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Last from me then I'm out, but @WrathOfHan, @Ethan Hunt, and @That One Guy when you get to college, one of two things will happen: either it'll get better, or it won't. The only way it'll get better is if you make it, let it, and believe it. College is supposed to be 900x better than high school, so there's really no excuse.


When you get to college, you'll be a new person and you'll know almost no one. You can say youre Hugh Hefner's son or that you invented a hip mango juicer with Silicon Valley backing and probably get away with it because no one knows you or your past. I'm not saying lie and be something you're not, please don't do that, just make use of this fresh start you're given. All your high schools problems, they don't matter anymore and have no relevance, so don't bring them up or reminisce on them. Your main problem should finding that one friend with a car that can take everybody to the beach and late night Ihop. 


Find your interests, find your niche, find your bros, find a good girl. College work can get difficult but the dynamic of college really is not, it is quite fun. You will have fun, you will enjoy it, but like Nike says, you have to just do it. A great college experience isn't going to come to you or fall in your lap, that'll be all up to you.

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I remember back during my sophmore to senior years in high school, I would watch so many movies it was ridiculous. I think I saw over 60 films each year in theaters from 2009-2011, some multiple times. For example, I watched HTTYD 4 times, DH1 7 times (a record that will never be broken), etc. It was much easier then to watch movies. But now in 2017...I've only watched maybe 15 films in theaters. It just changes as you grow older. 


But once you get to university, things change. I've always found it extremely strange (not judging) when I see people in uni devote countless upon countless hours on movies and not socializing and getting to know other people. I don't even mean you have to force yourself to talk to someone new every day, but doing something different always lends you a new platform to meet new people.


And today's my final ever exam for university. Started in business for two years, then skipped a year and a half and changed to politics, and today will hopefully be my last ever day at university. I should be more panicked about graduating, but I've been working for a year now so I'm not lost thank fuck. But I feel there's something more I need to do and I don't exactly know what it is yet. 


But yea, to everyone going to uni...experiment. Enjoy. Push your boundaries. 

Edited by Noctis
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2 minutes ago, Jandrew said:

Last from me then I'm out, but @WrathOfHan, @Ethan Hunt, and @That One Guy when you get to college, one of two things will happen: either it'll get better, or it won't. The only way it'll get better is if you make it, let it, and believe it. College is supposed to be 900x better than high school, so there's really no excuse.


When you get to college, you'll be a new person and you'll know almost no one. You can say youre Hugh Hefner's son or that you invented a hip mango juicer with Silicon Valley backing and probably get away with it because no one knows you or your past. I'm not saying lie and be something you're not, please don't do that, just make use of this fresh start you're given. All your high schools problems, they don't matter anymore and have no relevance, so don't bring them up or reminisce on them. Your main problem should finding that one friend with a car that can take everybody to the beach and late night Ihop. 


Find your interests, find your niche, find your bros, find a good girl. College work can get difficult but the dynamic of college really is not, it is quite fun. You will have fun, you will enjoy it, but like Nike says, you have to just do it. A great college experience isn't going to come to you or fall in your lap, that'll be all up to you.


This might be the most helpful post I’ve read on this site

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^^ Listen to JAndrew @WrathOfHan @That One Guy @Ethan Hunt


There’s few times in life where you get an opportunity to reinvent yourself and have a fresh start.  College is really your first and biggest of those (I reckon moving to a new city for a new job could be one, going to graduate school at a new school is one).


Dont get stressed about it or try to fake it.  You’ll have plenty of time to figure things out and campus will be large enough where if you screw something up with one person it’s easy enough to find a new group to try and connect to.


But definitely get involved in things, find something that seems interesting and try it out.  Doesn’t have to be related to your major.  I’m economics and mathematics but I still do stuff like sing in choir because it’s enjoyable and gives me an opportunity to hang around people who aren’t analyzing every detail.


Just go with things though, don’t overthink it.  I don’t want to go to far on an advice train because I feel like when I was first going into my freshman year I felt overwhelmed simply because everybody was giving me their two cents on how to do college and most of it conflicted with what somebody else said.  It’s mostly a time to figure things out about yourself on your own and everyone finds something different, just be open to experiencing new things and don’t coop yourselves up in your rooms.

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13 minutes ago, Jandrew said:

Last from me then I'm out, but @WrathOfHan, @Ethan Hunt, and @That One Guy when you get to college, one of two things will happen: either it'll get better, or it won't. The only way it'll get better is if you make it, let it, and believe it. College is supposed to be 900x better than high school, so there's really no excuse.


