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2 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Am I and I'm guessing @DAR the only ones watching this season of American Crime Story? This is some seriously chilling stuff, people.


I've  been watching it too.  It's been good so far.  I knew most of the story anyway, but yes they are showing the crazy stuff about the whole ordeal

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@WrathOfHan in a few years none of this school work will matter, it doesn't matter how well you do, so stop worrying about it.


my advice, everything works out in the end, and school doesn't matter in the big picture, so if you are getting stressed out by school work then just dont do the school work. not worth it if its making you feel down. that's not the advice everyone else will give you but I did no work in school, failed all the exams, got expelled, and now just 3 years later I live a very content life. really, dont sweat it. spend time doing things that make you happy e.g. going out with your friends, going to parties etc or whatever you like.


Life is there to be enjoyed not worked.


Edited by Tree Billboards
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5 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

Tele gave you great advice...


I'm not sure how much more I can help, but to give perspective.  As you know, I've mentioned before that every 3 credit class should be 120 hours of work, and with only 45 hours in class, you have 75 hours of work for the semester, which breaks down to 5 hours of work/week for EACH class...or 25 hours/week if you have 5 courses.  Right now, you aren't putting aside that amount of time in your planning, so it's really stressing you out. (And note - you may not need all that time each week, but planning it makes sure you stay stress-free)...


Each semester, I routinely started with an 8am class twice a week (the other days, I could back off to 9:30am, and I was known for making the lightest Friday ever:) to both kick my own butt and to have time to get done early enough that I could do homework at a reasonable time and still have all evening after dinner to kick back and relax.  I also saved Sunday as a big work day (so I knew I could enjoy Friday night and Saturday b/c Sunday was my "homework day" with 8-10 hours or so of work on a normal class schedule)...I was NOT an all-nighter type of person, so if I didn't plan this way, I'd have stressed myself out.  


It sounds like you also don't like late night work, so in the future, you may want to make sure you have an early class schedule, so you can do your work all afternoon.  You also may want to not head off after classes, but use the university library to sit, relax, and get the work done before you ever leave.  Or not the library, but a classroom window sill (which got me through political philosophy books b/c sitting in a cool window spot and looking outside every now and then allieviated boredom:)...  


I managed 18 credit hours every semester, but I did not have science labs (those are a KILLER - most I ever did were 3-4 Math classes, an Astronomy class, and a computer science class, and those were still my most time consuming)...I had to graduate in 4 years b/c of my scholarship and I had to take that course load level to do it...so I made it work...College is all about making it work and figuring out what works for you:)...It's about developing habits that will work later.  


I will say my 8am classes were genius for then starting 8am paid internships during the summer - I didn't really have to readjust my schedule to work a "real job" b/c my class load and then my normal study time pretty much fit the 8am-5pm concept:)...

I've never taken an 8 AM class before because I don't want to wake uo extremely early, but now I'm wondering if that would be beneficial in the fall. Like you said, if I took two or three classes in a morning, I would be done before 11 or 12:30. Like Pink said though, people sink or swim with all that extra time. I unfortunately am sinking a bit.


8 minutes ago, MrPink said:


15 is the norm in my experience. And this might be different because you were home schooled, but those 15 hours freed up a lot more time for me comparatively to high school because I wasn't forced to spend 7 hours a day, 5 days a week in school. Instead, it was 2-3 hours a day and go home. How you choose to spend your time from there is where people learn to sink or swim. Perhaps the environment isn't helping, but you'd be surprised at what the human body is mentally capable of enduring if you take it one day at a time. It's two weeks in and things probably seem daunting, but as the semester goes on, you'll probably realize that you can spend your time more efficiently and still do things at a satisfactory level. 


One of the things I learned about grad school is that the worst that can happen to you as a student is maybe not getting the grade you want. Which in the end, is a very small thing. Clearly you're an intelligent kid. You seem to get good grades based on your previous posts. So right now I'd focus on getting things done, and worry about being the best later as you 'adjust the sliders' so to speak. When I have a test, I have to call it quits at some point so I can focus on my job, and then two weeks later I sometimes wonder why I stressed so much in the first place. 


