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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power | Amazon | September 2, 2022

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8 hours ago, John Marston said:

wonder if this could pull a Halo and tank in viewership second season. Won't have the curiosity factor this time

Maybe? One thing that gives me pause is that in the past two years since it launched, I constantly see it in the Prime Top 10. Like it never left. Granted, that could be manipulated, but it seems like too much to do that for 2 straight years. I do think the name alone will garner attention again.

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2 hours ago, James said:

Maybe? One thing that gives me pause is that in the past two years since it launched, I constantly see it in the Prime Top 10. Like it never left. Granted, that could be manipulated, but it seems like too much to do that for 2 straight years. I do think the name alone will garner attention again.


Perhaps but I don't see it in Aug 2023 - may 2024 "top 10 originals on prime" Nielsen leaks provided by TVGrimReaper and the bottom end of the top 10 is pretty low viewership (the equivalent of 1-2 million views of a single episode of the show per week in th US. If that's right, the global name recognition might give it a boost to stay around the top 10 but I assume amazon's lists are overall not just originals (and something will be watched more than these numbers estimate). Not sure those can be reconciled but it's what I thought to look at.

https://x.com/search?q=prime originals from%3Atvgrimreaper&src=typed_query&f=live


Edited by PlatnumRoyce
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On 7/26/2024 at 7:26 PM, Brainbug said:

This is like the only show that where i truly despised the first season. As a huge Tolkien nerd, it was just an insult on so many levels to me.

Still, i will give season 2 a shot. Maybe it will work much better for me, who knows? And of not, well, hate-watching is also entertaining.

Agreed. The big problem is they do not have legal rights to the Silmarallion, and the is where Tolkine really goes into detail about  the material covered in the first season.

I particuallry think doing the whole Fall of Numenor storyline without access to the Akallabeth, the section of the Silmarssion dealing with jus that, is a bad,bad idea.

And "Sauron the Fair" looks ridiculous.

Of course, they should have done Sauron the Fair from the beginning, that is the way it is in the books, rather then what we got.

He does not masquerade like he did in the first season, he proclaims he is Sauron, but a new reforemed Sauron, now just trying to do the will of the Valar to make amends for his following Melkor. He is lying, of course, but it makes more sense then what we got in season one.

I just HATE seeing the works of  Tolkien treated like a freaking comic book franchise.

Edited by dudalb
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I couldn’t care less about Tolkien lore; the first season was just bad television even without prior knowledge. 

My guess is this goes the same way as the Netflix Witcher: the writers are too incompetent to even recognise what didn’t work and just carry on doing it. We’ll see. 

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Original Writers and creators of huge franchises deserve the respect of not interfering with their lore/work.

That being said, the first season was a huge letdown for me, not only because fo the  bad script and terrible acting but also in the world building and pacing.

if this season continues the flop with the audience if will 100% be cancelled, they already replaced the show runners behind the scenes and lowered the budget for this season. 

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EP 1 was an absolute chore and dragged for the most part . Only scene I enjoyed was the one involving the rings.


EP2 way better and we get into sauron cerebrimbor machinations. Elements were rushed and contrived  and fully blame season 1 for that . The whole plotline will just make elves stupider but atleast the story is moving and has urgency unlike other plotlines that drag.


EP3 was not good . Southland plot drags like hell and just filler and Numenor plotline was terrible and the ending was bizzare and confusing. Honestly don't know what the fuck is going on there and don't think show runners either .

Numenor plotline ,our only  current thread involving the" kingdom  of men "has be so thoroughly gutted


Dwarves are the best part of the show and well realized and acting is great but  plotline still suffers from poor pacing.




Overall I will say it's a tad bit more interesting  than season 1 as the central crux of the narrative is starting to take shape. Acting is just ok across the board and visuals are neat but suffers from poor pacing and structuring, unnecessary plot points that take time for central elements of the story  and a lot of bland secondary characters.


Script ain't great but this show major problem is show running one . Inexperience keeps showing here.



Edited by Liiviig 1998
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I gave episode 1 a chance last night and found it utterly dull, so I think I’m done. I know I said that at the end of last season, but wanted to give it a final chance after the mostly positive reviews.


It almost feels like it’s trying too hard to be like the movies while also trying to do its own thing, but ends up failing miserably on both counts because it doesn’t know what it wants to be.


Reception online seems extremely muted too, so I wouldn’t hold out much hope for future seasons.

Edited by SnokesLegs
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31 minutes ago, James said:

The first 3 episodes were absolutely great to me. It is moving way faster than I thought it would.



It's slow and rushed at the same time . Anything significant that happens way too fast and  just doesn't feel earned or developed enough.


Spending too much time on scenes that really don't move the plot and less on those that are central to the plot.


Can't believe we had a whole plotpoint on southland(7eps) and formation of Mordor last season .


Hart foots plotline was fair enough  last season but was really tortorous For the first 2 eps. Alot of this stuff just needed to be Cut.


The show has a lot of bloat and it's why the pacing is bad IMO


This show has the " MCU eternals" syndrome.

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This season is even worse than season 1. 

Just an insult to Tolkien, nothing more and nothing else.

They continue to undecide if they want their own design and world feel or continue with Peter Jackson's. 

The plot is boring as fuck, Sauron is venom now (WTF).


You can see people with less imagination and writing skills than Tolkien are working in this garbage.

Edited by Belakor
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Amazon is going to cancel this, no doubt. I can see them begging to Peter Jackson for a proper Silmarillion series, if that can ever happen because of how poorly they have treated the franchise. Maybe the franchise is in better hands with WB indeed,

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4 hours ago, Belakor said:

Amazon is going to cancel this, no doubt. I can see them begging to Peter Jackson for a proper Silmarillion series, if that can ever happen because of how poorly they have treated the franchise. Maybe the franchise is in better hands with WB indeed,

And that is the real problem with this. They did not have the rights to the Siomarillion..the Tolkien Estate is still refusing to sell the rights...and that is where Tolkine really goes into detail about The Second Age and the Fate of Numenor. They had to make alot of crap up, and what they made up was'nt very good.

If fact a lot of Rings of Power conflicts directly with what Tolkien wrote, and that for me an unforgivable sin.

Edited by dudalb
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6 hours ago, Liiviig 1998 said:



It's slow and rushed at the same time . Anything significant that happens way too fast and  just doesn't feel earned or developed enough.


Spending too much time on scenes that really don't move the plot and less on those that are central to the plot.


Can't believe we had a whole plotpoint on southland(7eps) and formation of Mordor last season .


Hart foots plotline was fair enough  last season but was really tortorous For the first 2 eps. Alot of this stuff just needed to be Cut.


The show has a lot of bloat and it's why the pacing is bad IMO


This show has the " MCU eternals" syndrome.

Beleive me, Tolkien Versiion of what Happened in the Second Age in the Silmarallion is much ,much better then what we are getting here.

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12 hours ago, SnokesLegs said:

I gave episode 1 a chance last night and found it utterly dull, so I think I’m done. I know I said that at the end of last season, but wanted to give it a final chance after the mostly positive reviews.


It almost feels like it’s trying too hard to be like the movies while also trying to do its own thing, but ends up failing miserably on both counts because it doesn’t know what it wants to be.


Reception online seems extremely muted too, so I wouldn’t hold out much hope for future seasons.

You have to understand this series directly goes agains a lot of what Tolkien wrote about the Second Age in the Silmrallion.

It has taken the genius of Tolkien and reduced it to a bunch of fantasy cliches.

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