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UK Box Office Thread

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11 minutes ago, Heretic said:

Unfortunately admissions in the UK aren't really tracked, we rarely get data on it.


However, Lumiere tracks admissions for films in European countries. According to them, Skyfall's admissions were 16.15m, DH2 12.06m, Avatar 16.5m and Titanic 18.9m. It seems strange that Avatar, having grossed £8m less than Skyfall and having 3D would have more admissions, but there's a lot to take into account like 3D shares and premiums, as well as share of adults/kids, as kids tickets are cheaper etc etc.


Obviously we have no clue what kind of 3D share or adult-child ratio SW is having, but I'm sure its admissions will be somewhere in the 15-20m range by the end of its run.


Thanks :) !


Awesome to aee sw7 will be in the giga admissions league! If ep 8 has a skyfall to spectre type drop in the uk we're in for another huge film in 2017 too! 

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1 hour ago, terrestrial said:


Thanks for the link, I've just cited that to update the wikipedia list of highest grossing films in the UK to include Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

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46 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

Tue looking £5.7m. DH still strong, can make a run for £10m. Wow. The UK box office is on fire, Spectre still doing £100k weekdays, closing on Avatar, currently at £93.5m


Thanks for the update 'Alfred', please let us know when Spectre surpasses Avatar's £94 mil.

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48 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

Tue looking £5.7m. DH still strong, can make a run for £10m. Wow. The UK box office is on fire, Spectre still doing £100k weekdays, closing on Avatar, currently at £93.5m


If Spectre passes Avatar, then 2 of the top 3 highest grossing films will be from this year! That's crazy!

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9 minutes ago, m3racer123 said:


If Spectre passes Avatar, then 2 of the top 3 highest grossing films will be from this year! That's crazy!


It does give that impression, until you realize its totally false, as ticket prices in the UK go up at quite a noticeable rate from year to year.

Hence why the UK film chart is totally dominated by films from just recent years.


The reality is, if these films had their grosses adjusted for inflation, or were actually based on admissions, most of these films would be no where near the top of the box office list in the UK.


As an example the films currently in the top 10 UK film list, generally had admissions estimated in the region between 15-20 million. Whereas films such as Gone with the Wind and The Sound of Music, had admissions estimated as 35 million and 30 million respectively.





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2 hours ago, mepal1 said:


It does give that impression, until you realize its totally false, as ticket prices in the UK go up at quite a noticeable rate from year to year.

Hence why the UK film chart is totally dominated by films from just recent years.


The reality is, if these films had their grosses adjusted for inflation, or were actually based on admissions, most of these films would be no where near the top of the box office list in the UK.


As an example the films currently in the top 10 UK film list, generally had admissions estimated in the region between 15-20 million. Whereas films such as Gone with the Wind and The Sound of Music, had admissions estimated as 35 million and 30 million respectively.





if we track admission data,then the movie before 1980 shall be excluded because the cinematic landscape was so much different compared to modern era

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1 hour ago, titanic2187 said:

if we track admission data,then the movie before 1980 shall be excluded because the cinematic landscape was so much different compared to modern era


True, i was just putting things into perspective.


BFI (British Film Institute), official All-time UK film chart with inflation adjusted figures for 2014, for films since 1975.


1.   Titanic                                                                        £110 mil                1998/2012

2.   Skyfall                                                                        £106.5 mil             2012

3.   Avatar                                                                        £104.3 mil             2009

4.   Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone                   £90.2 mil               2001

5.   The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring      £85.9 mil               2001

6.   Jaws                                                                           £81.3 mil               1975

7.   Toy Story 3                                                                £79.5 mil               2010

8.   The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King            £79.4 mil              2003

9.   Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace                £77.6 mil               1999

10. Mamma Mia!                                                              £77.5 mil               2008


Note 1. Obviously 2015 films:- SWTFA & Spectre, will now appear on this list when it gets updated for 2015.


Note 2. The original Star Wars film is 15th on the all-time list with £75.7 mil adjusted


Note 3. I cant believe Mamma Mia is on this list :wacko:





Edited by mepal1
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11 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

how on earth does Avatar get closer to Skyfall considering it had 3d and had high 3d ratio as well while skyfall was 2d film.


Not quite sure what your saying here, but if its based on the inflation adjusted figures, then Avatar would benefit quite a bit more than Skyfall, due to it being an older film, hence the ticket price adjustments would be higher.

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I think he means admissions, in which case it's far too complicated to even calculate. Maybe Avatar had a much higher child-adult ratio, but I highly doubt those admission figures are accurate anyway.


And there's no point talking about films like Gone with the Wind and Sound of Music when annual admissions in those days were past the billion mark. Now they're like 170m. The dynamics of cinema have changed completely. 15m in this day and age is incredible.

Edited by Heretic
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4 hours ago, keysersoze123 said:

how on earth does Avatar get closer to Skyfall considering it had 3d and had high 3d ratio as well while skyfall was 2d film.

Maybe this chart only takes inflation into account, i.e. the general increase in the price of goods and services. I don't think it takes ticket prices into account - and certainly not admissions, which are more difficult to calculate.

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16 minutes ago, quigquag33 said:

Maybe this chart only takes inflation into account, i.e. the general increase in the price of goods and services. I don't think it takes ticket prices into account - and certainly not admissions, which are more difficult to calculate.


that makes no sense. I always thought adjusted numbers are based on ticket price inflation. But you cannot compare a 3d film vs 2d film. I am sure 3d factor would take average ticket price of Avatar way above skyfall. Especially since it released at the peak of 3d everywhere. Even SW7 is not having big 3d ratio.

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19 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:


that makes no sense. I always thought adjusted numbers are based on ticket price inflation. But you cannot compare a 3d film vs 2d film. I am sure 3d factor would take average ticket price of Avatar way above skyfall. Especially since it released at the peak of 3d everywhere. Even SW7 is not having big 3d ratio.


Yeah, I agree it's pointless to do the comparison they way I'm describing it, but -judging from the numbers- I think that's how they do it. If anyone knows something more accurate, let us know.

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