But as you said, you are considerably ahead, so it's not like you have to stick to 15 credits, but at some point, you'll probably want to do it, because likely your job will consume your time and stress far more than 15 credit hours (or 18 for that matter)

It's four weeks in, not two. The semester is already 25% done!

4 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Am I and I'm guessing @DAR the only ones watching this season of American Crime Story? This is some seriously chilling stuff, people.

I will catch up soon(?)

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2 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

I've never taken an 8 AM class before because I don't want to wake uo extremely early, but now I'm wondering if that would be beneficial in the fall. Like you said, if I took two or three classes in a morning, I would be done before 11 or 12:30. Like Pink said though, people sink or swim with all that extra time. I unfortunately am sinking a bit.


It's four weeks in, not two. The semester is already 25% done!

I will catch up soon(?)


Even better in a sense. Before you know it, you'll be halfway done through the semester. Give yourself some break time after class, but you need to find a way to study before 9pm most definitely. It seems like your biggest hiccup but I think you feel you're incapable of studying before 9 rather than actually being incapable of doing so


Much as I hate to say it, but you have to find a way to avoid the forums (and the other distractions you mentioned) during that study time, it is the biggest inefficiency in everything I do in school.

Edited by MrPink
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Just now, MrPink said:


Even better in a sense. Before you know it, you'll be halfway done through the semester. Give yourself some break time after class, but you need to find a way to study before 9pm most definitely. 


Much as I hate to say it, but you have to find a way to avoid the forums (and the other distractions you mentioned) during that study time, it is the biggest inefficiency in everything I do in school.

I know this too. Hell, the other day I did pre-calc homework for an hour, took a two or three minute break on here, then dove back in for another hour. When I'm writing discussion posts, the urge to open another tab and see what's happening here and on other forums is waaaaaaay too tempting. It's an easy gateway to pracstination

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I was pretty lucky during college that I got heavy into gaming, so my motivation was, if I don't study, then I don't get time to game. So I spaced things out really well in advance. 2 hours of studying, get a couple hours of games to play every night and it put me way ahead in terms of papers and assignments compared to everyone else. It was only during exams where I couldn't play mah games.

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Just now, WrathOfHan said:

I've never taken an 8 AM class before because I don't want to wake uo extremely early, but now I'm wondering if that would be beneficial in the fall. Like you said, if I took two or three classes in a morning, I would be done before 11 or 12:30. Like Pink said though, people sink or swim with all that extra time. I unfortunately am sinking a bit.


It's four weeks in, not two. The semester is already 25% done!

I will catch up soon(?)

If you haven't done 8am, try 9am and see if it works:)...you can do 9am, 10am, 11am (M,W, F) and then only have 2 classes needed T-TH - 9:30am and 11am...you could be done before 12:30pm, even with a full schedule.  Have lunch, then plan 3-4 hours at the university library, and head home around 5pm free and clear for the rest of the night (or find a university club to hang with a few nights/week - I bet there's a movie buffs group somewhere - I mean, there are clubs for practically everything - and they all like nighttime activities!:)



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10 minutes ago, 75Live said:


I've  been watching it too.  It's been good so far.  I knew most of the story anyway, but yes they are showing the crazy stuff about the whole ordeal

They're doing an impeccable job of building tension out of a story where the outcome to everything is known. Everything leading up to


Cunnanan's murder of Lee Miglin and then the murder itself

was incredibly disturbing.


Acting has been pretty great across the board too. Darren Criss is obviously the one who's gonna get most of the love for this, and deservedly so, but Edgar Ramirez, Penelope Cruz, and (in this most recent episode) Judith Light all deserve Emmy nominations as well.

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1 minute ago, TwoMisfits said:

If you haven't done 8am, try 9am and see if it works:)...you can do 9am, 10am, 11am (M,W, F) and then only have 2 classes needed T-TH - 9:30am and 11am...you could be done before 12:30pm, even with a full schedule.  Have lunch, then plan 3-4 hours at the university library, and head home around 5pm free and clear for the rest of the night (or find a university club to hang with a few nights/week - I bet there's a movie buffs group somewhere - I mean, there are clubs for practically everything - and they all like nighttime activities!:)



One of my days is from 9:30-12:20 right now. The problem is I tend to take an hour break after that and don't star any homework until two. Hell, seeing The Post on Monday honestly fucked up my week by delaying stats homework.


