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Just now, manny1234 said:

I think that the Disney purchase will be positive for X-Men like being in posters, merchandise, video games, etc. because Marvel and Disney have been shunning them because of movie rights.


The world will burn but at least we'll Make The X-Men Great Again

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4 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

So, if the deal ends up happening...Does that mean Dark Phoenix will be the end of Fox universe?


Or are they waiting some years until Marvel finally figures out how to include X-Men on their universe? I mean, is the Gambit movie happening at all ? What about Multiple Man, with James Franco?


I'm just curious. 


Everything that's shooting now or have shot that's out next year (Deadpool 2/New Mutants/Dark Phoenix) will come out but whatever plans they had afterwards, I think they're dead as fried chicken and that includes Franco's movie and GAMBIT (not that it'll be missed by many) and the Dr. Doom movie they were planning and X-23 and whatever the hell else. 


Because there's no way Feige/Marvel will let go of this chance to recast the X-Men...I'm sorry, THEIR X-Men for their movies/shows/whatever. Especially with Feige, you have not just one of Marvel's top properties since the 1980s, but a proven consistently decent box office performing franchise that would be another draw to incorporate into the MCU just like Spider-Man even though they had to rehabilitate him after Sony drove him into the wall too many times. And that doesn't go into the fact that X-Men is a draw franchise, so is Wolverine and good ole Wade Wilson. It's like when the Golden State Warriors signed up Kevin Durant. They didn't need him to contend for titles, but another all-star on your line-up sure as hell didn't hurt. 


That last one (Deadpool) is going to be interesting see what Feige and his crew will do with that in the long term. Last year in an interview he was asked point blank if MCU would ever wade into the R-rated pool and he said no and had no plans to. But now you have Deadpool which made a lot of money. From what I've read about Marvel over the years, there is one thing they love more than anything else and its a trait they share with King Mickey: money. It's not just box office, but merchandise. We all heard the stories of Ike Perlmutter refusing to put out merchandise for Fox-produced Marvel movies because he considered it a form of marketing for them. Yet I see friggin Deadpool T-shirts at Wal-Mart. Why? Because that makes so much money, Marvel wasn't willing to let that money be left sitting on the table. And now that they're on the edge of fully owning him (plus those other licensed to Fox characters), they're gonna not stop doing R-rated Deadpool? I have trouble believing that. Feige is many things, but "stupid" is almost never used to describe him. 


So my guess: they'll ride it out with Deadpool franchise with Ryan Reynolds and whore that character which was what Fox was planning anyway before this deal. Who knows, he might even show up for a cameo in IFINITY WAR just because. That's a good thing about that character, his 4th wall breaking/self-awareness allows you to skirt continuity/logic gaps that normally you would have to be anal about in dealing with. If it was Wolverine, we would baffled and asking how he and Mutants exist in this MCU without being mentioned not once or whatever. If it's Deadpool and after he kills scores of aliens, he tells Cap and Bucky to just get over it and get married because believes they're straight ("Where's your beard Sharon, Steve?")....I think most folks would just accept that at face value.  


One would hope that after DP and LOGAN, Feige would not let that profitable R-rated spandex corner go to rot. One would hope that he would look at what they've got and capitalize/incorporate that creatively and financially into the MCU, or into a (cop out) compromise and make them a parallel dimension and hey what do you know ANT-MAN & THE WASP will deal with the multiverse. What good timing. Hey we might end up with AVENGERS VS. X-MEN or a version of SECRET WARS of that basic premise? Maybe that X-Men corner will be the tonal contrast for the movies like the Netflix shows originally were for the MCU, or Ultimate comics were for the ole 616 continuity?



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Just now, Chewy said:


The world will burn but at least we'll Make The X-Men Great Again

It would be sure as hell nice for Marvel to give a damn and push the X-Men/FF again. 


And best of all: No more friggin Inhumans crap. 

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Just now, RRA said:

I think they're dead as fried chicken and that includes Franco's movie and GAMBIT (not that it'll be missed by many)



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Just now, manny1234 said:

Well the X-Men have not been appearing in Cartoons and Video games because of the Movie Rights shenanigans. 


oh no how dare we not have our x-men in our cartoons and video games.  this is the most important thing we need right now and the larger implications of Disney buying Fox means nothing.  all that matters is we see wolverine and magneto in a video game.

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27 minutes ago, Goffe said:

lmao I'm sure theaters are pretty happy about Disney having even more power to force their exhibition terms on them.


Plus Disney not being as dependent of theaters (because streaming service) as theaters is of studios. 


