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@4815162342 @Sand-omJC Don't have the time or patience to do a write-up on my take on Mass Effect Season 2, but here's the basic plotline of the season (some creative liberties may or may not have been taken :ph34r:):


After the battle against Sovereign changed everything in the galaxy, an extremist pro-human organization named Cerberus, led by one Dr. Gavin Archer, speeds up a research project that they have ongoing in the planet of Aite, trying to create a so called Perfect Human to use as a weapon against Reapers in the future. They attempt to achieve this by fusing a human with the DNA, fluids and powers of every single race in the galaxy, including Turian, Krogan, Asari, Rachni and even Thresher Maw, as well as with an "incredibly advanced" VI program in order to achieve the ultimate blend of organic and synthetic lifeform within the body and soul of a human being (as well as to achieve their philosophical standpoint that humans are at the top of the food chain and they "eat" every other race).


In the Citadel, which is in reconstruction post-Sovereign battle, the New Council - of which Anderson is a part of - reinstates Shepard's Spectre status as a gift for his heroic actions, and assigns him on the ongoing hunt against Cerberus. The hunt leads the crew to finding incredible dangers, and slowly tracking Cerberus' actions until they discover their plans of "galactic perfection".


However, it won't be easy, as a Batarian terrorist organization, already spiteful of humans for claiming their desired planet of Terra Nova before they (the Batarians) did, takes it upon itself to avenge the murder of some of their own at the hands of Cerberus by plotting to hijack and drive Asteroid X57 against the colony, killing pretty much every single colony member as a process. It becomes a race against time for the Normandy crew to not only track down Cerberus before they harm too many people, but also to stop the Batarian terrorists from trying to commit genocide against the human kind.


Luckily for the Normandy crew, some new allies join the squad, including Cortez, the driver of the new and stronger built Mako V2; and a curious Geth soldier who wants to align itself with Shepard as a demonstration of gratitude for the Normandy saving the Geth from the indoctrination of Sovereign, that names itself as Legion...


So, thoughts? :ph34r:

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58 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

@4815162342 @Sand-omJC Don't have the time or patience to do a write-up on my take on Mass Effect Season 2, but here's the basic plotline of the season (some creative liberties may or may not have been taken :ph34r:):


So, thoughts? :ph34r:


Just curious what the main plot of the season is. Overlord without major major expansion and reworking is insufficient to be the big plot arc of the season.

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36 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:


Just curious what the main plot of the season is. Overlord without major major expansion and reworking is insufficient to be the big plot arc of the season.

Well, the idea was more or less to make a far bigger version of Overlord as the main plot :P Don't worry, it's not a cookie cutter remake of the original thing - it is FAAAAR more expansive than that. Normandy is assigned to hunt down Cerberus, throughout the show they track down the fuckers' actions (who are trying to make a Super Human happen by going to multiple different planets, killing aliens, taking their bodies and injecting their DNA and powers in a human, who they will also merge with a powerful VI they created - that of course being Dr. Archer's son), Bring Down The Sky happens cause Cerberus messed with Batarians for that very purpose, and eventually Shep figures the existance of this project. It's basically a detective story meets terrorist manhunt - track down the serial killers, figure why are they doing what they're doing and how to stop them permanently, and then fix the mess that they created. By the time he gets there, the VI goes rogue and he has to stop it.


It's not just VI dude goes rogue and they have to stop it; there's a whole build up for the rogue VI thing before they get there. That's just in the last episodes. I would try to incorporate some of the other side quests as a means to widen up the story, and that's not just Bring Down The Sky. For example, the 1st episode is built around a modified version of Missing Marines, who were sent to that planet to intercept a Cerberus wildlife hunting (for Overlord purposes) operation, and they were all killed by the creature that Cerberus tried to get their hands on, which was a Thresher Maw. That's just one example. :ph34r:

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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58 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:

AotC has better setpieces than Rots so it's a better movie

Apart from anytime Obi-Wan is involved AOTC is definitely my least favorite

Edited by DARth DAR
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