When you get to college, you'll be a new person and you'll know almost no one. You can say youre Hugh Hefner's son or that you invented a hip mango juicer with Silicon Valley backing and probably get away with it because no one knows you or your past. I'm not saying lie and be something you're not, please don't do that, just make use of this fresh start you're given. All your high schools problems, they don't matter anymore and have no relevance, so don't bring them up or reminisce on them. Your main problem should finding that one friend with a car that can take everybody to the beach and late night Ihop. 


Find your interests, find your niche, find your bros, find a good girl. College work can get difficult but the dynamic of college really is not, it is quite fun. You will have fun, you will enjoy it, but like Nike says, you have to just do it. A great college experience isn't going to come to you or fall in your lap, that'll be all up to you.

What if I'm that one friend with the car? :ohmygod: 

11 minutes ago, Noctis said:

I remember back during my sophmore to senior years in high school, I would watch so many movies it was ridiculous. I think I saw over 60 films each year in theaters from 2009-2011, some multiple times. For example, I watched HTTYD 4 times, DH1 7 times (a record that will never be broken), etc. It was much easier then to watch movies. But now in 2017...I've only watched maybe 15 films in theaters. It just changes as you grow older. 


But once you get to university, things change. I've always found it extremely strange (not judging) when I see people in uni devote countless upon countless hours on movies and not socializing and getting to know other people. I don't even mean you have to force yourself to talk to someone new every day, but doing something different always lends you a new platform to meet new people.


And today's my final ever exam for university. Started in business for two years, then skipped a year and a half and changed to politics, and today will hopefully be my last ever day at university. I should be more panicked about graduating, but I've been working for a year now so I'm not lost thank fuck. But I feel there's something more I need to do and I don't exactly know what it is yet. 


But yea, to everyone going to uni...experiment. Enjoy. Push your boundaries. 

Why do I feel this is sexual? :thinking: 

3 minutes ago, New Year New Panda said:

^^ Listen to JAndrew @WrathOfHan @That One Guy @Ethan Hunt


There’s few times in life where you get an opportunity to reinvent yourself and have a fresh start.  College is really your first and biggest of those (I reckon moving to a new city for a new job could be one, going to graduate school at a new school is one).


Dont get stressed about it or try to fake it.  You’ll have plenty of time to figure things out and campus will be large enough where if you screw something up with one person it’s easy enough to find a new group to try and connect to.


But definitely get involved in things, find something that seems interesting and try it out.  Doesn’t have to be related to your major.  I’m economics and mathematics but I still do stuff like sing in choir because it’s enjoyable and gives me an opportunity to hang around people who aren’t analyzing every detail.


Just go with things though, don’t overthink it.  I don’t want to go to far on an advice train because I feel like when I was first going into my freshman year I felt overwhelmed simply because everybody was giving me their two cents on how to do college and most of it conflicted with what somebody else said.  It’s mostly a time to figure things out about yourself on your own and everyone finds something different, just be open to experiencing new things and don’t coop yourselves up in your rooms.

This is the thing that pisses me off so much about my community college. There's a reason I was complaining about having class with so many people I've had classes with in the past; it really limits the social pool when there aren't many avenues.

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1 minute ago, WrathOfHan said:

What if I'm that one friend with the car? :ohmygod: 

Why do I feel this is sexual? :thinking: 

This is the thing that pisses me off so much about my community college. There's a reason I was complaining about having class with so many people I've had classes with in the past; it really limits the social pool when there aren't many avenues.

Plus, class isn’t the place to meet people.  You can, and I made some fine aquantiences in class, but my closest friends I made from doing something outside of class.  Whether it be the people in your dorm hall, joining some club (pick something, be in something that meets, give yourself something that forces you to socialize a little), and so forth.  Now I’ve had friends in classes but usually we had something else outside of class that made us close.

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7 minutes ago, New Year New Panda said:

Plus, class isn’t the place to meet people.  You can, and I made some fine aquantiences in class, but my closest friends I made from doing something outside of class.  Whether it be the people in your dorm hall, joining some club (pick something, be in something that meets, give yourself something that forces you to socialize a little), and so forth.  Now I’ve had friends in classes but usually we had something else outside of class that made us close.

Wise words! I met a few new friends in my classes, but most of the friends I met in college, I met by joining a few clubs, or encountered in my dorm, and ended up having discussions with people who shared my very same interests. I say it is of very high importance that you pursue your very interests in college, whether it be in class, or off or around campus. 

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42 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:

I'd be even more of a mess without this place tbh


Also holy fuck when did Han pass me in post count

You’ve been slacking in the angst and shit posting department and Han’s picked it up.  You’ve got yourself competition.

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