They must be thrilled, for sure.

I'm sure theaters like that Disney unlike other major studios (WB, Universal & Fox) isn't pushing for a 30-45 day theatrical window 



Spokespeople for Warner Bros. and Universal confirmed that the studios are having discussions with theater owners about shortening release windows, but offered no additional comment. In a presentation this week at the Credit Suisse conference on technology, media, and telecom, Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara said that he was having “constructive conversations” with the exhibition community.




It’s not clear if other studios are also having discussions with theater owners. One major player, Disney, is not involved in this push to shrink windows. That makes some sense, as Disney has emphasized making tentpole films such as “Star Wars” and “The Avengers,” that tend to do sizable business in theaters.





As CinemaCon kicks off today, many major studio chiefs have changed their tune about a high-priced video-on-demand window following theatrical 30 to 45 days after release, Tsujihara being one of the loudest proponents. Others looking to grow the film revenue pie and respond to the younger generation’s ferocious appetite for immediate content on their digital devices include 20th Century Fox chairman/CEO Stacey Snider, 21st Century Fox CEO James Murdoch and Universal chairman Jeff Shell.


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3 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


oh no how dare we not have our x-men in our cartoons and video games.  this is the most important thing we need right now and the larger implications of Disney buying Fox means nothing.  all that matters is we see wolverine and magneto in a video game.

Looks up two posts - sees you bellowing about possible loss of a funny book movie.  :lol:

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7 minutes ago, The Last Panda said:

Yeah, I'm struggling to see why people are getting worked up about how it's terrible for the industry.  I really doubt consumers will feel much of an effect beyond how Disney decides to use their assets.

How about this: Fox as a major working studio and its long rich history will be gone and it'll end up becoming just a label, the same way that United Artists went from being a major studio that gave us the Beatles and James Bond to merely a label that MGM trots out once a blue moon. (Same with Orion which MGM also bought eons ago.) 


Especially the problem is Fox Searchlight, which has produced some Oscar-bait fare in recent years including 12 YEARS A SLAVE which of course won Best Picture. Disney doesn't release that many movies a year, and they're mostly blockbusters like cartoons or space operas or spandex or remakes or whatever. Back in the 1990s with Miramax, that was Disney's awards bait/prestige division but ultimately Disney went away from that direction and ended up selling off Miramax. 


That's the thing about Fox/FS: Disney already has a label they've used since the 1980s for releasing stuff that they don't want released under the Cinderella castle logo: Touchstone. And we don't exactly get that many Touchstone releases anyway these days. 


On the other hand if this deal goes through, a R-rated Shane Black Predator movie will be released through Disney next year. So that's funny. 

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9 minutes ago, manny1234 said:

I think that the Disney purchase will be positive for X-Men like being in posters, merchandise, video games, etc. because Marvel and Disney have been shunning them because of movie rights.

I may be a CBM fan but who the fuck cares about X-Men. There’s a bigger situation going on.

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1 minute ago, TalismanRing said:

I'm sure theaters like that Disney unlike other major studios (WB, Universal & Fox) isn't pushing for a 30-45 day theatrical window 






Going further, Disney wouldn't have much of a reason to shorten their theatrical windows.  They wouldn't be worried about maximizing DVD revenues, as the movie will simply go the streaming service.

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1 minute ago, Walt Disney said:

I can't wait for more news about Disney buying Fox. It is nice having this central place for all news on Disney buying Fox.

You think we ever will see the day Disney buys out WB....or the other way around?

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33 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

So, if the deal ends up happening...Does that mean Dark Phoenix will be the end of Fox universe?


Or are they waiting some years until Marvel finally figures out how to include X-Men on their universe? I mean, is the Gambit movie happening at all ? What about Multiple Man, with James Franco?


I'm just curious. 


I believe if the merger does grow through, then Fox will be allowed to release its own films for a few years separately. After that who knows. I sure hope Disney keeps X-Men separate from the MCU, and doesn't try to reboot it too soon though. 

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2 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

I'm sure theaters like that Disney unlike other major studios (WB, Universal & Fox) isn't pushing for a 30-45 day theatrical window 






The shrinking of the exclusivity window would be the death of movie theaters. It killed pay per view already.

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1 minute ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

I may be a CBM fan but who the fuck cares about X-Men. There’s a bigger situation going on.

Thing is even if Disney/Fox doesn't happen, Fox probably will be sold anyway to whoever is willing to give the Murdochs the money they want like Comcast for example.


It's happening regardless of who buys them. 

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