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Megalopolis l September 27, 2024 | Lionsgate | Francis Ford Coppola's future magnum opus l CINEMA HAS BEEN SAVED

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6 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

I don’t trust studio executives to tell me if a movie is good or not 


If it’s on Cannes in competition it probably have strong artistic value, even if it’s divisive 


Now Coppola have to pray he actually won, it would make it easier for him to sell the distribution rights 

The studios heads are not taking about if it good or not, they are saying it will be a hard sell.

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21 minutes ago, dudalb said:

The studios heads are not taking about if it good or not, they are saying it will be a hard sell.

Nah, the THR article yesterday had head executives saying the movie is awful, quality-wise 

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5 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

Nah, the THR article yesterday had head executives saying the movie is awful, quality-wise 

Yes, but these are the kinds of people that tried to tell the world Titanic was doomed back in early 97. Execs in the movie industry don't seem to actually know how to gauge the quality of their own product. 

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I feel like a savvy marketing team and studio willing to take a risk COULD sell this (lean into the mystery, make it a legendary event, "an undefinable next step of cinema you need to see to believe", etc.) and trick people into seeing it opening weekend who'd otherwise never see it. Y'know how studios got audiences in the 70s to see weird foreign/art films? Deceptive (and alluring...sometimes for sex appeal lol) marketing. Sure you might get a steep 2nd weekend drop but at least people would see it and talk about it vs throwing in the tower and not even trying. Hyping it up, getting a decent opening and buzz (even with a steep 2nd weekend drop) could garner more theatrical $ than a foregone "it'll flop" mentality (self fulfilling prophecy) and they just dump it with no fanfare.

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42 minutes ago, SchumacherFTW said:

Yes, but these are the kinds of people that tried to tell the world Titanic was doomed back in early 97. Execs in the movie industry don't seem to actually know how to gauge the quality of their own product. 


The negative stuff on Titanic was before the movie was shown to anyone. That's not the case with Coppola's movie. The biggest studios in the western world saw the movie on a giant IMAX screen and they don't think the movie is good enough to invest their money into a market & distribution budget. 

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Honestly I'm pretty suspicious of the timing with those writeups yesterday. The trades all knew the movie was gunning for Cannes at least if they didn't already know the movie had been selected for an in competition screening (and I'm pretty doubtful of that). They also knew it would be rage bait for scandal happy Film Twitter (and BOT). It's all part of the movie's promotional campaign as the "cool, controversial Coppola opus"



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2 hours ago, dudalb said:

Maybe the studio heads should  remember what happned to Jack Woltz, head of Woltz Pictures, in the God Father.


Coppola does insist on hearing bad news immediately...

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5 hours ago, redfirebird2008 said:


The negative stuff on Titanic was before the movie was shown to anyone. That's not the case with Coppola's movie. The biggest studios in the western world saw the movie on a giant IMAX screen and they don't think the movie is good enough to invest their money into a market & distribution budget. 

Most of the negative stories about Titanic were not about that the film was bad, but about how trouble the production was, and how it had gone way way overbudget. Which was true.

But remain pretty skeptical of the artistic taste of many in the film industry nowdays. TOo many of them have no real love of film, they just see it as product. And that is what is different between now and the golden age of the Studio system For all there many faults..and they had many..the Mayers, the Warners, the Zanuck, the Selznkics, lover movies and being in the movie business. That is not true of many  in the businesss today.

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I think Tree of Life is an apt comparison for this, not in terms of the content of the film but in terms of everything else - divisive, non-commercial film from a legendary director making his huge comeback with a Cannes debut. You know that a few people are certainly going to consider this an all time masterpiece, and a few people will find it a total debacle, but history I think ultimately ends up kind to it like it has been kind to Tree of Life.

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In his statement to VF, Coppola includes a long list of names that influenced the creation of “Megalopolis”: “I wouldn’t have been able to make it without standing as I do on the shoulders of G.B. Shaw, Voltaire, Rousseau, Bentham, Mill, Dickens, Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller, Fournier, Morris, Carlyle, Ruskin, Butler, and Wells all rolled into one; with Euripides, Thomas More, Moliere, Pirandello, Shakespeare, Beaumarchais, Swift, Kubrick, Murnau, Goethe, Plato, Aeschylus, Spinoza, Durrell, Ibsen, Abel Gance, Fellini, Visconti, Bergman, Bergson, Hesse, Hitchcock, Kurosawa, Cao Xueqin, Mizoguchi, Tolstoy, McCullough, Moses, and the prophets all thrown in.” 


Will admit to letting myself get excited

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