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BOX OFFICE THEORY WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM WEEKEND THREAD | 150 OW OFFICIAL ESTIMATE | No Spoilers, Read Rules First Post! | First Post Updated with Sale Info

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4 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

lmfao Tree got his ban extended to a YEAR


Tree -(6/22/18)-Banned for One Year for abusive behavior towards the staff and a pattern of breeding hostility, attacking members, and poisoning the well

the good thing is he can't sneak back in with a double account. you know he can't help posting something that would obviously reveal himself like "My 15 year old girlfriend tried to tell me i need to wipe my ass after taking a shit. lmao what a weirdo i love cocaine" within the first day.

Edited by CoolioD1
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3 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

lmfao Tree got his ban extended to a YEAR


Tree -(6/22/18)-Banned for One Year for abusive behavior towards the staff and a pattern of breeding hostility, attacking members, and poisoning the well

Is said abusive behavior just that grim avatar or has he been hounding people in PMs or something. Sheesh.

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I think the funniest part of this is how it started.  Tree posts a Jurassic World spoiler, then gets banned for a week, then changes his avatar to "Grim is a ----" and gets banned for a month, then presumably angers the mods further and gets banned for a year.  all you had to do was accept your one week ban dude.  congrats on being banned for 52 weeks though, have fun.

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1 minute ago, CoolioD1 said:

whaaaa?! this video isn't even from when the movie was new it's from last year! i'm calling shenanigans on this!


How many times did you watch it, buddy.


It's okay. You're in a safe place. Be honest.

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20 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

lmfao Tree got his ban extended to a YEAR


Tree -(6/22/18)-Banned for One Year for abusive behavior towards the staff and a pattern of breeding hostility, attacking members, and poisoning the well

My bans only work in years. I had to explain that to WB and the rest of the team but he finally understood. I am just warning everyone else for what to expect when I eventually ban them as well this weekend :) 

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