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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power | Amazon | September 2, 2022

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Yes, probably the best episode yet.


Adar is intriguing, the story threads in Khazad-dûm remain one of the highlights, the dialogue between Elrond and Durin about his father and between Durin IV and Durin III was quite moving. The Arondir escape and how it transitions to Disa singing to the stones and in general how the episode ends i found pretty ace. And more orcs, yay!


But please, Galadriel, get the heck over it! Man, she needs to ease up. Like it has been said, it's probably part of her character arc and they are at least acknowledging her hot-headedness but it is becoming increasingly hard to care. There needs to be more to her than this single minded revenge machine.

Edited by Elessar
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Watched episodes 3 and 4 to see if it got any better, but it's more of the same. The storytelling rot runs deep with this. It's like the writers know they can't do good dialogue so they fall back on high fantasy histrionics and short scenes that don't hang around long enough for you to realise you barely care about what's going on.


I think I was particularly unforgiving this time because, as I mentioned on that show's thread, House of Dragon got a similar critical reception yet does the basic mechanics so much better. No, it's not the greatest show of all time, but every scene is dripping with character conflict that works independently of the pop culture behemouth it's a prequel to.


There's no way you could say that about this show. I'm expected to care about Gladariel, Sauron and Mithril because I remember Jackon's trilogy. That's it. Take that away and there's no dramatic weight whatsoever. It's all built on prior knowledge sand.


But hey, nice to see Benjen Stark again.




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7 hours ago, Hatebox said:

Watched episodes 3 and 4 to see if it got any better, but it's more of the same. The storytelling rot runs deep with this. It's like the writers know they can't do good dialogue so they fall back on high fantasy histrionics and short scenes that don't hang around long enough for you to realise you barely care about what's going on.


I think I was particularly unforgiving this time because, as I mentioned on that show's thread, House of Dragon got a similar critical reception yet does the basic mechanics so much better. No, it's not the greatest show of all time, but every scene is dripping with character conflict that works independently of the pop culture behemouth it's a prequel to.


There's no way you could say that about this show. I'm expected to care about Gladariel, Sauron and Mithril because I remember Jackon's trilogy. That's it. Take that away and there's no dramatic weight whatsoever. It's all built on prior knowledge sand.


But hey, nice to see Benjen Stark again.


It all fits quite nicely with the aesthetics of this show.  Its the J.J. Abrams / MCU version of Middle Earth where sets look like sets & and everything is overy lit with an over saturated color grading whereas House of the Dragon looks like a top tier Ridley Scott production.

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I’m saddened by how little I’m interested in continuing this show. I’m sticking with it, but it’s barely left an impression on me at all. I adore Peter Jackson’s trilogy and watch it once a year (occasionally throwing in The Hobbit trilogy if I feel like making a week of it), but this is just falling completely flat for me.

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Was running late and lost track of time, so I'm now only halfway through the latest episode, but a quick observation:



Purists are gonna haaaaaaaaaate what this show is doing to Gil-Galad, aren't they? :hahaha:


(at least I presume so, given some prior comments about how his character is being handled)


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Definitely the best episode of the season so far, IMO.  Much much better on this whole "actually see character motivation" and "see logical steps of character reasoning" (which was my big gripe of last week's episode).


Still a couple of wrong steps*, but trending in the right direction.



Like, why exactly was Eärien so against this war expedition all of a sudden?  I don't remember it being quite so explicit before.


*does some checking*


Her reaction to Pharazôn's speech an episode ago, maybe?  I'd have to recheck, I suppose, but that seemed to come a little out of the blue for me, but perhaps I should just blame encroaching senility that I didn't see it coming/remember it quite so strongly.  


However, that was balanced by


Galadriel effin' FINALLY getting some badly badly badly needed character introspection and examination. Her confrontation with Halbrand was the highlight of the episode and then some.


Still has room for improvement, but this is the one that I'm satisfied the most by. 👍

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7 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Definitely the best episode of the season so far, IMO.  Much much better on this whole "actually see character motivation" and "see logical steps of character reasoning" (which was my big gripe of last week's episode).

However, because I am me, I do have to have a bit of snark here concerning the Elf/Dwarf plotline.



Sure, Gil-Galad.  Guilt and manipulate someone into breaking a sacred oath in an attempt to try to save your people. 

I am POSITIVE that is the moral and just thing to put on to someone and that the Valar would smile upon you doing so.  


That tree is gonna spring in to light and sunshine after being watered with the fruit of deceit, just you wait and see!  :hahaha:


(something something "architects of their own doom" something something)


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Weakest episode so far



Elf/dwarves plotline was the weakest to my surprise. We get this whole new plotline with mythriel that feels so random and feels tucked on and convulted .

