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21 minutes ago, New Year New Panda said:

All of this high school talk just reminds me how much of a waste of talent I was in high school.


Id figure out how many assignments I could skip in various classes I didn’t like and still pull an A so my mom wouldn’t get mad (I mean it mostly worked, but lol if I just did them I could have been ranked 3rd - 1st instead of 9th).


I went into my ACT blind because I was taking a “moral stance against the system and refused to participate in the crime that was standardized testing” (I mean my score was fine, It exempted me from pre-cal and my English core for college, but lol really?).


 I only applied to three D2 state schools (well one was a private D2 school) because I was lazy and didn’t want to write college application essays.  


And that’s ignoring the other stupid shit I did.  Kind of proof that just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you’re not an idiot in practicality.

Same thing pretty much. I was such a lazy mess. I probably averaged about half an hour a day of studying in high school at best.

My parents were freaking out at times and we had quite a few big fights.

I ended up finishing with As mostly but I come to realize that I could have been in a far better place right now If I had a bit more of discipline through my high school and early university years. Or generally If I had more discipline in life even right now. :ph34r:

At least I have some good memories to feel nostalgic about, but mostly it's guilt and rgret.


Edited by FantasticBeasts
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Just now, DAR said:

The best thing I can say about high school is it’s led to a 30 year friendship with two of my closest friends 


wait, that means you are even older than me.  Are you on Tele's level of age? :o  





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My mom freaks out if I get anything less than like a 92. When I told her I got an 80 on an assignment yesterday (which was still way above the average grade for it), she became super concerned that I was doing poorly in the class when my average is still a 92.5% or so :hahaha: 

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8 minutes ago, DAR said:

:ph34r:.  We were all 13 when we met 


ah, ok then about the same age


i have a friend still from 3rd grade.  The more I think about it, I don't really have friends still from high school.  Just sometimes interact on Facebook with a couple but barely.

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2 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:


If I followed this rule I would stop going to the movies. I have no time during the week.

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