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17 hours ago, JonathanLB said:

Great news for moviegoers everywhere, one of the best things that could happen. A studio that makes almost all quality movies acquires a studio that has a proud history of great hits as well, but uniting their resources will be a powerful bargaining tool against theaters that are also consolidating (with Regal in talks to be sold to a European-based cinema company). The best thing for moviegoers is Disney's streaming service that's coming, which will hopefully grant access to thousands of movies that Netflix simply doesn't have because they have about 17 movies before 1980. It's pathetic. Their selection has gotten so bad because they spend all of their money making original content, none of it negotiating deals, and try to appeal to the absolute cheapest, poorest people by offering a service for $10/month that really should be $30/month and loaded with more content. 


I don't see any negatives to this deal at all for moviegoers. Fox won't magically neuter Deadpool 2, it'll still be Deadpool 2, Disney won't want to mess with a good thing. 


To say you want more "adult entertainment" where you define "adult" as shitty indie movies that nobody likes is disingenuous at best. Most people would far rather see a Pixar movie than see this year's crappy indie love fest. That's why the box office results are so terrible for these movies. They have awful trailers that appeal to just about nobody, so even with an RT score of 90-100% nobody watches them. They're NOT appealing movies. If you want to see them, that's awesome, I'm sure you'll always be able to find some "hidden indie gem" about a gender neutral non-binary single mother / father / unidentified raising a special needs child in the inner city while struggling with heroin abuse and the injustice of capitalist society, but for the rest of us who like movies that provide actual entertainment value Disney is king. 

Don't feed the Troll, folks.

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17 hours ago, That One Guy said:

I love how every time Jonathan posts something like that, without fail, 5 minutes later there are like four people who respond to it calling him out for it.  By now, he should have learned...

He probably wants attention, and does not care what kind he gets.

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1 hour ago, Sand-omJC said:

Pretty sure some people are over thinking how valuable some of these franchises are.

If I remember correctly Pixar was 7.4 billion, Marvel and Star wars 4 billion.


I would tend to agree that planet of the apes, simpsons, Fan4, X-mens, etc... adaptation rights + libraries are probably not the main factor for that price.


A Fox property like Star india has 650! million clients and could be worth 15billion alone, the IP people talk about could be less than 6% of that deal value.


They are buying around 75-80% of a company that make around 30b a year in revenues with media assets all over the worlds often with much better margins than movies, a big movie make 500-700m in revenues one time.

Edited by Barnack
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14 hours ago, filmlover said:

Just stepped into this thread. I'm gonna assume the last 11 pages have been all doomsday and "fuck Disney" chatter. Peace.

Yeah, pretty much. you are also seeing a great deal of pure ignorance about how the film business. or any business for that matter operates.

My main concern is that Disney has , for a decade, seemed uninterested in backing more seriouis films (the way they used to with Miramax and Hollywood films) and  seldom takes chances or material that  might not be the most commericial in the world. Fox, on the other hand has. Fox Searchlight has been one of the main funders for indie films,and even Fox will take the occasional chance on a mid budget film that does not scream crowd pleaser like the upcoming "The Post".

Maybe Disney will change, go back to the 90's when, for all the many mistakes he  made, Eisner was willing to let Miramax do it's thing,maybe Disnwy won't. That is my main concern about the deal.

But agree some of the paranoia in this thread is over the top.And some of the Anti Capitalist rhetoric is just plain silly. I don't think Disney acqueinf Fox Studios constitutes a "Monopoly." The issue is not how big a company becomes, but how to keep them from abusing their power.

And it's not like The Mouse is plotting to take over the world. They are in it to make a buck. That is why you Avatar fans can rest easy. Disney is smart enough to what Cameron do his own thing, given how lucrative that has been.

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8 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

No, it's because Feige doesn't want to reveal possible spoilers.  He hasn't given out the title for Avengers 4 yet and they finish filming this month.


I know that A4 are missing a title on purpose but are spoilers that big if they release the titles? And how long can they wait? After A3?

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7 minutes ago, fmpro said:


I know that A4 are missing a title on purpose but are spoilers that big if they release the titles? And how long can they wait? After A3?

Probably until 2019 when they start filming the 2020 slate - and even then we know one of them is GOTG3 and probably one of the others is Dr Strange

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Just now, TalismanRing said:

Probably until 2019 when they start filming the 2020 slate - and even then we know one of them is GOTG3 and probably one of the others is Dr Strange


Yeah. Thats what im thinking too. GOTG in may and Strange 2 in November

July realease is still up in the air. Are we seeing a 1st?

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2 hours ago, Sand-omJC said:

Pretty sure some people are over thinking how valuable some of these franchises are.

Lets put it this war, the Franchises are NOT the main reason Disney is making this deal.  The Lucasfilm deal cost Disney Six Billion Dollars,this deal is going to cost Ten Times that much. And thought Star Wars was probably the most valuable franchise there is, The Mouse got a lot more then just the SW franchise in the Lucasfilm deal.

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20 minutes ago, dudalb said:

The Lucasfilm deal cost Disney Six Billion Dollars

4 billion (2 in dollars, 2 in stock dilution), could be around 15 time buying Lucas Art (with Star wars and Indiana Jones franchises coming among the assets)


4 Billion was also how much Disney paid for Marvel Studio.


Just that part of the deal:



Could be bigger than all owned Fox IPs.


The 39% share of SKY could be worth around 7B, etc....

Edited by Barnack
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56 minutes ago, Barnack said:

4 billion (2 in dollars, 2 in stock dilution), could be around 15 time buying Lucas Art (with Star wars and Indiana Jones franchises coming among the assets)


4 Billion was also how much Disney paid for Marvel Studio.


Just that part of the deal:



Could be bigger than all owned Fox IPs.


The 39% share of SKY could be worth around 7B, etc....

My Mistake on the amounts.


But my point still stands;The franchises are not anywhere near the main reason Disney is doing the deal. It will be happy to have them, sure,but it's not at the top of list of reasons fro making the deal.

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3 minutes ago, dudalb said:

My Mistake on the amounts.


But my point still stands;The franchises are not anywhere near the main reason Disney is doing the deal. It will be happy to have them, sure,but it's not at the top of list of reasons fro making the deal.

Yeah the lower correct amount was just to reinforce your point not diminish it.

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I apologize if this has been asked and I'm not going back.  But this deal would give them a 60% percent share in Hulu.  So when they launch they're new service are they going to still have a stake in Hulu or will they sell that share back ?

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4 minutes ago, DARth DAR said:

I apologize if this has been asked and I'm not going back.  But this deal would give them a 60% percent share in Hulu.  So when they launch they're new service are they going to still have a stake in Hulu or will they sell that share back ?

I imagine they could rename Hulu and start with this for their platform and not have 2 different one.

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