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The Artist

2:45 PM - 571 Seats SOLD OUT - Paris Theater NYC


Young Adult - All the old people were laughing

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close - I think this looks great

W.E. - I thought of The King's Speech


Uggie the dog is probably the best part of the movie. He's loyal and strong and awesome. George Valentin was really funny and Peppy Miller had a great rags to riches story. Hm, what else... There's a part where he has a dream about staying silent when movies get sound and it's hilarious.

It's hard to believe it kept my concentration with no words (well, like three are spoken at the end) and there are some scenes that have no music so you're just sitting there quietly. It's weird :P The music was great as well as the dancing. I can see the Best Picture-ness in there but I don't know, it really isn't THAT good. I thought The Descendants (which I just saw last night) was better.

Still great though and everyone clapped at the end.

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I'm not sure about "Man or Muppet", but "Life's a Happy Song" seems to be a lock to win unless of course the BP winner has a fancy song behind it all.

I do agree that was a great song, but I thought the other one was pretty comical, it was sang in a sad way but they just made it funny.
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Hugo1:40 showing250 seat theater about 60% fullTrailers-Tintin- little to no reaction againChipwrecked- solid chatter, especially at any musical bitsBig Miracle- surprisingly good reactionThere was 1 more but I can't recall it.This movie was beautifully shot and well crafted, every scene just felt "real". The crowd was fairly quiet, but riveted.I really had no idea what the plot was supposed to be as I had only seen the teaser trailer and thought the automaton would be somehow more central rather than just a plot point (a key one though) and the story played out beautifully. I like when I have no idea where a story is going and how it will play out, it's so rare these days.The 3D was well done, even if I feel that, as usual, it wasn't really necessary.A solid 9/10

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Hugo in 3D

5:55PM Saturday, November 26th

Cinemark Palace 20, Boca Raton

Theater Capacity: 148 (98% full; surprising mix of young people and old people, but then again this is "Boca" we're talking about)

Ticket Price: $10.50

TRAILERS: (*I arrived late, must've missed a few)

Lorax - looks funny, good reaction.

Titanic 3D - got LOTS of talking from everyone in the audience

The Adventures of Tin Tin - quiet, weak reaction.


I've had a few hours tonight to collect my thoughts and consider my opinion of Hugo. On the one hand (no pun intended), the film completely surprised me in terms of where the story takes you and figuring out what was going to happen next. But on the other hand, the story arguably hits a wall 85% of the way in and ends in a lazily constructed fashion. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and look forward to spreading the word amongst my friends and family.

You really cannot go wrong with a Scorsese movie, and Hugo is no exception. As others have already noted, this film really demonstrates the potential 3D has to complement a narrative rather than become a gimmick to squeeze a few more bucks out of your wallets. The visuals really are fantastic... in fact not since Inception have I wondered to myself mid-film "how did they shoot some of these movie scenes?" Also, the characters in the story are all three-dimensional human-beings rather than merely 'characters' (which is similarly complemented by the use of 3D effects as well). The fact that Hugo plays more like a non-fiction adventure documentary than a science-fiction family epic as the movie progresses is the greatest achievement of this film. About midway into the story I was sitting on the edge of my seat, fascinated by the direction Hugo & Isabel's discoveries were headed, but more importantly the emphasis they make on educating the audience of the history of cinema. It's told so magically, I actually got misty-eyed at one point when they featured an old film/clip... but I can't say more without spoiling details.

The only film I can fairly compare Hugo to for a number of reasons is Finding Neverland. They're both really nice films that take place a few generations ago and are romanticized stories based on very real events/milestones in the history of story-telling. Hugo is an entertaining, (mostly) historically accurate period drama under the facade of a sparkly, family-friendly fantasy film. Its only fault is that it ends kind of carelessly (i.e. much like a family film), but in hindsight it's selfish for me to expect anything more could've come from this film. I definitely recommend this movie to adults, not children, as I believe they have more to gain from watching this than a child would.