Thought they were going to discuss what  was set up by celembribor in the first two eps.


Now the plotline seems dull for now which is just disappointing.


Southland plotline continues to be just meh. All the pieces are there but writers have failed to get something compelling. It has a generic feel to it. There is a scene with adar and southlanders here that would have been interesting but when something interesting is going to happen ,they literally cut away which was so infuriating.


Hartfoots plot was really meh this episode ,the only noteworthy thing that happens is the stranger and some teases involving him but there is barely any character or plot progression.


Dialogue really feels rehearsed esp in the sothland plot and some chunks of the numenor plot . With exception of noryn,elrond,disa and durin have failed to connect with the characters esp southlanders who are just so bland.


Numenor plot was meh . The whole plotline felt static this episode and was held back by characters creating unnecessary drama (galadriel and halbrand, isildur and friends...) 


Galadriel was slightly better this episode but writers have failed to make her a compelling character,she has this stiff monotone reaction throughout the whole show. The conversation with her and hallbrand towards the end was jus meh . 


Acting in the scene btn them is fine but the dialogue is so uninteresting and just feels like two characters having hiss fits.


Numenor battle armour was a fucking travesty .


Overall this episode didn't really move the plot forward ,yeah we had some teases and some exposition but the numenor and southland subplots are right were they were at the end of the previous episode . And all elf/dwarves plotline regressed.


We are five episodes in and the plot and characters haven't moved much.



Edited by Liiviig 1998
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This episode dragged a little at times, and the Harfoot plotline still feels strangely out of place, but yeah it was probably my favorite one so far. There were some really good moments (the Harfoot song and the conversation between Galadriel and Halbrand toward the end) and I do feel a lot more invested in most of the characters than I had been. Pretty interested to see where Halbrand's storyline goes, there were allusions to an intriguing backstory for him. 



I will say some of the stuff about the elves needing mithril will be a bit bothersome if everything is played straight, but I suspect there will be some of Sauron's manipulations that play into this. 


Edited by Menor Reborn
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Watched the episode again was a little harsh on galadriel -halbrand scenes had missed some lines of dialogue overall galadriel was better this episode and alot more self aware of her flaws and more apologetic.


Adjust score to a 7 . 


But I still think this show has issues with progressing the plot and some of the production design looks cheap.(armours and wardrobe)


Some logical issues with the numenor  expedition (boats,recruitement). 


The show has failed to capture the nature of the numeroans and elves , they look like average men .

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10 hours ago, Black Hawk said:

Love the opening song, I teared up a little bit.


Ditto. Beautiful!


Another good episode. Basically, everything that @Porthos said. :)


(Btw, maybe Eärien is just worried about her brother going into battle?)


The only thing that i'm a little iffy about is that whole Elves Mithril business. Sounds like something they pulled out of their asses.


Edited by Elessar
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Welp, heres my thoughts.  There seem to be no limits to the idiocy of this show.

Elves are now mithril addicts and need it to sustain their souls/immortality and somehow refill them with the light of the Valar. (this is not a joke, someone actually wrote that plot point)


5 episodes in and we haven't heard a single thing about the Numenorean's fear of death, jealously of the Eldar's immortality and their perceived favoritism with the Valar.


I was baffled at the repeated “Are the dwarves secretly mining mithril?” and “I can’t tell you, I took an oath”.  If they weren’t then why would a big dramatic oath be necessary? :lol: 


Gil-Galad is a moron and I will be glad when Sauron kills him.


That entire sword-fight training scene and the dialogue in it was maximum cheese and unintentionally hilarious.  The way it was shot and choreographed made it looks like a spoof or parody of something.

Galadriel finally reveals why she is such a hard ass. The reason: "Because I cannot stop" and then claims victimhood, after she alienated her whole people.


The kid shows Arondir the sword hilt, recognizes it, and walks like 20 feet over to a big statue/totem looking thing of the sword behind some leaves.  Seriously?

The Southerners seem like only 100 people or so, dressed in rags and covered in mud and half of them already deserted to the orcs.


"Give me the meat, and give it to me raw" is a line of dialogue.  Somebody wrote that.


5 episodes in, the only good about it is Durin.  Hes not only the only character that feels like a real person, but he wouldn't feel out of place in the Jacksonverse.

Elendil doesn't seem the least bit suspicious when his fail-son Isildur and Pharazon's son were both on the ships right before they blew up when neither of them were supposed to be there or were going to be on the expedition to begin with.


Fail-son Isildur does not tell his pa that Pharazon's son is a traitor.

