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I thought the last episode was a bit overrated.


But this? Surely one of the finest episodes I have ever seen on TV, bar none. I know, the show went completely CRAZY but it was god damn masterful. Cranston locked in his Emmy if it already wasn't with that last scene with Skylar.

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Best episode ever. Omg that was amazing!!!!!!!! Craston is amazing.  

I am assuming the next episode will be Walts new identity. The final episode him returning to new mexico. Where the mid break started off in that intro thing they do.

Edited by Dexter of Suburbia
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I think so.I think they can save an hour on the 2014 Emmy's by just declaring this and everyone involved the winner

You would think so, but the Emmy's are the worst of the awards shows, nominations and winners are almost always the same shows over and over again, regardless of the rise and fall in quality of shows. Mad Men seems to be nominated for everything out of sheer habit, yet I only know 1 person who watches it regularly (I've tried several times but never got through a whole episode).

Breaking Bad should have a near sweep in nominations and wins as this season is one of the best seasons of any show in the history of television.

I don't say that lightly, I'm thinking back to every show I've ever watched and can't think of another show that maintained this kind of quality and intensity every single episode with outstanding writing and acting across the board as well.

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I need a hug. :unsure: Tonight's episode was one of the most devastating things I've ever watched in a movie or on TV. It's just all so fucked up now, and it's absolutely heartbreaking how things got this way. This is emotionally exhausting. Everyone involved deserves the highest praise possible though for wringing this kind of real life emotion out of a tv show. That fictional characters and events could affect me so much truly means they've reached the pinnacle of their craft with this show.

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I didn't even finish the first episode ... just so bored with it.


I gave up on that show after 1 ep



Lone Winter Sun lost 86% of Breaking Bad's ratings last week!  If it were a movie, it would be One Direction: This is Us in terms of retention.


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This is really bad for my psyche.

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