THE VERDICT: 9.6 / 10.0, A

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My original plan last night was to see The Descendants, it was selling out like crazy, so I decided to see Martha Marcy May Marlene instead at the other indie movie theater in town. I made sure to buy tickets online for The Descendants today so I can be sure to see it.Tralier: The Descendants (Ironic, isn't it?)Movie:This movie is kind of like Winter's Bone. You go in for the lead performance, and just watch the rest, but this was better than WB. I loved the jumping between when she was with the cult and her life now. Olsen is very strong in her debut performance, but I don't know if she can hold on to the momentum come Oscar nomination time. Sarah Paulson was also very strong in her role, but will probably not receive any recognition. The ending is a bit of a let down, but at the same time smart on the director's part. Overall, I enjoyed it, and it did provide some tense moments along the way that were not expected.Grade: B+, Elizabeth Olsen: A

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My Week with Marilyn

Sunday, 12:10 pm screening, roughly 25% full, about 50 people. About 50% male, 50% female, but a lot of older patrons.


The Iron Lady


Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - lots of laughs from the older members of the audience on this one.

Young Adult

The Artist - lots of murmering

Michelle Williams does a fantastic job here, as does Kenneth Branaugh, but this is absolutely Michelle's movie. It's not exactly fast-paced, but it kept my attention. I felt I might have enjoyed it more if I had seen The Prince and the Showgirl before seeing this.


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Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1

Sunday, 3:50pm Ultra Screen 500 seater and 85% full


Hunger Games- Lots of talk

Snow White and the Huntsmen- Lots of talk

Man on Ledge- Silence

Mirror, Mirror- Silence

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo- Some talk

Movie: Second best Twilight after Eclipse. The acting was still cheesy and rough but better than the past films. The wolf and baby CGI was amazing. The film wasn't slow and boring like New Moon. It is the first Twilight I have sat through and didn't get bored. I am excited for Part 2.


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The Muppets

Tuesday, 7:00 PM, 80% full. 95% of the audience was adults.

Trailers (there was not much reaction to any of them)

Mirror Mirror

Big Miracle

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked

The Pirates!: Band of Misfits


Short Film: Toy Story Toons "Small Fry", not much reaction. A fun short film, but not great.

The film itself was a lot of fun, a nice nostalgic treat, and most of the jokes were good. The musical numbers were also nice. The audience applauded at the end, and there were a lot of laughs throughout.


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HUGO (3D) (In the UK)2:00PM today17/around 200 seats full (and y'know, I'm pretty sure I was the youngest person there...)Trailers:The Artist - The only trailer, really? This is the trailer you're gonna play in front of a 3D screening of a family film? Well since the rest of the audience were all old they seemed to react well to it.But I couldn't really gauge a reaction to the film itself, pretty much complete silence throughout, no laughs at SBC's slapstick, etc, etc. Though everyone did stay throughout the credits, and that's usually a good sign right? I didn't even hear them talking about it as everyone was leaving. Hmmmm.

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The Muppets


5% full (250 seater)


The Secret World Of Arrietty - Interesting.

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island - Lame.

Alvin & The Chipmunks 3 - KILL IT WITH FIRE

The Adventures Of Tintin - Awesome.

Brave - Also Awesome

The Short: <3

The Movie: <3 <3 <3 <3

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The Descendants

Friday, 8 PM

Attendance: Roughly 100 people in attendance. Crowd obviously skewed older. There were a few twenty-something but it was mainly adults and older people.


War Horse- Didn't get much of a reaction. A few whispers at Speilberg's name. I know this is one of the big Oscar pictures but I think it looks like some PC sentimental garbage.

We Bought A Zoo- Same, not much of a reaction, I also think this looks very sappy. The sad part is I will probably end up seeing both films. War Horse, definitely.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo- Love this trailer. It got some whispers, the woman next to me must have read the books because she perked up when this came on.