Numenor, the greatest naval power in history with hundreds if not thousands of ships but cannot seem to replace 2 of them very easily.


The Numenoreans are the baddest motherfuckers in Middle-Earth yet their expedition force is comprised of 5(maybe 3 now?) ships full of barely trained teenagers in really cheesy looking armor designs.  What?


I'll finish this season since we're already past the half way point, but good lord I won't be back for Season 2 unless there are some MAJOR changes behind the scenes.




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For me, some aspects of Episode 5 were the strongest of the season so far, with other aspects being weak.


The strength of this episode lies in the richer characterizations, and the moral dilemmas that help further the characters’ relationships to each other. Galadriel is the most fleshed out we have seen her, and we’re starting to see her strengths shine through her narrow-minded drive to avenge her brother. The scene where Galadriel and Halbrand share, and find common ground, in their traumas was a highlight.


I'm happy (and relieved) that Elrond doesn't break his oath and speaks with his friend. As soon as the moral quandary around Mithril was established, I was worried that the show would follow the trope of broken promise, ruined friendship, etc. I’m glad that the show establishes a dilemma that tests their friendship, and that ultimately it endures. The power of friendship is central to this episode, and it is these moments that feel so Tolkien. The most compelling relationship in the show continues to be the one between Elrond and Durin, who remain my favourite characters.


On the other hand, I’m feeling mixed-to-negative about the way the show establishes the origin story for Mithril, which is set up as being necessary for the elves to remain in Middle-Earth (or else perish). I don’t mind when the show takes liberties (because this is/will be necessary to create a cohesive story) - but I’m not sure this works. Instead, the show could have established Mithril as, according to the elves, having essential healing properties for their realm, without it needing to be this convoluted. I hope…



…that somehow Elrond’s line about this origin story being “apocryphal” isn’t a throw away, and that perhaps Sauron, through persuasion and deceit, is already using his powers to manipulate Gil-Galad/Celebrimbor for the purposes of creating the rings of power. But I’m not sure it felt this way watching it.


Additionally, the Numenor storyline has proven to play out in a weak way, so far, IMO. I can’t help but feel the show would be better off without all the minor characters from Numenor: Elendil’s daughter, Pharazon’s son, and Isildur’s friends, all of whom feel unnecessary. I think a more streamlined approach to the relationship between Isildur and his father (setting up Isildur’s internal dilemma, Elendil’s disappointment in Isildur, and Isildur’s redemption) would have been better.


If you want to flesh out the dynamic of the King’s Men vs the Faithful, do so through showing us more of the dynamics between Miriel/Elendil versus Pharazon. The former two make a good pair after the moment of realization they have together (in the previous episode) when the petals of the tree start falling - so make this pairing more explicit. This would simultaneously strengthen all of these characters, and move the plot forward in a more focused and character-centred way that mostly implies the social dynamics going on in Numenor. Maybe establish one new character of the Numenorean army, whom Pharazon has the ear of, and is the reason why Miriel & Elendil only have a small army/few ships initially.


Some other things:

  • The opening sequence with the Harfoots and the song felt Tolkien-esque and was a really lovely way to open the episode.
  • The greater presence of magic and the mystical throughout this episode was very welcomed.
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    My paranoia around Sauron - where is he/who is he - is as strong as ever. There are still moments with Halbrand, even if I don’t think it is him. And Adar, in theory, could still be Sauron. In the lore, he’s known as not wanting others to use his name, so maybe the scene with him being violent towards Waldreg when he professes his service to Sauron is for this reason. I don’t think this is actually the case, but I appreciate the ways the show is exploiting this and what he know about Sauron being a shapeshifter.



I think @Black Hawk says it well in saying that there is a strange magic to the show, that also draws me in. I came into the show thinking it would be mess, and for now am glad that isn’t the case. But it needs to end this season's setup in decent shape for a season two to be able to really soar (that’s the hope anyway).




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On 9/23/2022 at 11:49 PM, Ozymandias said:

I'll finish this season since we're already past the half way point, but good lord I won't be back for Season 2 unless there are some MAJOR changes behind the scenes.

I had the same doomed hope after the first season of the Witcher. The writers instead decided to double down on the shittiness.


I’d love to be a fly on the Amazon HQ wall though. “We made the most expensive tv show ever! Why are we not getting our pop culture phenomenon!!”

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Barbie Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


this shit is so good. The book purists can keep arguing about themselves, this person that has no fucking clue about anything related to Lord of the rings is loving this. I have no clue who any of the characters are. I don’t know any other names. I don’t care. I’m just feeling my emotions in loving the production value. In this episode was insane. There is like all these amazing little character moments that were so good and then holy shit the END

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