on the edge of the city too) just so I can eat while I'm there and avoid thinking about making my own food 2-3 times a day every day. And I even enjoy cooking, but damn. I've become much more appreciative of when someone just puts a meal in front of you, no matter if it's a fast food joint or a restaurant.

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43 minutes ago, Jake Gittes said:

Not gonna deny, now that I live alone *and* work from home I've started to actively look for excuses to go downtown (I live on the edge of the city too) just so I can eat while I'm there and avoid thinking about making my own food 2-3 times a day every day. And I even enjoy cooking, but damn. I've become much more appreciative of when someone just puts a meal in front of you, no matter if it's a fast food joint or a restaurant.

You learn to balance "time-consuming" and "easy" when you are the primary food maker for your household (whether that household is 1 or 6:)...


I normally make a really nice dinner, and have leftovers available for the next day's lunch...and I just do coffee for breakfast...so it cuts my cooking for myself to once a day (and if I'm hungry, there is cereal or usually a spare double-fruited homemade muffin I made for kids that is hanging around if I need breakfast).


Like this week, I made a Lamb, Lentil, and Veggie Curry stew in a crockpot (crappy lamb cuts are awesome for getting so much flavor into a stew for so little meat)...it was SO good and took 30 minutes of one morning and 5 minutes of the evening to make and it made dinner for 6 and lunch the next day for 2 (and I have one more 2 person lunch for tomorrow, so no leftovers needed tonight)...while I made scratch rice for the dinner, I keep microwavable rice for leftovers if I want it, so lunch can be no work...


No one cooks 3x/day, at least not "real" meals...so either go for some healthy convenience or shortcuts or leftovers to give yourself a break:)...

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1 hour ago, Blankments said:

I've eaten Burger King for my last five meals send help

Go to a grocery store and just pick up some food to give yourself a salt break!  Even if it's just a rotiserrie chicken, a bag of apples, and a premade salad bag (toss the dressing and just use oil and vinegar:)...

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On 3/21/2018 at 11:18 AM, 75Live said:

Total reversal of yesterday. I was able to get my money back for the wrong part at Lowes, bought the right part at Home Depot and it fit so I was able to fix my faucet. Heck, even Wawa got my order right this time.  Yes finally Chai and not that terrible alternative.  I guess it's time to hunker in and wait out the snow.

I blame you for me currently sitting reading and responding to these boards with a Chai Tea Latte in hand (I shopped for the stuff to make it yesterday b/c you reminded me it's been awhile:)...it is a very good drink - thanks for the reminder! (Although, mine is not a Wawa version...which makes sense b/c I have no Wawa's here...so sad that it's 7-11 or bust...and 7-11 is nowhere close to the quality of the Wa!)

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10 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

No one cooks 3x/day, at least not "real" meals...

Certainly not, and I'm not so mad either, but I'm also itching for more variety than I have right now. I got spaghetti, eggs, potatoes, pelmeni always lying around as one-time meal material (I've never really done leftovers, it's a hangup) but I'm not a fan of eating any of those every day or even every other day. I can cook a pot of borscht or plov (pilaf) or chicken and potatoes - each of which will last me a few days - but I feel like I need to branch out into fish and salads and other soups. 

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