As for clubs, that isn't much of an option at my CC. The options are very limited and basically all take place during the day when I have class.


3 minutes ago, MrPink said:

I was pretty lucky during college that I got heavy into gaming, so my motivation was, if I don't study, then I don't get time to game. So I spaced things out really well in advance. 2 hours of studying, get a couple hours of games to play every night and it put me way ahead in terms of papers and assignments compared to everyone else. It was only during exams where I couldn't play mah games.

But how else would you pray to the Naughty Gods?


I try to have that mentality too but don't quite know what I've been doing so wrong lately.

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7 minutes ago, Tree Billboards said:

@WrathOfHan in a few years none of this school work will matter, it doesn't matter how well you do, so stop worrying about it.


my advice, everything works out in the end, and school doesn't matter in the big picture, so if you are getting stressed out by school work then just dont do the school work. not worth it if its making you feel down. that's not the advice everyone else will give you but I did no work in school, failed all the exams, got expelled, and now just 3 years later I live a very content life. really, dont sweat it. spend time doing things that make you happy e.g. going out with your friends, going to parties etc or whatever you like.


Life is there to be enjoyed not worked.


I’m going to contrast this for a second because I honestly have a different school of thought on this. @WrathOfHan


First, no, not everyone has to go to college.  But if you aren’t you better have a good idea of what you want and you’re able to do without a degree in the current market.  I’d recommend if you don’t go to college you go to a technical school, learn a trade, gain some type of valuable experience or background that’ll let you get a decent paying job.  Despite what others may say, you are limited in what you can do in the US without a degree.  (There are perfectly valid options without one, but know what they are and be sure you’re making the best decision.)


And going off of that, you can’t get a degree if you can’t pass your classes.  Plus, whatever you do in college, from the organizations you join, what work experience you get, your grades etc. that’s the stuff that’s going on your resume when you apply for jobs.  No, you don’t need a 4.0 unless you’re applying for grad school or a position where they care about your grades.  And you can leave your gpa off a resume if it’s poor.  But good grades do say a lot, they won’t get you automatically hired, but if you show you put extra effort in and got good grades in hard classes, you’re doing yourself a favor down the line.


Plus, if in a year or so you think you might want to get some more advanced training (whether it be grad school or a competitive internship.  Both great things, as long as you have an idea why you want them and such) your performance in college will matters.  It may not matter as much in 10 years if you’ve been working for 7 years, but it’ll matter for getting that first job you work for 7 years (and that’ll matter for the next job).  Climbing a job ladder is literally climbing a ladder, previous steps become insignificant to the present as you climb but had you skipped them you would have fallen.


Dont blow off college, otherwise you’re just wasting your time and money.

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When it comes to studying, what I’ve found helpful is come up with a “Top 3” list everyday of things you need done.


Sure, you likely need more than that.  But think of three things you will prioritize for the day and focus on those before anything else.  Then move onto whatever afterwards.

Edited by New Year New Panda
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25 minutes ago, MrPink said:

I was pretty lucky during college that I got heavy into gaming, so my motivation was, if I don't study, then I don't get time to game. So I spaced things out really well in advance. 2 hours of studying, get a couple hours of games to play every night and it put me way ahead in terms of papers and assignments compared to everyone else. It was only during exams where I couldn't play mah games.

surely, if you don't study, you have more time to game?  :wintf:

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46 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Am I and I'm guessing @DAR the only ones watching this season of American Crime Story? This is some seriously chilling stuff, people.

Have it recorded didn't get a chance to watch yet.  Probably tonight

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5 hours ago, Patriots Bottle said:


Isn't Tele Jr old enough to dress himself by now?


Also man am I glad I'm never going to be a parent. Having to wake up earlier than you have to because you have a kid? Nightmare stuff.


:lol: Me getting him dressed is more like supervising/reminding him that it needs to happen. 

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5 minutes ago, RichWS said:

Day four of the one-week Twitter unplug is going swimmingly. Still habitually clicking on the app, but less and less. 

Forgetting what your password is another great way to unplug

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