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Ready Player One (2018)

Grade it  

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An emotional and nostalgic roller coaster ride. As someone who has made great close friends through the web and online gaming, it touched me.


Spielberg WAS the man for the job, such a great film.


Please go see it, it deserves at least a shot.


The 3D was great, and the visuals were mesmerizing.


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just got home so still processing but really good and fun movie.


I'll try to type more later but the second gate with the Shining was so awesome.  The whole theater was really into that and most of the movie.


I give it at least an A- for now.


so many little throwbacks/easter eggs even down to the Gremlins box that held the orb.  I could write forever to try to fit all of them in.


I liked the Chucky as weapon part and that they kept the MechaGodzilla part from the book and even used the Godzilla theme for it too.


Ok, I have to stop now or else I'll keep going on and not get some sleep :P 

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It's better than the book but I am no fan of the book so that's not a particularly high bar. Not terrible but not particularly good either.


It's at its best when it plays around with how dystopic the setting is but that stuff wasn't really scratched at enough for me. Some of the sequences are pretty electric (Berg can still handle a camera like no one else) in spite of how incredibly visually unpleasant the Oasis is. Others are just a total in-your-face mess though. Made my eyeballs hurt.


Not really my cup of tea. Oh well.

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1 hour ago, baumer said:

That Shining scene. Jesus Christ I orgasmed in that part.




Yeah I figured you might :P


I may like the book a bit more but that's a different medium, but the changes they made still fit the idea of the book so I didn't mind.


But yeah as soon as they picked the Shining and they entered right into the hotel, I even let out a decently loud "yes!"  lol

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2 hours ago, baumer said:

That Shining scene. Jesus Christ I orgasmed in that part.




Pretty much me.


I loved this film btw.  Pretty much what any blockbuster should aspire to be.  Fun as hell, epic, hilarious, well shot and directed, phenomenal pace, and probably one of the best uses of an F-bomb in a PG-13 in a while

Edited by That One Guy
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Not a great movie but a really fun experience. Loved all the challenges and that Shining homage was amazing as a horror fan. They did that scene perfectly. Was awesome how they entered the theater and the first notes of that iconic score kicked in. And the opening chase was ripped right out of a motion simulator and is worth the price of admission alone. 

I did feel the Oasis felt realistic and couldn't help but think of EA (and other big gaming companies) when I saw the stuff you could purchase to use in that world. My main issue was that the Oasis itself felt kind of small compared to when they first introduced it. We see all of these worlds through Wades voiceover in this big colorful panning montage to open the film but we never really visit them. The real world also felt small. Every one in the world was apparently plugged into this reality but all the characters and the main company just happened to be in Ohio?

Outside of the stacks, the actual real world didn't look that dystopian either. There didn't seem to be a reason to escape for those people. But I guess this was realistic when we consider reality now and how many people get obsessed with games like Fortnite and Second Life.

After that first chase (which was incredible in the Dolby 5.1 theater), it took me a little while to get adjusted to the Oasis and it felt a bit off. I got Avatar vibes at times with the CGI and I did not like the design of Nolans avatar or TJ Millers character. But knowing this is a game kind of helped and I was never bored or anything. 

Really liked Sam/Artemis but wish her backstory had been fleshed out more. She is introduced like this Mortheus style of myth and that was really it until her exposition after the dancing scene. A lot of the films main plot elements kind of felt basic like this. We never really understand the impact that IOI is having over the world because it's only briefly mentioned. A players actions in the Oasis is obviously costing a lot because they are gambling with real money but how IOI got that control was never really explained. I get that Nolan was there when it was developed but I dunno maybe I just missed this exposition. I know they were the second biggest company in the world.

Anyway, outside of that, this film is a blast on the big screen and all the set pieces live up to the hype. The film never really stops when you start seeing all the recognizable avatars from other franchises and there are some truly awesome geek out moments. The film definitely feels like Spielberg, especially the end. I didn't even know Simon Pegg was in this and Mark Rylance played that role perfectly.

If you see it, go on the biggest screen you can find (without 3D) and the loudest sound system. This film benefits a lot from it and the seats were shaking like crazy during the climax.

It's not Jurassic Park but it's also not a letdown either. I'm with a lot of other reviewers on this one with a B, 4/5 or 8/10. 

Think WOM is going to be mostly positive from the GA. It's a good family film (outside that one horror sequence which kids probably won't get) with some cartoonish characters (Nolans knockoff Luv henchwoman). Kids ultimately save the world from some evil corporation. Fun escapist cinema which is all it really aims to be and that's just fine.

Edited by somebody85
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The Shining stuff was awesome.  I laughed and gasped when the music came on.  When the twins tell him to come and play and when he encounters the old woman in 237, I thought I could die at that moment and life would end on a perfect note.


I thought Sho (the 11 year old) was an homage to Short Round from Temple of Doom


I thought Ryalance's interpretation of Halliday was an homage to Crispin Glover in Back to the Future.


I got a huge kick out of the Zemekis Cube.


I gasped when Kong first shows up.


The Batmobile, the old one, was awesome.


Lara Croft shows up a few times.


Beetlejuice does as well.


Same with the Delorean.


Did anyone else catch the quick nod to Terminator 2?  When Iron Giant is sent to his death, in the lava, he gives the thumbs up as he is going down.  Loved that part.


The orb (I think that's what it's called) was in a Gremlins box....awesome.


There were tiny interludes of other famous movie music....one was the BTTF theme.


I almost stood up and cheered when Chucky came on screen.


I think I saw Harley Quinn in one of the dance scenes.


Loved it when Samantha scares him with one of the facehuggers from Aliens.  


And of course Freddy and Jason are seen as Avatars in the final battle.


The Saturday Night Fever dance scene was cool too.


Of course the mentioning of John Hughes, Shermer high school, Ridgemont High school, Ferber High....all cool little mentions.


i don't recall any Star Wars characters, although people tell me they are in there, but there is a scene where Wade has a lightsabre.  


So many cool references in the film.  I need to see it again for sure.



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Good film, very enjoyable!


References were cool, for the Jim gang, we had the T2 thumbs up and the pulse rifle and Sulaco miniture. Wish they used the iconic sound of the pulse rifle though. I heard their was Na'vi? I didn't see them though.


The ridiculousness of it all made the romance and inspirational lines fall somewhat flat for me but it was a solid 8/10 for me.


Also last but not least.

The creator of the virtual Oasis was called Jim, coincidence? I think not.

Edited by IronJimbo
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1 hour ago, IronJimbo said:

Good film, very enjoyable!


References were cool, for the Jim gang, we had the T2 thumbs up and the pulse rifle and Sulaco miniture. Wish they used the iconic sound of the pulse rifle though. I heard their was Na'vi? I didn't see them though.


The ridiculousness of it all made the romance and inspirational lines fall somewhat flat for me but it was a solid 8/10 for me.


Also last but not least.

The creator of the virtual Oasis was called Jim, coincidence? I think not.

Hist last name was Holiday. I think the reference was clear.


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