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I'm afraid to watch the finale.  I'm afraid to see who's going to die from the group.  I hope Hershel doesn't get killed.


Well....  :ph34r:  You know the comics?  :P


Well seriously I have forgotten that next weeks episode is already mid-season finale.... its a pain in my a** to wait a week for the episode and studying for my exams won´t help it  :angry:

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I don't know the comics.


And I hate that this show has been on for about two months and now we have a break for three months.  Fucking ridiculous.  

AMC can't get 16 episodes of a show like this done to be aired back to back. Hell FX barely gets 13 episodes of SOA done.

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It was kinda ridiculous. The baby was killed by the zombies and Lily kills the Governor because yes. That is not how it is done in the comics, it is far worse and makes no sense. In the comics it is far better.

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It was kinda ridiculous. The baby was killed by the zombies and Lily kills the Governor because yes. That is not how it is done in the comics, it is far worse and makes no sense. In the comics it is far better.

Pretty hard to go by the book when Lori's been dead for a while now.
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I don't know, I kinda doubt Judith is dead. The way it was shown is the classic trope of being believable enough to fool characters in the moment while not being definitive in any way.

Edited by 4815162342
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Wow, what a freaking awesome episode.


Daryl single-handedly took down a tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Even though Michonne got him, glad to see Lilly had the honor of finishing him off. She deserved to after he abandoned Meghan to go after the prison.


Though I think my favorite single shot in the whole episode was Lizzie shooting Alisha (Tara's girlfriend). The look on Alisha's face when she saw who shot her buddy, and then the way Lizzie just ended the situation was incredible.



I don't know, I kinda doubt Judith is dead.


I'm thinking Judith is fine. That car carrier is pretty damn bulky when you're running for your life. Far smarter to take the baby out of it. Especially since they showed two kids struggling to carry it.


We don't know, obviously, but for now I'm hoping that if Lizzie and Mika can take down some of the people shooting at them, then I'm thinking that should have been able to protect Judith too.

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That could be the greatest episode of any TV show I've ever seen.  I can't judge it yet because it's so fresh, but imho, it's up there with the best episodes of Seinfeld, Dallas (Who shot JR, yes, I'm old) and anything else that is considered classic.  I felt empty when Hershel died.  But yes, he died happy, that final thought was that he was so proud of Rick.  Maggie's reaction to her dad dying was heartbreaking and seeing the kids help Hershel was brilliant.  Maybe Rick should not have banished Carol as everything she prepared the kids for helped save Tyrese's life.  And Daryl is just too cool for words, takes out the tank.  And I'm glad he didn't spare that asshole's life when he got out of the tank.


Rick got shot

Carls saves his life

Michonne kills the governor, basically


Just a frikkin awesome hour of TV.

Edited by baumer
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That was quite an episode 


Easily could've been a season finale and idk if they can ever top this 


For those thinking that the baby is dead... come on guys we all know better than that don't we ? ;) 


This show can get REAL slow and boring but when shit goes down like every 4 or 5 episodes its some of the best television ever  

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