Marigold Hotel- Looks like a powerhouse indie-comedy with a bunch of veteran actors (Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, + Dev Patel). Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, this got the best reaction of the night. It looks funny and got alot of laughs and buzz, my friends included.

Contraband- Mark Whalberg crime movie. Looks bad. N/R

Young Adult- This got a great reaction. I want to see this


I can see why it's getting great reviews and lots of Oscar-buzz. It was really solid. Very funny in parts but also sad, and it definitely connected with the audience on an emotional level. A girl I was with cried through the whole film, but in the last 10 minutes I swear half the theater was crying, all I heard around me was people sniffling. Clooney was pretty good but I'm not a fan of the narration. The crowd definitely liked it, it should get great WOM.

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The MuppetsFriday 9:30pm Regal Arnot Mall 1015 people (all were adults)Trailers:Brave: some reaction, looks greatPirates Band of Misfits: Everyone was laughing, looks pretty good.Journey 2: Looks kind of lame in my opinion but not a lot of reaction.The Secret World of Arrietty: It actually looked pretty good but got little reaction.Tintin: It looks good but getting a little tired of the same trailer.Toy Story Short Small Fry: It got a pretty good reaction and I loved seeing the whole gang back but this wasnt as great as the other toy story short.Review: The Muppets: What a wonderful movie. Jason Segel, you made a movie that made me feel like a little kid (Which if you ask most people I still am a kid). The movie starts off with Gary (Jason Segel), Gary's longtime girlfriend Mary (Amy Adams), and Gary's Muppet brother Walter (voiced by Peter Linz) finding out that Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) has learn that there is oil under the Muppets Studio and plans to tear it down. Its up to Gary, Mary, and Walter to help reunite the Muppets and save the studio. Now the film does have a few plot holes, feels a little rushed in the middle, and the film is missing a few muppets but that didnt really bother me that much. The music seqences are all great fun epsically the chickens singing Cee Lo Greens "Forget You" (or as other people know it as "F**k You"). The celebrity cameos include from Ken Jong to Zach Galifiankis to Rashid Jones but Big Bang Theory's Jim Parson really goes all out in his small cameo roll. the movie makes you laugh, makes you cry, and makes you laugh again. I personally cant wait to get the dvd of this movie and maybe the soundtrack as well. 4.5 out of 5

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The Philippines

December 3, 2011 at 7:35 PM

30 people (mostly families)

Trailers: (Yes, here films like these are attached to family films, LOL)





THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN was very enjoyable. I liked the animation (visually amazing) and the story was fun. I thought Jamie Bell did a great job. There were funny moments courtesy of the twin police officers (the kleptomaniac dialogue, LOL). The final scene obviously hinted a possible sequel and I really hope we'll see a second one. If this is accepted by the Academy as an animated film, this could win the Oscar.


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Finally I got on-been trying to for about an hour and a half now!Anwyay, here is my report:Hugo 3D11:25 AMAbout 30% full.Trailers:Beauty and the Beast 3DEpisode I 3D-Had quiet a bit of talking.The Lorax-Best response. Tons of lauging.Pirates-Great response as well.Paranorman-Nothing, but this looks...odd and bad.Tintin-Laughs at the same parts (The sandwitch line the most) I do want to see this, but I'm really tired of this trailer as I think it might of passed Immortals as the trailer I've seen the most in 2011.Movie: Wow. Where to begin? Nothing at all like I was expecting. And everyone-don't believe the trailers-it is nothing like they potray the film. If they did put what the film really is about it would of done much better. Anyway, great great film. Best dang film of 2011! Love the costumes and sets. Oh when Christopher Lee appeared I heard quite a bit of laughter. Anyway, I hope this wins cinematgrophy and sets. The kid was great in it. Coen was funny in his part. Everyone loved it-adults and kids. SEE THIS MOVIE NOW!A++++

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